74 Utopia Essay Topics & Examples

In the article below, find utopia essay examples and ideas gathered by our team. Describe an ideal society and start a philosophical discussion with our topics!

🏆 Best Utopia Essay Examples & Topics

  1. Comparison of Ideas Thomas More’s ‘Utopia’ and Machiavelli’s ‘The Prince’
    When it comes to ethics, he suggests that the prince should only be concerned with actions that are beneficial to a leader and ones that promote the well-being of his state.
  2. Commonwealth in “Utopia” by Thomas More
    The comment presents an issue of Utopia, the controversy of More’s discussion that affects the commonwealth of the state that will be analysed to argue that the statement is true.
  3. “Utopia” by Thomas More and the Human Pursuit of an Ideal Life
    The concept of an ideal life forms the core of utopia according to Saint Thomas More who developed it in the beginning of the 16th century.
  4. Two Opposite Worlds: “Utopia” and “1984”
    More criticizes the laws of the contemporary European society; he highlights that other countries, in the East for instance, have more fair laws; and after that he starts depicting Utopia, where all people live and […]
  5. The Before Sunrise Film: A Story of Utopian Love
    It works fundamentally on two central mechanisms, realistic acting and an immense script that draws the audience towards the characters through their emotions and thoughts. The script was written in a way that makes an […]
  6. Utopia for Society in “Minority Report” by S. Spielberg
    This presentation of Utopia on-screen is verisimilar and impressive due to the successful implementation of film techniques, though the movie itself is aimed at proving that it is impossible to live in a perfect world […]
  7. “Utopia” by Thomas More
    The name of the utopian land is the Green Spit; its inhabitants refer to it simply as “The Spit”. Most people in Barrel work at forestry, maintaining the rainforests, or zoology, looking after the animals […]
  8. “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas” Utopia by Ursula Le Guin
    In the story, a single helpless child is subjected to extreme misery in exchange for the residents of the little city of Omelas receiving many advantages from a divine source.
  9. Literary Utopia vs. Utopianism – How Do They Differ?
    More’s idea of a utopia is a communal society that allows all members to contribute and benefit from the environment and social activities.
  10. Utopia: Types and Features of Ideal Societies
    Thus, it is reasonable to assume that the cornerstone of a utopian world is people’s willingness to use the potential of their brains, which allows for perfection but is not realistic.
  11. Utopia in Fante’s “Ask the Dust” and “LA Confidential” Film
    However, one of the main themes in the book is the description and reflection of the city of Los Angeles. Thus, the author presents to the reader the West American way of life, the main […]
  12. Research of Utopian Socialist Ideas
    The early socialists fail to make changes because the system that they proposed did not deliver its promises of security, prosperity, and equality. However, scientific socialists held that revolution and socialism were the major components […]
  13. Thomas More’s Utopia, Utilitarianism, and Technology
    Therefore, the meaning of “utopia” did not change to a tangible extent, as the modern meaning aligns with the one that More assigned to it.
  14. Discussion of “Utopia” by Thomas More
    Overall, this lack of private property in Utopia led to the people of the country having no desire to compete with each other through the accumulation of wealth as all of their belonging are the […]
  15. Robert Nozick’s “Anarchy, State and Utopia”
    Scholars and thinkers of repute in the fields of philosophy, political science, and history during the ancient, classical, and contemporary epochs of learning have put forward theories that attempt to explain the origins, necessity, and […]
  16. “The Best State of a Republic and the New Island Utopia” by Sir Thomas Moore
    However, it is this kind of utopian society that existed in Jerusalem that shaped the views that this author had. The story of the island of utopia is a satire on the complicated society that […]
  17. American Revolution Rise: Utopian Views
    Therefore, the problem is that “the dedication to human liberty and dignity exhibited by the leaders of the American Revolution” was impossible because American society “…developed and maintained a system of labor that denied human […]
  18. Sir Thomas More’s Utopia and the Transformation of England
    More uses the speech of Raphael Hythloday’s in Book I to refer to the tribulations that encompass the English society, and in Book II, he highlights the Utopian culture and put side by side the […]
  19. Utopia Versus Dystopia: Discussion
    However, the practical realization of Communist concepts in Russia, had resulted in millions of citizens loosing their lives and in those people, who managed to survive, during the course of Communist “social purges”, becoming the […]
  20. Utopian Societies Depicted by Sir Thomas More
    In 1516 More completed his most well known and contentious work, Utopia, a work of fiction in which a imagined voyager, Raphael Hythloday, explains the political structures of the invented island nation of Utopia for […]
  21. Utopia by Sir Thomas More Review
    The aim of the study is to relate the perennial appeal of the text to the particular point of view it presents on economics and political relations; on family life and social structure; on art […]
  22. Classical Utopian Thought: “Utopia” by Thomas More
    In addition, the paper will try to understand the relationship of Utopia with the development of Classical Utopian thought, as well as, with the Christian Idealism that are some of the major themes of More’s […]
  23. Raphael Hythloday’s Ideas in Thomas More’s “Utopia”
    Raphael Hythloday, in books one and two was of the view that the government and the state operate within an economy for the benefit of the societies, they are given power and authority to dictate […]
  24. Utopia Fantasia in the “Black Mirror” TV Show
    Stated differently, this paper demonstrates how the concept of utopia has evolved from the quest for a virtuous and free life to the desire for people’s approval from the lens of an individualised life.
  25. “New Atlantis” an Utopia by Francis Bacon
    Therefore, it is possible to state that Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis is aimed at criticizing the use of reason as the central principle for creating an intellectual utopia as the practice shows that the possession […]
  26. Planning History: Utopian Planners
    The garden city provided a channel for an organized relocation of the city dwellers to other towns to relieve the pressure on social facilities and the impacts of overpopulation in the major cities in the […]
  27. Popularity of Utopian/Dystopian Young Adult Literature
    The box is entrusted in the Mayor’s care and a tradition of passing it from one Mayor to the next is established.
  28. Greece in a Utopian Economic Paradigm
    Leaders across the world use the ideas held in relation to a utopian society to put in place the necessary plans to improve the lives of the people.
  29. ‘From Within and Without’ a World of Utopia
    In this regard, the almost Marxist twist which I employed in the narrative depicts the dystopian world in line with the Marxist critical assessment of capitalism that points out the ever decreasing “unlimited faith in […]
  30. Definition of Anderson’s Utopia
    The ability to focus on the incurrence of events that may lead to negativity is alienated in utopia thus the community is not balanced in its gauging of the future.
  31. The Utopian Society Concept
    It foresees a society whereby gender neutrality will be tenable and that social responsibilities are not subject to the gender of an individual.
  32. Utopia and Contemporary Identity Theft
    It is because of the increase in the identity theft that people have started to face troubles in their financial activities.
  33. The “Great” Humanitarian/Utopianist
    According to Daniel, music is helps us to have a better understanding of the whole society in terms of political and social aspects.

