103 Psychotherapy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Psychotherapy Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Long-Term Psychotherapy: The Case of Thelma
    According to Thelma, she was certain that her stepfather sexually abused her when she was young. However, Thelma had a stepfather, and according to her narration, she was not a father figure.
  2. Theories and Applications of Counseling and Psychotherapy
    Counseling is a kind of psychological assistance aimed to overcome the problems of a mental and emotional nature.
  3. Client Presenting Problem: Psychotherapy
    The anxiety manifested as she thought of how her partner would leave her because of the habits she portrayed. The session would experience opposition from June, believing that the therapist would be unable to figure […]
  4. Theory and Practical Application of Psychotherapy
    It is the application of knowledge in the study of human activity such as the day to day lives and mental illness.
  5. Yalom Irvin’s Psychotherapy Theories
    This is taken as a restraining factor in the progress of the group since the therapist will have to stop and try to observe the safety of the patients together with his/her own life.
  6. The Impact of the Fruits of the Spirit on Psychotherapy
    This is a respect that is given to all Human beings, and it is supposed to serve as the ‘hand’ which Christians are in a position to use to reach out other people to show […]
  7. The Importance of Personal Therapy on Psychotherapy Students
    There is a lot of study assessing the role of personal therapy that students of psychotherapy have to undergo in the fulfilment of their course work.
  8. Spirituality and Psychotherapy
    Moore’s book is to a larger extent similar to the other pre-readings in that all of them are dealing with an aspect of spirituality and the mind.
  9. Aspects of NTU Psychotherapy
    John is unsure of where he wants to go with the counseling and begins to complain about himself and his position.
  10. Eliminating Idleness and Sense of Inferiority: Psychotherapy Theory & Practice
    The model notes that healthcare professionals, such as psychologists, have the power to influence the views of the individuals whereby the main aim would be to enhance identity and connections.
  11. The Impact of Therapeutic Alliance on Psychotherapy Outcomes and Malpractice Claims
    In summary, the therapeutic relationship is essential to the effectiveness of psychotherapy and to lowering the possibility of malpractice claims. It is crucial to understand that even while the therapeutic partnership plays a substantial role, […]
  12. Dynamic Group Psychotherapy and Its Benefits for Depression
    In assessing the condition of patients, in addition to the Hamilton scales, the scales of somatic anxiety and mental anxiety participated.
  13. Jungian Psychotherapy for Depression and Anxiety
    They work as a pizza delivery man in their spare time from scientific activities, and their parents also send them a small amount of money every month.S.migrated to New York not only to get an […]
  14. Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy
    First of all, counselors need to be trained to develop an awareness of the existence and characteristics of cultural differences in understanding, communication, values, and lifestyles of people of different groups.
  15. Psychotherapy Impact on Nursing Shortage and Burnout
    The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has, by all means, affected the patterns of providing quality care and the well-being of nurses in general.
  16. The Views of Medard Boss: Existential Psychotherapy
    The views of Medard Boss consisted in the perception of the body primarily as an existential concept, with the help of which a person produces a bodying forth.
  17. Psychotherapy to Resolve Drinking Problems
    The client resorted to a counselor because he realized his drinking problems caused a chain of unpleasant situations in his life.
  18. Psychotherapy Access and Socioeconomic Status
    Thus, the purpose of the present study is to review the two pieces of research and analyze how they address the topic under consideration.
  19. Human Development in Evidence-Based Psychotherapy
    Indeed, information from a mental status exam can be combined with that of family and individual historical background help in the establishment of timely assistance to be accorded to the patient.
  20. Counselling and Psychotherapy: The Role of Humour
    The primary purpose of humour is to be a social lubricant, helping the client and therapist establish a strong therapeutic alliance.
  21. Therapeutic Approaches in Psychotherapy
    Before conducting the analysis of CBT and person-centered therapy, it is essential to briefly discuss the underlying principles and schools of thought in clinical psychology.

