Women and the Moon: Social, Cultural and Religious Implications Essay (Critical Writing)

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Menstruation is a natural physiological process that happens in the body of a female. Menstruation is both physically and emotionally an important process in the female body. The duration of menstruation is commonly known as the maturation period. In science, it is considered the first step of a woman’s reproduction cycle. This process repeats throughout life. But, at the age of fifty to fifty-five, this process will stop. Menstruation is linked to reproduction. Some females are very much worried about menstruation, but some are not. During the menstruation period, some people experience headaches and body pain. Women’s personal experiences with menstruation are the significant signs of the results of the shared cultural socialization of women’s selves and their specific gender roles. This paper is an attempt to prove that menstruation is nothing special but a common and normal biological and anatomical condition related to the reproduction of the species. There are no connections to myths and cultures and modern life demonstrates that menstruation does not require more energy and attention than a simple cold.

When analyzing the viewpoints of many, one can see that menstruation has been a subject of ceremony and it has had great ritual importance in many countries. Religious customs and rituals give some relation to the moon through the concept of the Moon time ceremony. The cyclic process of the moon affects the menstruation process among women. The hackneyed menstrual cycle is remarkably analogous in duration to the lunar cycle. Many studies have identified the influence of the moon in menstruation and the moon has an elite role in female energy. It has been identified that the cycle of the moon takes place within the period of twenty-nine days and menstruation in an average woman occurs in the same period. “A woman’s blood and hormonal cycle follow the ebb and flow of the moon; from new moon to full moon, estrogen increases leading to ovulation, or maximum fertility, at full moon. From full moon to new moon, the waning half of the cycle, progesterone predominates. Traditionally, women used to start bleeding right before the new moon, in the dark of the moon” (Women who bleed with the moon, n. d). Thus, it makes clear the link between the moon and menstruation.

Though the relation of the moon with menstruation is easily identifiable, in modern times menstruation in women is not as accurate as it was in the olden days, that is, women begin menstruation during different phases of the moon. Many believe in the powers of the moon and they strongly believe that one needs to get back in synchronization with the moon; one has to follow different types of rituals at different times during the moon cycle. They also are of the opinion that one has to honor the time of menstruation. But, the lifestyle of modern women brings a lot of changes in the mental as well as physical nature of women and evaluation makes clear the fact that the predominance of the moon in menstruation is not precise as in ancient days.

It has been identified that a woman begins her monthly bleeding in the dark moon phase, and one monthly reproductive cycle comes to an end when the blood flow cleans the body. This period is also marked with some noticeable changes in woman’s character as well as physically. It is this period that enables a woman to get rid of all old thoughts, habits, desires and can adopt new visions and perspectives. The normal routine at menstruation generally denies a woman the opportunity for self-introspection. But, she also has to undergo physical stress and other physical problems as part of menstruation.

The online article, “Women and the Moon – The Monthly Cycle” observes, “The average menstrual cycle is 29 1/2 days, which is exactly the length of the moon’s cycle. Studies have identified that the different hormones in a woman’s bloodstream also respond to the moon’s cycle. After the dark phase, when a full moon appears, the estrogen level grows rapidly and progesterone begins to take over. Thus, it is clear that the moon has an elite role in a woman’s menstruation.

It is a part of the ancient belief that the sun symbolizes the male and the moon represents the female. Different communities in the then world have practiced beliefs and customs related to menstruation. Most of them have some rational support and others have no scientific justifications. As part of rituals, old women give good and meaningful advice regarding menstruation. Through these kinds of interactions, the young girls can get an opportunity to share their feelings. It indicates the attention of the community on the young women’s needs at this time in their life. She expects this good advice and instructions at the time she enters womanhood. Mother and old women give the rituals. Rituals are a very important and essential fact of this time. These good rituals give more courage and confidence. The online article entitled First Menstruation Ritual by Marie Zenack helps the reader to understand the ritual importance of menstruation. The author remarks; “A menarche (first menstruation) ritual can make this time easier and more meaningful for both the young woman beginning menstruation and her mother” (Zenack, 2007, para.1).

These kinds of rituals and ceremonies promote a system that men, girls who have not started menstruation, and old people follow a healthy relationship with the new woman and develop an attitude to congratulate the new woman. Many people believe menstrual blood has some magical power and is fertility enriching matter. Ancient cultures often recommended menstrual blood as a treatment for malaria and leprosy.

