This paper provides an evidence-based analysis of the attitudes and perceptions of CoGo LLC’s employees toward the community volunteer program and how it can be utilized to improve employee satisfaction.
- CoGo LLC is a multinational consumer goods company that is located in the Middle East.
- J.K Crespo is concerned about the high turnover rate in the industry for individuals between 25 and 45 years,
- Company dynamics are a major concern and can influence the turnover rate.
- The employees have family and personal commitments that can influence their decision to look for employment from another company.
- There is also increasing competition, new job offers, and a new labor force in the industry.
- There is an increasing concern to ensure employee satisfaction.
- A survey was conducted through the use of SurveyMonkey to establish employee attitudes toward environmental volunteering programs.
- The survey was distributed among the remaining 56 employees of the company to assess their attitudes and perceptions through three questions. (1). How do they focus on environmental issues across the news (2) Their willingness to pay 50AED for garbage recycling and (3) their willingness to engage in a no-garbage day (Teaching Exercise, 2022).
- A 7-point Likert scale with 1 indicating completely disagreeing and 7 strongly agreeing was used for the survey. For the Likert scale, 4 indicated neutrality.
- The answers were downloaded from SurveyMonkey from where demographic data was added.
- The notable point from the research findings is that many of the employees would be unwilling to contribute 50 AED for garbage recycling. This is captured in question 2 where 69.25% indicated that do not agree with the idea.
- Another important takeaway from the findings is that a majority would be willing to commit to a weekly no-garbage day. The findings show that 87.49% of the respondents agree with the idea.
- Finally, question 1 results indicate that most of the respondents were unbiased on environmental issues. The results indicate that 39.28% of the respondents do not follow environmental issues on news.
- Ensure implementation of a weekly no-garbage day. The employees are willing to engage in such programs as a contribution to society.
- Improve awareness of the importance of environmental issues. The negative attitude of the employees towards contributing to garbage recycling might be the result of a lack of awareness as they do not follow environmental issues on news.
- Eliminate the idea of any form of contribution by the employees towards any form of environmental management. Identify an alternative approach such as volunteering in social programs.
Teaching Exercise. (2022). The Case of the Office Initiative: Analysing Objective Data to Make Better Management Decisions, rep.