The PBS documentary, “Hunt for the Super Twister”, delves into the world of super tornadoes within America’s heartland and attempts to showcase their destructive potential and how scientists are attempting to determine as much as they can about tornadoes so that they can create better early warning systems against them. Based on the documentary and the supposed increase in the number of tornadoes, that are occurring, I have come up with the assumption that the higher amounts of tornadoes are due to the adverse weather conditions brought about by pollution. As such, people within the U.S. should attempt to “go green” to conserve resources and prevent pollutants from entering into the atmosphere, which contributes towards the increase in the number of tornadoes.
The concept of going green is based on the process of altering approaches towards the consumption and utilization of resources to ensure a more environmentally friendly method of using and consuming resources. The basis behind this is the assumption that since the Earth is a closed-off ecosystem with a finite amount of resources if nothing is done to conserve and ensure these resources stay replenishable in the long run there may come a time when the Earth will no longer be able to support human civilization.
Such an assumption is not without merit as the human population continues to expand, so too does the demand for resources increase. Unfortunately, resources that command the highest demand (wood, freshwater, and food) are only replenishable to a certain extent while, others have a set amount (oil, gas, and certain chemicals) and cannot be replenished at all. It is based on this that we should try to properly conserve resources to make sure that they are there for future generations as well as to prevent the current adverse weather conditions we are experiencing at the present.