🏆 Best Literary Criticism Topic Ideas & Essay Examples
- Literary Criticism on Adventures of Huckleberry FinnIn the essay, Wallace examines the racism in the novel in a bid to protect the African Americans from “mental cruelty and harassment depicted in the novel.
- Feminist Criticism in Literature: Character of Women in BooksWright The unimportance of women in the play is a critical factor for the women should follow all the things that their men counterparts impose on them.
- Literary Criticism: The Negro Speaks of Rivers by Langston HughesThis paper examines the poem “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” by Langston Hughes and delineates the meaning by focusing on the various elements in the poem like setting, the background of the author, and the […]
- Formalist Strategies in Literary CriticismIf we analyze the approach of a formalist critic we would see that this form of criticism is more dependent on imageries presented in the text rather than the basics of the literature.
- Feminist Approach in Literary CriticismThe reason for this is simple this particular plot’s development suggests that, just as it happened to be the case with the functioning of a male psyche, the working of a female psyche implies that […]
- Literary and Theatrical Criticism on Ibsen’s “Enemy of the People”It was an essential part of Ibsen’s dramatic talent that he embodied the problems and conflicts of his own personality in the characters of his plays.
- Theories of Literary Criticism: Social and Literary PhilosophyThis essay engages in an in-depth, meaningful, and critical discussion of the most significant theories of public criticism.
- Literary Criticism of The Yellow Wallpaper by GilmanWhen she is isolated in the room, she notices a shadow emerging from the wallpaper and creeping over the walls and floor.
- The Concept of Literary CriticismFeminist literary criticism is focused on the analysis of texts from the feminist perspective. Feminist literary criticism is based on the feminist theory and broad politics of feminism.
- The Literary Criticism of AgnosticismAgnostics have been unable to take a stand in the issue due to their inability to make a decision and it is advisable that agnostics emulate theists and atheists.
- “Contemporary Literary Criticism” by LowellHis collection of poems “The Mills of the Kavanaughs” was written under the influence of Robert Frost and Robert Browning. The poem is mixed with images of death and a young boy’s love for his […]
- New Criticism in the English and American LiteratureConsequently, any effort to state the meaning of the poem appears to be heretical, as it is an affront to the honesty of the complex arrangement of sense within the literary creation.
🎓 Good Research Topics about Literary Criticism
- Applying Marxist Literary Criticism to “Of Mice and Men”
- Biblical Literary Criticism: Higher Criticism
- Charles Dickens Novels Literary Criticism
- Classical and Literary Traditions in Literary Criticism
- Fahrenheit 451: Literary Criticism and Critical Analysis
- Feminist Literary Criticism: Feminist Critical Theory
- The Link Between Formalism and the School of Literary Criticism
- Peculiarities of Applying Literary Criticism to Graphic Novels
- Jane Tompkins’ Revolutionary Approach to Literary Criticism
- Analysis of Ecocriticism as a Literary Criticism
- Linking Literary Criticism and Linguistics
- The Parallels Between Literary Criticism and Marxist Criticism
- Margit Stange’s Literary Criticism of Chopin’s “The Awakening”
- Magical Realism Literature Literary Criticism
- Marxist Literary Criticism Applied to Middlemarch
- Post Structuralist Literary Criticism of English Literature
- The Relationships Between Literary Theories and Literary Criticism
- Correlations Between Psychoanalysis and Literary Criticism
- Romantic Literary Criticism Criticism: Background and Overviews
- Satire and Hypocrisy: Literary Criticism of Lewis’ “The Monk”
🥇 Interesting Topics to Write about Literary Criticism
- The Link Between American Narrative and Literary Criticism
- Romantic Literary Criticism Criticism: The German Romantics
- The Feminist Literary Criticism: Women’s Struggle
- The Contemporary Literary Criticism of Frank McCourt’s Poetry
- The Relations Between Structuralism and Literary Criticism
- The Four Basic Approaches to Literary Criticism
- “The Great Gatsby” Through a Marxist Literary Criticism Lens
- The Important Things Regarding Professional Literary Criticism
- The Purpose and Usage of Literary Criticism
- Discussion on the African American Literary Criticism
- Pros and Cons of Literary Criticism
- Literary Criticism of “Well in a Wrinkle in Time” by Madeleine L’Engle
- Different Perspectives of Literary Criticism on the Works of Literature
- Journey Through Digital Literature: Hidden Literature and Literary Criticism in Video Games
- Feminist Literary Criticism of Rip Van Winkle
- Overview of Methods of Feminist Literary Criticism
- Literary Criticism of “A White Heron” by Sarah Orne Jewett
- Feminist Literary Criticism of the Yellow Wallpaper
- Literary Criticism as a Study With Its Functions
- Overview of New Historicism in Literary Criticism