Jenkins, W., Rosa, L., Schmidt, J., Band, L., Beltran-Peña, A., Clarens, A., Doney, S., Emanuel, R. E., Glassie, A., Quinn, J., Rulli, M. C., Shobe, W., Szeptycki, L., & D’Odorico, P. (2021). Values-based scenarios of water security: Water rights, rights of waters, and commercial water rights. BioScience, 71(11), 1157-1170. Web.
The first article by Jenkins et al. gives the paper a solid foundation through its analytics on water security considerations. The authors outline vital assessments commonly utilized in discussions around the lack of access to clean water, including cultural, legal, and commercial (Jenkins et al., 2021). This source is relevant to the subject, as it creates boundaries for future arguments and helps recognize the complexity of the issue. Furthermore, the article highlights controversies around water security, which can help with the direction of the proposed research.
Keiser, D., & Shapiro, J. (2019). US water pollution regulation over the last half century: Burning waters to crystal springs?Journal of Economic Perspectives, 33(4), 51-75. Web.
The second paper by Keiser and Shapiro serves as a starting point for discussions about the political environment surrounding the issue. The researchers reveal how poorly regulated manufacturing industries in the United States adversely affect citizens’ water security while authorities attempt to protect drinking water with partial success (Keiser & Shapiro, 2019). Thus, this paper is paramount for the study, as it shares an insight into the country’s regulatory aspects of water resources. Additionally, it provides evidence regarding cleaning and anti-pollution efforts, which can help define deficiencies in this sphere.
Lalonde, B. (2019). The water challenge. Horizons: Journal of International Relations and Sustainable Development, (13), 184–193. Web.
The article by Brice Lalonde focuses on a global state of water security. The author discusses ecosystems that move water and points of their contamination, such as businesses and communities (Lalonde, 2019). These factors are essential for consideration in the proposed study, as they can direct people toward practical solutions. Furthermore, the paper is based on statistics that indicate the degree of water footprint per entity, which pinpoints what sources are detrimental to the current situation (Lalonde, 2019). Henceforth, the article can influence the research trajectory by clearly explaining the ongoing crisis.
Rochman, C. (2020). The story of plastic pollution: From the distant ocean gyres to the global policy stage. Oceanography, 33(3), 60-70. Web.
The fourth article by Chelsea Rochman gives an idea of how society perceives the global issue of water security. Rochman delved into the subject of public awareness of the problem and attempted to discover its nature and possible ways to alleviate its impact (Rochman, 2020). This writing contributes to the study of necessary policy changes by creating an overarching list of sources of contamination and methods of its prevention utilized by various countries. Therefore, this paper makes it possible to synthesize the ideal course of action for policymakers who want to apply efficient practices from around the globe.
Scott, C. A., Zilio, M. I., Harmon, T., Zuniga-Teran, A., Díaz-Caravantes, R., Hoyos, N., Perillo, G. M., Meza, F., Varady, R. G., Neto, A. R., Velez, M. I., Martín, F., Escobar, J., Piccolo, M. C., Mussetta, P., Montenegro, S., Rusak, J. A., & Pineda, N. (2021). Do ecosystem insecurity and social vulnerability lead to the failure of water security?Environmental Development, 38. Web.
The paper by Scott et al. deals with challenges with water security that a portion of the U.S. population encounters regularly. Socioeconomic factors contribute to this deficiency, as areas prone to problems with drinking water accessibility may not receive the resources necessary to alleviate the impact (Scott et al., 2021). Thus, the article contributes to the topic by highlighting the factors contributing to the crisis. Management responses to these critical failures within the system are also incorporated within the paper, which can be utilized as examples for practical solutions.
Veettil, A. V., & Mishra, A. (2020). Water security assessment for the contiguous United States using water footprint concepts. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(7). Web.
The assessment by Veettil and Mishra focuses on water scarcity in regions prone to causing significant suffering among the population due to water accessibility issues. Some regions in the United States often experience such a threat, making it essential for policymakers to establish their priorities on actionable policies (Veettil & Mishra, 2020). This writing adds factors to be analyzed during policy-making procedures, especially if one attempts to affect water consumption by the agricultural segment. It also allows one to extrapolate the results to other regions that share characteristics with the described locations.