Video Marketing and Instagram Campaigns
The use of social media in promoting trade has changed consumer behavior and how companies conduct their business. SMM campaigns reveal significant opportunities for organizations by reducing costs, increasing brand awareness and sales (Dwivedi, Ismagilova, Hughes, et al., 2021). Analysis of the brand will help to understand how the SMM promotion strategy affects the profitability of the brand.
Advantages of implementing Video Marketing and Instagram Campaigns
Since both online campaigns work with a visual representation of the brand, it can subconsciously improve the brand’s associations with a high-quality and popular product. Due to the flexibility of online resources, both campaigns contain many possible advertising options. Such campaigns can also attract customers to increase brand awareness. For instance, the company may discount the client for a post published on Instagram for the next product.
Disadvantages of implementing Video Marketing and Instagram Campaigns
The disadvantage of these campaigns may be the cost which not every business can afford. If the need for high-quality tools that provide high-quality images is ignored, this may only lower the company’s public opinion in the eyes of buyers. Unscrupulous execution of Video Marketing Campaign and Instagram Campaign might result in unnecessary expenses.
Dwivedi, Y. K., Ismagilova, E., Hughes, D. L., Carlson, J., Filieri, R., Jacobson, J., Jain, V., Karjaluoto, H., Kefi, H., Krishen, A. S., Kumar, V., Rahman, M. M., Raman, R., Rauschnabel, P. A., Rowley, J., Salo, J., Tran, G. A., Wang, Y. (2021). Setting the Future of Digital and Social Media Marketing Research: Perspectives and Research Propositions.International Journal of Information Management, 59(102168). Web.