What I Want From Executive MBA Program Essay

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EMBA (Executive MBA) program’s main objective is to provide to the students high managerial competence, international mindset and enrichment through diversity, leadership and personal development.

By realizing these objectives students would be able to solve various problems and make rigorous analyses, understand global business and cultures to be global leaders, gain interpersonal and teamwork skill, develop creative intuition, and be encouraged for new ideas and challenges breaking conventional wisdom. Executive MBA Program is composed of Business Fundamentals and Managerial Practices, with Leadership and Personal Development and Application exercises running throughout the program.

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In EMBA course the students have the possibility to elect among many subjects according to their objectives and needs. In this course I am going to study subjects that include the area of management, marketing, finance etc. All the subjects are very useful to me and the knowledge they provide are connected to each other.I just finished my first class EMBA fundamentals, so I may say that I got the important basic concepts and principles regarding the fundamental subjects.

Now I have to continue gathering deep information in the subjects where I am more interested in. Because of my needs I think there should be more financial classes included in the program.

I am supply chain manager for manufacturing. My job there needs the proper information in accounting and finance subject. So I would like to develop my preparation especially in the finance area. The EMBA program will be very helpful to me through subjects like “Financial Management”, “Entrepreneurial Finance”, and “International Finance”.

The first subject explores the strategic decisions that lead to capital spending. Also are discussed other problems like the risk element in financial decision-making or financial instruments that have evolved to re-allocate risk in the economy. The second subject seeks to provide me with a working knowledge of international financial instruments, markets, and institutions. In the “Entrepreneurial Finance” topic such as: Bank Financing, Valuation, Technology and entrepreneurship are covered in a dynamic and challenging environment.

The course is online and offers me the possibility to continue working and also doing any other activity but a part of my job has turned into a problem for me. I travel a lot and that is why has become very important at this point to define a certain policy plan.

At first I should make more efforts to manage my time correctly. I have to give the appropriate time to all my activities. I may begin to stop traveling so much to have more time for the course. Despite the fact that the course is online, it requires time because I have to prepare assignments. I must begin trying to find another position inside the company where I work.A position that allows me to travel less would be wonderful for my plans. I have to dedicate a little more time to the course.

Another problem for me is to turn my assignment on time. If I reduce my travel agenda I have the possibility to dedicate to my assignments the time left, and as a result I would turn my assignments on time.

If I manage successfully not to waste my time I think I would also have a few time left to put online interactions with the other students of the course. Connecting with other students it’s a problem since the course is online. I may begin asking their mail addresses for assignment advices. I think this can function because interaction between students is always good and helpful.Traveling less or a better position could help me to pay on time too.

Now I have the possibility to ask for a better position because I can add to my curriculum the fact that I am frequenting this type of course.

Despite the inconveniences, I think that my job is very important to practice my acquired knowledge in the course.


It is important for me to make clear this individual development plan because I can identify areas where I feel comfortable and areas where I need to do more effort. Also I can decide which subjects are more required for my life experience and which ones are not relevant. According to my job needs classes in the leadership area are not relevant for me.

I should use their time to pay more attention to the management and financial classes. My work experience gave me the opportunity to feel comfortable with certain subjects of the program, especially those regarding with the management area. I do not feel very comfortable in the leadership area because of the lack of experience. Knowledge in the group behavior area and in the influence of the decisions made in the worker’s psychology would be of a great interest for me too, because I work with people. I think this would help me to deal better with them and to have a clean communication.

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IvyPanda. (2021, November 10). What I Want From Executive MBA Program. https://ivypanda.com/essays/what-i-want-from-executive-mba-program/

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"What I Want From Executive MBA Program." IvyPanda, 10 Nov. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/what-i-want-from-executive-mba-program/.


IvyPanda. (2021) 'What I Want From Executive MBA Program'. 10 November.


IvyPanda. 2021. "What I Want From Executive MBA Program." November 10, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/what-i-want-from-executive-mba-program/.

1. IvyPanda. "What I Want From Executive MBA Program." November 10, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/what-i-want-from-executive-mba-program/.


IvyPanda. "What I Want From Executive MBA Program." November 10, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/what-i-want-from-executive-mba-program/.

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