The short story Trailer Trash by Webb Harris, Jr. relates the tale of Donny, who resides with his family in a mobile home park. Although outsiders may view them as “trailer trash,” a derogatory term for lower-class white people living in trailers, the story shows the family as the opposite of the label. This essay will consider the impact that the loss of his brother and societal expectations has on Donny.
The main character, Donny, lives in a double-wide trailer with his mother, stepfather, and younger sister. In one of the exposition scenes, the character reveals that he had a younger brother, Danny, who died in a car crash. The accident was the fault of his nanny, Becky, who ran a stop sign. The crash left the family devastated, with Donny always wandering what his brother’s life would have been like if he survived. It can be argued that the survivor’s guilt plagues him as he believes that his brother would have been a better son and person than he is (Harris, Jr. 10). He vows to change his life in honor of his brother, not for his own sake. Donny struggles with losing his brother and comparing himself to the man Danny would have been.
Societal expectations and community influence also significantly affect Donny’s life. He is aware of his position in life and, although it is not explicitly stated, it prevents him from playing sports in school or joining any clubs. Societal and community view on people living in trailer parks shapes Donny’s view of himself. Even though his family stands out from the rest of the park residents, the main character is a teenager susceptible to unfortunate influences. Thus, he tries to solicit a prostitute after a neighbor is caught doing this, changing his mind at the last minute out of pity for the girl (Harris, Jr. 9). Donny struggles with his identity, with the outside view of the people residing in mobile homes affecting his outlook on himself and his place in life.
In summary, Donny and his family are the opposite of the perpetuated stereotype of “trailer trash.” The character struggles with his identity due to the societal attitude towards people like him and some poor influences he encounters within the trailer park community. His younger brother’s death profoundly affects him, resulting in Donny comparing himself to the man his brother could have been and grieving for his lost potential.
Work Cited
Harris, Jr., Webb. “Trailer trash.” Roanoke Review, 2004, pp. 1-12.