💡 Simple & Easy Psychotherapy Essay Titles

  1. Psychotherapy From Socioeconomic Perspective
    The first study included a sample size of 113 individuals and confirmed that cultural expressions of social class on virtual platforms indicate the social class of targets.
  2. Patient-Centered Approach in Psychotherapy
    The predicted outcome is the notion that the client is able to fully and freely express himself with no interruptions and confrontations as in the existential approach.
  3. Existential Approach in Psychotherapy
    Therefore, the role of a therapist is to let the clients identify the issue of their own and help them change their perspective on their lives.
  4. Psychodynamic Theoretical Approach to Counseling and Psychotherapy
    The basis of all assumptions of the psychodynamic theory is rooted in the notion of all behavioral issues originating from the unconscious part of the mind.
  5. Psychotherapeutic Drugs: Types and Usage Spectrum
    Psychotherapeutic drugs pose serious health risks to an individual when abused . In severe cases , they may permanently alter brain processes.
  6. Psychotherapy Versus Cognitive Behavior Therapy
    The article presents the findings of a research study conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of psychotherapy and cognitive behavior therapy in the treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
  7. Psychotherapy Practice: The Application of the Personal Theory
    The theory will seek to know the interests, expectations, and life experiences likes and dislikes of the clients in order to improve the competence of a therapist in the counseling process.
  8. Supportive and Interpersonal Psychotherapy
    In the current assignment, the primary aim is to address similarities of supportive and interpersonal psychotherapies and to discuss three differences between them.
  9. Effects of Race on Psychotherapy Process and Outcome
    The main aim of the research paper is to explore the effect race of the client and the therapist has on the therapy process and short-term outcomes of therapy.
  10. The Role of Psychotherapy in the Bipolar Disorders
    The article “The Role of Psychotherapy in the Bipolar Disorders: Dynamic Psychotherapy as an Adjunct to Pharmacotherapy” by Barbara Young presents an argument on the importance of the use of effective psychotherapeutic methods in the […]
  11. Art Therapy as a Branch of Psychotherapy
    Consequently, the most important thing is the person’s participation in the work, selecting and smoothing the progress of art activities that are useful to the being, helping the individual to fully understand the creative method, […]
  12. Intentional Interviewing and Counseling
    The reason for her being in counseling is that her life has deteriorated to the point of being in a state of crisis.
  13. Feminist Theory in Psychotherapy
    This theory puts women at the first place, and this place is reflected in three aspects: the first is its main object of study – the situation and difficulties faced by women in society, and […]
  14. Psychotherapy and Counselling
    Psychotherapy and counselling is a kind of treatment at which the basic tool of influence on the patient’s behaviour is the word of the doctor.
  15. Adlerian Theory of Psychoanalysis in Psychotherapy
    The paper is focusing on describing the key issues and treatment needs of the patient in relation to the key concepts, processes, techniques, and procedures according to the theory.
  16. Existential Therapy Meaning and Principles
    The therapist is, instead, a co-explorer who helps the client discover the reality of the meanings and meaning potentials that call to the client for their discovery, actualization, and re-collection as a way to “shrink” […]
  17. Informed Consent for Psychotherapy
    In the case of psychotherapy, many therapists find it difficult to provide specific information regarding the length of the treatment, the nature of sessions, treatment plan, confidentiality, and its limits and alternative treatment options.
  18. Psychology of Adjustment: Psychotherapy as a Job
    Therefore, counseling in the form of psychotherapy will increasingly become a necessity as also will become the need to choose the right, suitably qualified psychotherapist.
  19. Depression and Psychotherapy in Adolescence
    Society needs to acknowledge that depression is a major medical problem among adolescents in the United States and measures need to be taken to address it.
  20. Psychotherapy in “The Madness of King George” Film
    This paper gives a detailed analysis of the therapeutic techniques portrayed in the film, The Madness of King George. At the very beginning, the king appears restless and concerned about the future of the United […]
  21. Substance-Induced Depressive Disorder: Psychotherapy
    Secondly, since the major problem of SIDD patients is the use of medication, it is better not to include any in the treatment plan.

🔎 Good Essay Topics on Psychotherapy

  1. Psychotherapy for Victims of Human Trafficking
    The use of different dependent variables is the primary feature that differs a single-subject design from a program evaluation the essence of which is to cover a range of questions and evaluate them all without […]
  2. Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy
    The cognitive and behavioral intervention strategies mentioned in the chapter can be used not only by a school social worker, but any clinician to improve the quality of life of the client. The multicultural theory […]
  3. Male Erectile Disorder and Psychotherapy
    The course of treatment of erectile dysfunction involved a series of psychotherapy sessions that Walter and Cynthia performed weekly. Rostow prescribed a process of psychotherapy to Walter and Cynthia.
  4. Professional Development Plan in Psychotherapy
    I would like to learn about theories, strategies, and instruments in the field of psychotherapy, focusing on assessment, planning, and implementing processes.
  5. Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed Adolescents
    The teenagers are the vulnerable group as they experience a difficult transition of the maturing process. It is of paramount importance to know the symptoms of depression in order to be able to deal with […]
  6. Play Therapy and Educational Psychotherapy
    The purpose of the play therapy is to give the parents something to think about and learn from when the child is fully engaged.
  7. “Odysseys in Psychotherapy” by Shay Joseph and Wheelis Joan
    Shay and Wheelis argue that the fundamental metaphor of the book is the fact that the change processes in the field are reproduced in the changed process themselves in exceptional and thoughtful psychological counselors.
  8. Psychotherapy Treatment and Behavior Interventions
    Thought-focused treatment and psychoanalytical methods are used to achieve similar goals in the treatment of psychological dysfunctions, but there exist differences in the two approaches.
  9. Confidentiality in Psychotherapy
    The primary objective that compels the therapists to share confidential information is the need to save the life of the individuals or those around them.
  10. Depression in Late Life: Interpersonal Psychotherapy
    The authors of the article carried out an experiment in a bid to determine the effect of interpersonal psychotherapy on the elderly subjects.
  11. Anorexia Nervosa: Diagnosis and Treatment in Psychotherapy
    In the meantime, it is, likewise, vital to determine the cause of the condition’s appearance and point out the necessary alterations.
  12. Violent Offender Treatment in Psychotherapy
    Positive treatment changes lead to a reduction of the cases of violence recidivism if properly defined treatment interventions are chosen in regards to offenders’ mental conditions and the expectations of the offered treatment approach.
  13. Psychotherapy for Children, Adolescents and Adults Groups
    To understand children and their behavior, an individual has to understand the duration of their groups, the exact stage the groups have reached, and the development that each child has achieved.
  14. Engaging In Psychotherapy with the Orthodox Jew
    Evidently, during therapy sessions, the approach enables the Orthodox Jews to become open-minded, practice religion in a mature and flexible manner.
  15. Affirmative Psychotherapy for American Jews
    The article helps the reader to understand the Jewish culture and the American Jews, including effective ways that help to ensure that the Jewish community gets access to culturally harmonious and positive psychotherapy services.
  16. Somatic Intervention in Trauma Psychotherapy
    Different parts of the world, as neuroscientists argue, have varying ways of training the mind and hence significantly different levels of the ability to control the functions of the brain.
  17. Outcome and Session Evaluation in Psychotherapy
    In an attempt to predict the evaluation of psychotherapy sessions, just as is mentioned in the thesis above, Eugster and Wampold conducted a research using 114 therapists and 119 patients. The use of the system […]
  18. Equine Assisted Psychotherapy
    The instant reactions of the horse to the human actions and behavior assist the victim in meeting the therapeutic target in a short period.