📌 Most Interesting Utopia Essay Topics

  1. Thomas More ‘s Utopia and the Problem a Selfish Community
  2. The Story of Evolution as a Utopia and the Evolution of the Story of Utopia
  3. An Analysis of The Creation of Utopia in Lord of the Flies by William Golding
  4. The Search for Utopia in The Great Gatsby
  5. The Vision of Utopia in Both The Scarlet Letter and Pleasantville
  6. Utopia and Hell Visions in the Works of More, Voltaire, and Sartre
  7. Tokyo Teleport Town: Between Utopia and Reality
  8. Criticism of Practical Application of Utopia in Brave New
  9. The Suppression of the Individual and Freedom to Choose Fate in Utopia by Aldous Huxley
  10. Trouble in Utopia: Similarities Between Thomas More’s Ideas and Karl Marx’s Communist Philosophy
  11. The Utopia Bubble and the Utopian Equation in the Movies
  12. Thomas More’s Utopia and Its Impact on English Society During The Renaissance
  13. Utopia and Dystopia in Science Fiction
  14. The Political Economy of Utopia: Communism in Soviet Russia, 1918–1921
  15. The Influence of the 14th Century Crises on Thomas More’s Utopia
  16. Understanding Gulliver‘s Travels in the Perspective of Utopia
  17. Utopia: Marriage and Utopian Society
  18. The Virtue and Vice of Reason in More’s Utopia
  19. Visions Of Utopia in Bellamy’s Looking Backward
  20. The Major Theme in Utopia by Thomas More and How His Work Relates to the Renaissance Period
  21. The Opinions of Thomas More on the Ideal Social Structure and Working Days in Utopia

👍 Good Utopia Essay Questions & Titles

  1. The Portrayal of Society in Thomas More’s Utopia
  2. Zaha Hadid: Making Utopia a Reality in Architecture
  3. Thomas More’s Utopia as a Criticism of 16th Century England
  4. Trouble in Paradise: Communistic Speculation and Thomas More’s “Utopia”
  5. Utopia and Dystopia in the Futuristic Novel, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
  6. The Different Perceptions of Utopia and the Individuals of Shakespeare’s Time
  7. Utopia: A Comparison Between a Dream World and a Shady Society
  8. Utopian Literature of the Renaissance Social Myths: Utopia and the Social Contract
  9. The Effect of The Hindu Caste System on The Concept of Utopia
  10. Utopia and Determinism in Marx, Lenin and Stalin
  11. The Role of a Good City Thinking: Utopia, Dystopia and Heterotopia
  12. The Dilemma between Philosophical Idealism and Worldly Pragmatism in Thomas More’s Novel Utopia
  13. Utopia and Dystopia in The Future City
  14. The Theme of Utopia in Huxley’s Brave New World and Bay’s The Island
  15. The Exploration of Utopia in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World
  16. Utopia vs. Dystopia Ideal Life State
  17. The Use of the Fantasy Genre in Behn’s The Rover and More’s Utopia
  18. The Utopia of Implementing Monetary Policy Cooperation through Domestic Institutions
  19. The Three Points of Thomas More’s Concept of Utopia

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