Human beings are unique creatures characterized by the constant thirst for cognition, self-investigation, and unique beliefs that are an integral part of our mentality. The existence of these phenomena is the main feature that differs from the rest of animals and contributes to the further rise of human society and the appearance of numerous questions related to the nature of our conscience, mind, and soul. Therefore, the issue of the soul is closely connected to such phenomena as religion and spirituality. They are interrelated, but could also go alone at the same time. Very often a person might consider himself/herself to be spiritual but not religious and on the contrary. Moreover, these definitions might be confused. That is why improved comprehending of these issues is vital.
As for religion, it comes from the Latin word religio which means to tie together (Finucane 19). The given definition shows the essence of this unique phenomenon perfectly as people who belong to the same religion are tied together by the common beliefs. values, approaches, etc. From this perspective, religion could be defined as a set of ideas and concepts followed by a group of people who take these as the main guide. However, in a broader meaning of this very term, family, work, or occupation could also be considered religion (Finucane 20). A person might appreciate family values and consider them to be the most important thing in his/her life.
Besides, spirituality is different. All human beings are spiritual (Finucane 21). It means that they have a complex inner organization and can sympathize, feel some sophisticated feelings, emotions, etc. However, spirituality might be expressed through the idea of belonging to something more. An individual might also have an idea about powers that impact our lives and contribute to the appearance of one or another phenomenon. It could also be referred to as spirituality (Mueller et al. 26). At the same time, it is closely connected to religion which is often considered a form of spirituality as both these notions tie us together and contribute to the appearance of common inclinations, values, or desires.
Furthermore, spirituality and religion are the main cognition tools that a person uses to investigate the universe and find answers to the most important questions. However, there is a tendency to associate religion and faith, doubting the allowability of questioning as if a person believes, he/she should have no doubts. The given idea contradicts human nature. Curiosity and thirst for knowledge are its basic elements that contribute to the evolution of our society. That is why only asking questions an individual can understand the most important aspects of things, including religion and spirituality. In other words, the way to God or improved comprehending of spirituality should consist of numerous questions, and when a person can find answers, he/she will also be able to understand the real nature of religion or spirituality.
Altogether, religion and spirituality often come together, comprising an essential part of any individual. However, they should not be confused. Religion is a set of beliefs and values appreciated by a person and taken as the most significant thing when spirituality creates the basis for the appearance of these feelings and contributes to the development of sophisticated ideas, emotions, and feelings. However, both these unique phenomena help individuals to cognize the world and find answers to the most important questions.
Works Cited
Finucane, Dan. “Introduction. Religion, Spirituality, and the Question of God.” Theological Foundations Concepts and Methods for Understanding Christian Faith, edited by John Mueller, Anselm Academic, 2007, pp. 17-26.
Mueller, John et. al. Theological Foundations. Saint Marys Press, 2007.