Unity in Gullick’s The Invisible String Short Story Essay

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In her short story titled “The Invisible String,” Charlotte Gullick examines a quote on interconnectedness that heavily informs her philosophy of life. The story features the author’s deep connection to her daughter Hope and society in general. Using a clear plot, the author creates a story to expand on how connectedness to others informs her life, making the significance of developing this mindset the central message.

Main body

The plot is rather clear and represents Gullick’s memories and reflections permeated by a sense of connectedness between people and how her life illustrates this simple truth. As the story begins, Gullick (2020) mentions a “3X5 notecard” that has a quote about an invisible string connecting her to others and then proceeds with telling that object’s story (para. 1). The next paragraphs reveal that Gullick (2020) put it into her five-year-old daughter’s suitcase when they had to separate for some time during moving to Texas. The author then examines the real-life examples proving the quote, such as Hope meeting a friend whose grandparents live in Hope’s native city, Chadwick Boseman’s death, and shootings in Kenosha. Recognizing the narrative of “full engagement with one another,” Gullick (2020) demonstrates that seeking out connections rather than focusing on divisive factors is her life and job priority (para. 6). The plot follows a round pattern since the author concludes her reflection with another reference to the notecard (Gullick, 2020). Overall, the theme of connectedness permeates each part of the plot, making the importance of recognizing society as a large web the story’s main message.


Finally, the reading features a circular plot that connects the note’s story to the author’s life in Texas and general values. The combination of past events and reflections does not affect the plot’s clarity as the transition between these modes of narration is evident, and no unexplained plot twists are present. Overall, all sections work effectively to communicate the significance of embracing unity as the key message.


Gullick, C. (2020). . American Short Fiction. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 25). Unity in Gullick's The Invisible String Short Story. https://ivypanda.com/essays/unity-in-gullicks-the-invisible-string-short-story/

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"Unity in Gullick's The Invisible String Short Story." IvyPanda, 25 May 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/unity-in-gullicks-the-invisible-string-short-story/.


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Unity in Gullick's The Invisible String Short Story'. 25 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Unity in Gullick's The Invisible String Short Story." May 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/unity-in-gullicks-the-invisible-string-short-story/.

1. IvyPanda. "Unity in Gullick's The Invisible String Short Story." May 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/unity-in-gullicks-the-invisible-string-short-story/.


IvyPanda. "Unity in Gullick's The Invisible String Short Story." May 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/unity-in-gullicks-the-invisible-string-short-story/.

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