Various communities have been practicing different ceremonies. Studies prove that most of these ceremonies have some scientific backgrounds. A sprinkling of water, throwing flower petals, using herbs are very common in several communities. Primitive communities follow some unscientific practices without a proper understanding of the fundamental biological basis. For instance, The Huaulu tribes of Indonesia have formed a menstrual hut on the end of their village and the women in Huaulu tribes must lead an isolated life in these huts. The journal article published under the title Menstrual Taboos Among Major Religions provides valuable comments about the ritual ceremonies and customs related to menstruation. The author remarks; “However, they must refrain from eating game, and they must bathe at special fountains forbidden to men” (Guterman, Mehta & Gibbs, 2008, Tribal religions, para.2).

One can find some sociological justifications for these kinds of rituals and beliefs towards the physical phenomena. Menstruating female must isolate herself because this is the time when a young girl reaches the zenith of her powers. Sexual intercourses and other social distractions affect the concentration of a woman.

They connect the menstruation process into the cyclic movement of the moon and often consider menstruation is supernatural. Several communities strictly prohibited women from sexual intercourse and cooking for their husbands during their menstruation period. Analyzing the pages of history, one can easily find that the ancient Christian religion has practiced some specific rituals related to menstruation. They have considered that menstruation is a dangerous and supernatural phenomenon and religion placed some social restrictions upon women in their menstruation period. Many religious communities, especially Hindu religion, consider menarche as a negative experience and that requires restrictions. Even though menstruation is a natural and physiological process, it has some cultural, social, and religious tides.

The menstruation period is considered a feminine cycle symbolically related to the moon. This is related to ovulation and menstruation. This symbolically reflects the fluctuation of the light and dark phases of the moon. Researchers have noticed that based on the rhythm of the moon’s cycle, various hormones are produced in women’s bloodstream. The cyclic rhythm of the moon affects female sexuality and it plays a vital role in the physical and emotional lives of women. “A woman’s sexual receptivity peaks, and her body and emotions are prepared for conception and fertilization. In addition, the moon’s maximum illumination energizes a woman, and she is able to fulfill her wishes and accomplish what she began during the new moon phase.” (Destiny astrology for women, n.d., para.4)

Light and dark phases of the moon indicate absolute sensitivity, cooperation, treating others with love, and the preference to support or encourage others. Studies prove that during the time of menstruation, the moon can control the menstrual cycle. The moon can activate the formation of various hormones especially estragon and the ovulation process among women. The moon affects female emotions and the way they behave and view the outer world. In ancient times, some people used the blood-stained cloth of menstrual women for treatments of certain illnesses. Researchers have remarked that the ancient Greek community had used menstrual blood as an effective fertilizer and they mixed it with seeds before planting, for fertility.

To conclude, even though it has numerous social, cultural, physical, and religious implications, menstruation is a natural and physical phenomenon. It is a biological and anatomical process that is connected with reproduction. After a detailed study, one can see that the menstruation period of a woman has some relation with the moon. Ancient communities and religious groups have believed and practiced the ‘moon time’ ceremony during the time of menstruation. The rhythm of the moon’s cycle affects the production of hormones in the female body and the result of this affects the physical and emotional life of a female. Some ancient cultures, such as Greek and Indian, have followed a positive attitude towards the menstruation process. Anyway, one cannot find any kind of staunch evidence that proves the relation of menstruation to myth or superstition. Thus, it leads to the conclusion that menstruation is a physiological process that does not require more energy and attention than a simple cold.


Destiny astrology for women: Women and the moon – the monthly cycle. (n.d.). Web.

Guterman, M A., Mehta, P., & Gibbs, M S. (2008). Menstrual taboos among major religions: Tribal religions. The Internet Journal of World Health and Societal Politics, 5 (2). ISPUB.com. Web.

Women who bleed with the moon. (n.d). Menstruation.com. Web.

Zenack, M. (2007). First menstruation Ritual. Matirarchy.info. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2021, November 24). Women and the Moon: Social, Cultural and Religious Implications. https://ivypanda.com/essays/women-and-the-moon-social-cultural-and-religious-implications/

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"Women and the Moon: Social, Cultural and Religious Implications." IvyPanda, 24 Nov. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/women-and-the-moon-social-cultural-and-religious-implications/.


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Women and the Moon: Social, Cultural and Religious Implications'. 24 November.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Women and the Moon: Social, Cultural and Religious Implications." November 24, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/women-and-the-moon-social-cultural-and-religious-implications/.

1. IvyPanda. "Women and the Moon: Social, Cultural and Religious Implications." November 24, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/women-and-the-moon-social-cultural-and-religious-implications/.


IvyPanda. "Women and the Moon: Social, Cultural and Religious Implications." November 24, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/women-and-the-moon-social-cultural-and-religious-implications/.

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