Most American investors and people in business do not support investigative journalism in the business community. This thesis is of salience as it reveals the media’s hidden skirmishes, especially in conducting and reporting findings related to business and trade. The news houses have the right to conduct research on each sector of the economy and pass the results to the members of the society. However, this right has been compromised over time by the top businessmen. The main reasons for this struggle are the efforts of entrepreneurs to protect the image of their enterprises. This thesis, however, can be controversial as it can lead to a debate on the whole matter. The business class can argue that they only oppose investigative journalism to protect the privacy of their business and not hide information from their goods. Publications can make one company vulnerable to its competitors. With the details, the opponent can strategize to destroy the business. This topic of discussion is of paramount salience in a journalism and society course as it divulges challenges faced in journalism and its effect on society.
The American press has a role in monitoring major trends in the country’s political sector. The news houses play a crucial role in researching, compiling, disseminating, and exchanging political content. This thesis is essential as it has a wide-ranging impact on democratic governance and political practices. The rise of political media is facilitated by various reasons, including the increased freedom of speech and expression that has been granted to the media and mass communication sector. They are using the opportunity to educate the citizens and eradicate political illiteracy. The goal can be opposed as other people can have a controversial perspective and claim that the political media is entirely a scheme sponsored by politicians. The politicians can be accused of using the media to propel their fame and tarnish the name of their opponents. This argument can also be actual as some media personnel can be corrupted to promote such aspects. This topic is critical in journalism courses as it majors on the redefined role of journalists in state governance. In society courses, it emphasized the trends in politics and how citizens engage in politics.
The general population of African-Americans usually oppose some government policies, and their disgrace is revealed chiefly through their opinions on the national news. The topic focuses on the government policies and how they impact the citizens of America and the role of journalism in governance and policy implementation. The government is responsible for the assessing, planning, formulation, and implementation of the policies, and the media houses and journalists perform the role of passing the information to the people. The topic is crucial as it analyses the effects of the policies on various communities of people living in America and how the media communicates to the people about such procedures. The policies affect people differently and sometimes they sideline other societies such as the Black Americans. The topic can be controversial as it may build an argument that it is racially biased. Government policies affect people differently, but some policies hurt other communities, such as African and Indian Americans. This topic is crucial in journalism and society courses as it defines journalism’s role in policy implementation and communication and the widespread impacts on people.