Workplace safety is a matter of great importance. It is an issue worthy utmost concern from the management in any given organization (Harvey, 2003). This is because safety involves “preventing harm whether physical, physiological, or psychological in nature” (Nigel, 2004). Ensuring employees’ safety and health can be equated to protecting company’s assets (Nigel, 2004). This is because employees are the most important assets in an organization.
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In a situation where an employee is injured in the workplace, this may result to lowered productivity and increased expenses to the organization (Harvey, 2003). This is because the company will spend more money in treating the injured employee. On the other hand, having appropriate measures that will guarantee safe workplace means that, the workforce will be healthy and ready to sustain a steady economical growth in both short and long-term (Nigel, 2004). Therefore, the most critical issue is maintaining a safe and healthy workplace environment for social change.
Because the issue of workplace safety is a very sensitive topic, the HR departments in most organizations have tried to implement numerous measures that are meant to ensure a safe and healthy work environment. Among the proposed solutions, include designing safer systems of work, exhibiting commitment by the HR department, developing a monitoring policy, training employees, inspecting the work environment, establishing appropriate preventing procedures and controls, setting up safety and health committees, and drawing up action plan (Admin, 2011). Among these recommended solution I fully agree with developing training program, inspecting the workplace, and designing safer system in the workplace.
One of the most reliable ways of ensuring workplace safety and health is by providing appropriate training to employees (Admin, 2011). Developing a safety and healthy workplace training program can play a major role in promoting healthy and safety workplace. Developing a relevant training program will help employees to acquire knowledge, skills, and experience (Admin, 2011). Training on issues of health and safety in the workplace will not only increase skills, but will also help in improving employees’ performance and hence increase productivity (Nigel, 2004).
In a farm (a coffee farm), the human resource manager can develop a training program that will provide knowledge and enlighten all farm employees on issues of safety in their work environment. In such a farm, a number of factors pose potential health and safety risks. Farm machinery, drugs and chemical, fire, and individuals are risks to healthy and safety in the farm. The HR manager should sensitize all involved participants by making them understand the importance of safety in such a work environment.
As a healthy and safety measure, the HR manager should provide training to all employees so that they can acquire appropriate knowledge on how to use farm machineries, how to prevent fire outbreaks, how to prevent accidents, and proper handling of drugs and chemicals. Such training is imperative as the employees get to know the best practices that would minimize potential hazards and hence ensuring healthy and safety in the workplace (Nigel, 2004).
In order to ensure effective training program, both employees and the manager must play their roles accordingly. The HR manager has a legal and moral obligation to play in the training process. When beginning a healthy and safety training program, the HR manager should ensure that, the training environment is friendly for all staff (Nigel, 2004). For instance, it should be accommodative to employees with special needs. As a moral obligation, the HR should also ensure that the training program does not discriminate any of the organization’s employees (Nigel, 2004).
The program should be able to promote fairness. In order to improve the workplace safety and health through training, the HR manager must fully inform his subordinates of their rights and responsibilities throughout the training session. Most importantly, the manager should commit resources necessary to complete the safety and health training session. He should be able to provide safety equipments (Nigel, 2004).
I do agree that designing safer system of works is also a safety and health measure in the work environment. Purchasing working and “in good condition” machines will reduce the safety and health hazards in any given organization (Nigel, 2004). It has been noted that most of the work-related accidents happen due to failure of machines (Harvey, 2003). In a factory for instance, when employees are operating a cutting machine, they may be exposed to safety risks in case a machine fails. Such a machine may cause severe damage to the operators (employees).
Designing safer systems is an appropriate solution because the risk is eliminated at the early stages. The HR should carry an extensive research to investigate and indentify machineries that are not in good condition. The HR should inform his staff about those machineries that are not effective so that they can avoid working with such machines. As a long-term solution, the management should replace non-working machines with properly working machines.
I am also of the opinion that carryout inspection at the work can also improve workplace safety and health (Harvey, 2003). As such, it is important for all companies and organizations to do regular safety inspections in the Workplace. Conducting workplace inspection has many advantages namely, cost saving, increased workers productivity, and identifying hazards before they cause any harm (Harvey, 2003).
Regular inspection at the workplace saves the organization a lot of money that could be spend for compensating workers in case of an accident. Employees are company’s most valued asset and should be protected at all cost (Harvey, 2003). Preventing accidents that cause physical injury to employees ensures productivity and success of the company. When workers are out of danger, they spend their time working to ensure that they meet the goals and objectives of the company.
In maintaining workplace safety, both the human resource manager and employees have a responsibility to play. The employees need to report any accident or illness that occurs in their area of work promptly to facilitate compensation and insurance cover in time to eliminate any chances of accidents (Harvey, 2003).
As a moral obligation, the human resource manager should ensure that employees work in safe and healthy environment (Harvey, 2003). The management of the organization needs to respond fast to any accident reports without biasness or favor. The HR department needs to investigate any reported cases to find out what caused the accident and any preventive measures that can be used to prevent similar accidents (Harvey, 2003). For instance, restaurants that have electronic equipments or machines that may cause burns and cut among other forms of injury must be inspected to identify any malfunctions in such machines. The HR department should always carryout systematic investigations to ensure adequate safety measures are put in place (Harvey, 2003). Once faults are discovered in such machines, the HR should report the case to the relevant department for maintenance or change of equipments.
In conclusion, while trying to provide safe and healthy work environment, the HR must play his role adequately. As such, the HR should play his legal and moral roles in accordance to company’s policy. The manager should be able to promote fairness and address the needs of all employees without cases of discrimination. The HR should consider a method that best suits the situation and addresses the potential risks for better and safe workplace.
Reference List
Admin. (2011). Role of Management in Improving Workplace Safety and Health. Web.
Harvey, S. (2003). Workplace Safety. Chatswood: Software Publications Pty, Limited.
Nigel, B. (2004). Workplace safety.Sidney: Pearson Education.