Effective Recruitment and Transnational Managers Report

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Effective recruitment is an important aspect in any organization as it separates different available talents creating a balance in an organization’s operations booming the market. With the global business nature, the organizations have implemented precise and efficient recruitment strategies that enhance deep reservoir to staffs both globally and locally.

For instance, one of these strategies as it was used by the Sinai hospital in Baltimore involves attracting candidates by innovatively recruiting them into organization’s campus.

This entails reaching out to potential employees from other nations, explaining to them the mission of the organization as well as its work and after winning their confidence, inviting them to your organization to join the workforce.

This strategy has a great impact in meeting the organization’s talent demand by widening the recruitment radius (Blanpain 2007).

The other strategy involves creation of strong organizational brand. This is achieved by employing and training managers who explains the organization operations concerning the job and opportunities to potential candidates, as well as dealing with issues raised by these potential candidates in a convincing manner.

The organization practices this strategy on specific group that it is targeting by enhancing good relationship between them. Additionally the organization can achieve this through online chat with the friends such as through “Toxbox”, offering the employees services such as hot lunch while still advertising other opportunities.

More so, the organization includes visual media in promoting their brand and captures the attention of potential candidates (Pun 2005).

The organization also seeks to attract passive job seekers, the people who are currently working in other organizations but interested in passively participating in external bodies. Through this strategy, the organization recruits candidates across the globe using specific criteria to identify the individuals who perfectly fit their system.

The organization considers factors such as individual’s national culture, his nation’s laws, and the endogenous organizational factors which include the organizations technological sophistication.

The consideration of these factors is based on their significant impact to the host organization since their combination in an individual enhances the organizations performance. Eventually, the candidate may recognize the organizations favorable terms and become interested in shifting his work power to the organization at question.

As workplaces become increasingly diverse as the diversity of culture increases globally, a need for employee differentiation becomes a more considerable aspect. This gives rise to transnational and experts managers to balance organization-customer interaction globally.

Transnational managers are those employees who come from any country to join the multinational organizations with professional skills that can be applied in a variety of markets. He can also be shifted from one nation to another unpredictably, with no preconceptions concerning their career end.

Transnational’s are as well highly skilled with the capability of doing more than one job, in more than one language and can fit in more than one culture. On the other hand, expats are the staffs who are deployed for a time in another country by after completion of one overseas assignment, they return back to their own country.

They live outside their country only on the duration they are in an assignment. They adapt to the living of that single country and they become expert in one culture and the only job they do (Lundby, et al 2010).

As a result of these differences, the two types of managers calls for different methods of selection. The expat for instance may be selected for variety of reasons such as filling a technical skill gap in the foreign country, to undertake an executive assignment by filling gaps such as joint venture running; as well as for development of technical, intercultural and professional competencies.

In narrowing down the candidate filed of selection, three approaches are employed which include; realistic preview, where technical expertise of host country is considered; self-selection, where those with no interest are weeded out; and candidate assessment, based on his level of performance (Goodal, et al 2009).

On the other hand, transnational’s’ selection is mostly based on de factor self-selection where the candidates are sent abroad in their early career to determine the effectiveness of their interaction with other cultures as their role involves not only working abroad but also staying there to the end of their career.

Additionally other factors in determining their selections are employed such as; consideration of special technique that are demanded by the job in comparison to candidates capability; how the assessor’s culture diversity agrees with the culture differences abroad and cross-cultural relevancy and fairness factor.

By doing so the success and profitability of a company is enhanced as well as the prosperity of the careers of the people involved. (Lundby, et al 2010).

Reference list

Blanpain, R. (2007). The Global Workplace: international and comparative employment law: cases and material. NY: Cambridge University Press.

Goodal, S., Goodal, J. & Schiefelbein, J. (2009). Business and Professional Communication in the Global Workplace. Boston: Cengage Learning.

Lundby, K., Jolton, J. & Kraut, A. (2010). Going Global: Practical Application and Recommendations for HR and OD Professionals in the Global Workplace. Hoboken: John Willey and Sons.

Pun, N. (2005). Made in China: women factory workers in a global workplace. Durham: Duke University Press.

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IvyPanda. (2019, May 1). Effective Recruitment and Transnational Managers. https://ivypanda.com/essays/transnational-managers-report/

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"Effective Recruitment and Transnational Managers." IvyPanda, 1 May 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/transnational-managers-report/.


IvyPanda. (2019) 'Effective Recruitment and Transnational Managers'. 1 May.


IvyPanda. 2019. "Effective Recruitment and Transnational Managers." May 1, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/transnational-managers-report/.

1. IvyPanda. "Effective Recruitment and Transnational Managers." May 1, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/transnational-managers-report/.


IvyPanda. "Effective Recruitment and Transnational Managers." May 1, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/transnational-managers-report/.

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