📌 Most Interesting Psychotherapy Topics to Write About

  1. Psychotherapy, Intersubjectivity, and Empathy Concepts
  2. Psychodynamic Psychotherapy And Person Centered Psychology
  3. Existential Psychotherapy and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
  4. Psychotherapy: Knowledge, Critical Thinking, Social Efficacy
  5. Psychoanalysis and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy as Endangered Species
  6. Why People Have Counseling or Psychotherapy
  7. The Ethical Argument Regarding Sexual Conversion Psychotherapy
  8. Responsibility and Ethico-Moral Values in Counselling and Psychotherapy
  9. Understanding Carl Roger’s New Approach to Psychotherapy Using Person-Centered Therapy
  10. Psychotherapy Strategies Drawn from Psychodynamic and Interpersonal Approaches
  11. Psychodynamic and Behavioral Theories to Psychotherapy
  12. Connection Between Existential Psychotherapy and Ethnicity In Family Therapy
  13. The Korean American Goldilocks Of Psychotherapy
  14. Counseling and Psychotherapy: Sexual Trauma & Sexual Abuse
  15. The Connection Between Existential Psychotherapy and Ethnicity in Regards to Family Therapy
  16. Psychotherapy Approaches Within Treatment
  17. Short Term Dynamic Therapy and the Psychotherapy of Sigmund Freud
  18. The Efficacy and Effectiveness in a Treatment During the Psychotherapy
  19. Psychotherapists Should Enter Psychotherapy as a Requirement of Practice
  20. Proffering Connections: Psychologising Experience in Psychotherapy and Everyday Life

👍 Good Research Topics about Psychotherapy

  1. The Interrelationship Between Theories of Psychotherapy and the Techniques
  2. Interactive Behavioral Group Psychotherapy for Students with Autism
  3. Reasons Why Psychoanalysis And Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Are Becoming Rare
  4. Positioning Shifts From Told Self to Performative Self in Psychotherapy
  5. Eating Disorder: Specific Model of Interpersonal Psychotherapy
  6. Exploring Conversational and Physiological Aspects of Psychotherapy Talk
  7. The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
  8. Person-Centered Psychotherapy And Carl Rogers
  9. Incorporating Tibetan Buddhism into Modern Psychotherapy
  10. Psychotherapy Process and Outcome Research of ‘Single-Case Methodology’
  11. Why Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Is the Current Gold Standard of Psychotherapy
  12. Freudian Psychotherapy and Short-Term Dynamic Therapy
  13. Some Differences Between Counseling And Psychotherapy
  14. Musical Psychotherapy: History, Effects, and Applications
  15. Differences Between Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories
  16. The Theory And Practice Of Counseling And Psychotherapy By Gerald Corey
  17. Neurobiological Changes Resulting from Psychotherapy
  18. Ideal Psychotherapy For Childhood Abuse In Adults
  19. Time Limited Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Treatment
  20. The Differences Between Counseling and Psychotherapy

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IvyPanda. (2024, November 25). 103 Psychotherapy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/psychotherapy-essay-topics/

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"103 Psychotherapy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 25 Nov. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/psychotherapy-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '103 Psychotherapy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 25 November.


IvyPanda. 2024. "103 Psychotherapy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/psychotherapy-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "103 Psychotherapy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/psychotherapy-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "103 Psychotherapy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/psychotherapy-essay-topics/.