A significant number of companies is looking for sufficient distribution of financial resources and value optimization with the assistance of portfolios and programs. One of the approaches is the usage of regeneration programs, as they comply and depict the perspectives of stakeholders while creating the value (Brebbia & Mander 2006). In this instance, taking into account the interests of the stakeholders contributes to the value formation of the beneficial allocation of the resources of the organization.
In turn, the implementation’s principles of project management such as logic, control, and cause and effect analysis have to be discovered to determine the company’s ability to deliver the beneficial outcomes for the organization (Breese 2012). These fundamental attributes determine the formation of values, as the resources are analysed and disseminated based on the most efficient way. It could be said that this aspect allows discovering the positive sides of portfolios and programs and establishing a coherent approach for the development of the new strategies to generate more benefits and values.
Nonetheless, it remains evident that the organization has to follow certain steps while enhancing the value, which is created from the benefits while adapting the management framework. This strategy implies planning and cherishing the views of the stakeholders while achieving the objectives (Cerritos College 2007). Understanding the issue from this point of view allows discovering the perception of values and benefits creation from a dissimilar perspective. In this case, the cause and effect analysis contributes to the assessment of the value generation while discovering the potential outcomes. It allows following the flow of events and revealing the new approaches for the benefit and values creation and alterations.
However, other methods can be implemented efficiently while estimating projections such as advantages and drawbacks, as this approach can be applied in any sphere (Fox 2008). Another method for the discovery of the potential way for the value generation is the scenario planning based on the needs, economic situation, and preferences of the management and stakeholders (Guastaroba, Mansini & Speranza 2009). In this instance, the scenarios contribute to the formation of particular situations (both negative and positive), which allow determining and establishing solutions to the arising issues in future.
In conclusion, it remains evident that the organization can maintain and generate values from the analysis of programs and portfolios while discovering the process from the perspectives of different contributors, such as stakeholders. Nonetheless, it has to follow the plan of actions, which has to be highly systemized to avoid the adverse outcomes and consequences related to the formation of the values. In this instance, introducing and developing the scenarios is one of the potential ways to evaluate the possible benefits, which can be acquired from the situation. Another approach is the cause and effect analysis since it allows understanding the key outcomes while introducing particular actions. In the end, the careful implementation of all operations and stages allows discovering the new approaches for the values created with the assistance of realisation management’s principles.
Reference List
Brebbia, C & Mander, U 2006, Brownfields III; Prevention, assessment, rehabilitation and development of Brownfield sites, WIT Press, Ashurst.
Breese, R & 2012, ‘Benefits realization management: panacea or false dawn’, International Journal of Project Management, vol. 30, pp. 341-351.
Cerritos College 2007, Guide to planning and resource allocation. Web.
Fox, S 2008, ‘Evaluating the potential investments in new technologies: balancing assessments of potential benefits with assessments with potential disbenefits, reliability, and utilization,’ Critical Perspectives on Accounting, vol. 19, no.8, pp. 1197-1218.
Guastaroba, G, Mansini, R & Speranza, G 2009, ‘On the effectiveness of scenario generation techniques in single-period portfolio optimization,’ European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 192, no. 2, pp. 500-511.