Generally, from the perspective of value, the company has rather beneficial features. One of its first and notable advantages is its access to the necessary material to complete its goals. Wegmans Food Market prides itself in providing organic products without artificial flavors, dyes and scents. To accentuate the detailed knowledge they have regarding healthy food, they incorporate Wellness Keys in their products to explain which of the items are meant for everyone or those with specific needs, such as lactose intolerance (Wegmans Food Market 3, 2022). They claim that their choice of products is very diverse and have stores ranging from 75,000 to 140,000 square feet, making them bigger than most stores (Wegmans Food Market 1, 2022). To further improve their brand and the items they sell, they cooperate with various farms that have similar values and goals (Wegmans Food Market 2, 2022). Wegmans Food Market depicts some of the achievements they have made in each decade of its existence. These features explain how the company and its products can and may be valuable for its customers.
Wegmans Food Market thoroughly depicts some of its achievements and its attention to sustainability, thus emphasizing how much they cares about the quality of the store. They maintain low prices in their supermarkets so as to keep the customers satisfied while not letting it negatively affect their reputation. These definitive features help Wegmans Food Market emphasize its value as a company while accentuating quality control and sustainability as important aspects.
From the perspective of rarity, things are significantly more complex. While, as mentioned earlier, it has been stated that they cooperate with different farms that incorporate the same values, it is not an unobtainable or unique resource. However, the size of the company’s buildings and the diverse choice of products might make them stand out among their competition, as Wegmans Food Market has stated that these features are greater than those of their competitors. Generally speaking, it would be safe to say that while the size and the product choice may, perhaps, count as rare resources, the rest of them, organic goods and other products, are not unique, as they are implemented in other companies as well.
In regards to imitability, some of the aspects are both pessimistic and optimistic. For example, the aspect of organic goods and products for people with dietary limitations is not unique to other stores. For example, Whole Foods is known as one of the most influential figures in organic foods and they cooperate with farms to provide good products (Deering, 2021). It incorporates the aspect of diverse food options as well, which makes it harder for Wegmans Food Market to compete. Nonetheless, some other features the company has, such as the scholarships for the employees, is significantly harder to copy due to the necessary resources.
Wegmans Food Market prides itself in some other important features. They include the aforementioned scholarships for employees, listening to the ideas of their workers and gathering feedback from the customers. The second feature is rather beneficial, as they believe that it is important to accentuate the positive deeds and thoughts that could positively affect the employees’ work and strengthen the positive reputation of the company. In the case of the third aspect, they gather comments from their customers regarding service and the overall experience as a means to improve the way their store works. That way, the company helps promote their store and ameliorate some of the aspects that could provide the supermarket chain with better ratings.
Deering, S. (2021). These 10 grocery stores sell the most organic produce—and yes, Costco makes the list!Parade: Entertainment, Recipes, Health, Life, Holidays. Web.
Wegmans Food Market. 1 (2022). Company overview. Web.
Wegmans Food Market. 2 (2022). Near our stores. Web.
Wegmans Food Market. 3 (2022). Wegmans brand. Web.