Effective communication processes demand the building of effective interprofessional healthcare teams, leading to effective interprofessional relations. There is a need for the individuals within the organization to develop excellent interpersonal communication skills that can be self-taught, adopted from the organizational culture, or taught by the use of several approaches. Interprofessional teams depend on interpersonal communication skills that offset interactions and aid in building relational development (Spaulding et al., 2021). The development of collaborative and cooperative relationships is established within the development and management of communication skills, which will, in turn, offer the foundation for interprofessional teams to provide quality healthcare outcomes.
In my experience as a family nurse practitioner, interprofessional collaboration is an important aspect that can improve patients’ health outcomes. The approach to nursing practice views the family as a simultaneous interactional system that occurs between a person and family. The family is approached as a client when offering healthcare services (Kaakinen et al., 2018). During my clinical practice, I encountered a 50-year-old patient who had suffered a stroke. The client’s stroke condition influenced his family interactions. For instance, the relationship between the wife and children soared as she spent more time caring for the husband. The children became isolated as they could not spend more time with their parents, developing depression symptoms.
For instance, the wife became the primary caregiver and lost her connection with the children. She often lived in anxiety and panicked because of her husband’s deteriorating health. As a result, the children would often cry because of the troubled familial relationship. Therefore, to provide the highest quality of care, I should have collaborated with the family psychiatrist to ensure that the mental health of all the family members was in check and there are healthy coping mechanisms are developed.
Overall, family nursing plays a significant role in the population’s healthcare. It considers that an individual’s health outcomes affect other family members, leading to a rise in their care needs. The nursing practice should focus on the family as a unit within society. For instance, families play different roles, such as caregiving and liaising with other community institutions to offer members health services (Balestra, 2019). Therefore, clinical prevention interventions are vital in improving the nation’s health. Clinical prevention measures refer to scheduled regular screenings and immunizations.
For example, cardiovascular diseases have been marked as the leading cause of death globally. The primary reason it is a leading cause is that it is related to the blood vessels and the heart, which are significant elements of human life. Nonetheless, cardiovascular diseases have no specific age limit that it affects as all generations are affected by the condition. CVD majorly results from unhealthy behaviors. These unhealthy behaviors are always associated with three major practices: sedentary, dietary behaviors, and substance abuse. Therefore, the family nurse practitioner must ensure that patients who are in the different risk groups attend regular check-ups to track the dynamics of their heart condition (Balestra, 2019). These measures effectively improve nations’ health as they allow healthcare professionals to develop a treatment plan before the condition worsens promptly. In conclusion, doctor nursing essentials are vital in the work of family nurse practitioners as well. Ethical and professional codes of conduct require healthcare providers to always strive for better patient outcomes and improvement in population health as well.
Balestra, M. L. (2019). Family nurse practitioner scope of practice issues when treating patients with mental health issues. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 15(7), 479-482.
Kaakinen, J. R., Coehlo, D. P., Steele, R., & Robinson, M. (2018). Family health care nursing: Theory, practice, and research. FA Davis.
Spaulding, E. M., Marvel, F. A., Jacob, E., Rahman, A., Hansen, B. R., Hanyok, L. A.,… & Han, H. R. (2021). Interprofessional education and collaboration among healthcare students and professionals: a systematic review and call for action. Journal of interprofessional care, 35(4), 612-621.