Instabilities in Arab States and Its Effect on the United States Research Paper

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International security has become a matter of concern to many states worldwide including the United States. Without efficient security, investment is jeopardized. The American government in its quest to protecting its people has put in place measures to guarantee and stability. The biggest challenge to the efforts being made is terrorism that is being carried out by the individuals of Middle Eastern Origin.

The United States as a world’s super power has the responsibility of maintaining peace both nationally and internationally. It has been the super power since the end of the cold war in early 1990. Super power is a synonym of pole meaning the pole of power.

Polarity is a combination of economic strength, technological power, cultural domination, political might and diplomatic capability. All these combine to give the United States needed power to control the world.

The American government therefore has more responsibilities than keeping its citizens safe. It has to control the world politically, economically and socio-culturally (Stephen, 2004). To perform all these functions, it has to ensure that security is maintained at all costs. The American government employs various techniques including making use of its diplomats in other states to collect information on world security.

It naturally follows that the revolution in the Arab states and continued feuds proves to be a matter of great concern to the super power. Other states that rely on the Arab states for fuel and other products from fuel depend on the United States for action since they do not have the ability to intervene.

The Arab states are strategic in that they are endowed with massive natural resources. Their resource base makes them behave in a way that can destabilize world security.

Analysis of Arab States

Behavior of Leaders in Arab States

The leaders in these states are non-democratic; they exercise autocracy. Rarely do they consult the people they represent. Dictators never follow the laid down rules in form of the constitution. They practice risk-taking meaning they enjoy when other people suffer; they are sadists (Hala, 1997, p. 100).

The leaders never cede power in any electioneering process even if the age comes calling. The old leaders are conservative and pretend to be wise; they do not pave way for young leaders who are innovative, revolutionary and experimental.

Usually, the leaders from these countries have poor health, which end up affecting their level of concentration. It is proven that health conditions such as brain problems and heart conditions affect an individual’s level of concentration, for example, the American President Wilson Woodrow suffered from cardio-vascular disease that made him intolerant to advice. These leaders normally have troubled childhood backgrounds because of natural circumstances such as death of parents.

They are bitter about society and tend to punish it by practicing several injustices. Furthermore, these leaders have low educational level. An individual’s worldview is increased by education decisions are made basing on the current issues happening in the world. The leaders are guided by their traditional believes, mostly believing in the supernatural being (Daniel, 2005).

They do not separate the functions of state with those of religion. Political leaders are both temporal and spiritual leaders their actions are inspired by the teachings of Islam hence they are ready to die fighting with Christians believing that they will be fighting the holy war of Jihad.

This type of traditional reasoning exists to threaten world security, leaders should be made to reason logically that is; scientific reasoning allows application of methods of scientific management in administration and leadership (Bakhash, 1986, p. 230)

Geography of the Arab States

The states in the region benefit from the terrain, the terrain is favorable to them if they were to be engaged militarily. The terrain determines the external behavior of a state. For example, Afghanistan withstood pressure from colonialism because of the hilly terrain. Equally, the United States attempted to destroy the Taliban for a long time. War can only be fought by rich nations; decision to engage in war is influenced by resource s.

The ethnic composition also supports the Arab countries as far as their aggression is concerned. Unlike other regions of the world, the countries surrounding states are predominantly Arabic.

They cannot offer support to any country from outside in case of military intervention. Most of the states in the Arab countries are not members of international regimes such as the United Nations Environmental Program and the World Bank. These bodies serve to stabilize the behavior of the states.

Models of International Relations

State-centric model

The American government can employ this model hoping that other states are in position of upholding their sovereignty. The sovereign states will therefore make decisions without being influenced by other external non-state actors. The states will be able to maintain their security without assistance from the American government.

Without other states, the United States will not be able to achieve its mission of peacekeeping and restoring stability in the disgruntled states. The United States is interested in the affairs of other states because of its national interests.

The American companies invest in many states both within and without the continent. The terrorists may opt to frustrate the America government by attacking its companies oversee. The terrorists have been attacking the American embassies such as those in East Africa that is Nairobi, Kenya and Tanzania. The United States government should therefore check that other states are able to maintain their security.

Mixed model Approach

Sovereignty alone does not make the state be a sole actor in international system. There are many units which posses other qualities that make them have more impact to shadow the sovereignty of the state. The non-state actors have massive resources to an extent of bailing out states.

The international monetary fund has no sovereignty but sometimes force states in developing nations to take extreme decisions that they would otherwise have not taken. The United Nations can impose a no-fly zone to a sovereign state meaning sovereignty is not a reason why other states should intervene in internal affairs of states.

Some states cannot defend their territories because of the size or nature of institutions established in the states. For example, drug lords have been controlling Columbia mainly because of the weak institutions established in the country. The drug lords have established their own administrative organization called FARC.

Some other states such as those in Africa that is Angola and Mozambique have been sharing the control of the state with terrorists, conversely Basque in Spain have been controlling a small section of the state. Moreover, some states are too large such as the Congo making it difficult for the government to establish the administrative units effectively.

Due to the above reasons, the United States government should intervene to assist the unable states to restore peace and instability. It has always done this especially in Middle East where the terrorists acquire governmental powers and misuse it by training terrorists.

Global Security

National Defense

The government has intensified defense efforts by coming up with all encompassing policies resulting from extensive consultation. It involves the reasoning out of both civilians and military elites under the guidance of the department of defense. The department receives enough funds from the central government; all forms of equipments necessary to counter terrorism are provided.

The forces are well diversified with strong air force to take care of space and the navy proving maritime security services. A part from the military, the government has strong investigative units that provide relevant information to other security agencies. The units include the world’s known FBI and CIA, which are efficient investigative units, that advice the government accordingly as far as security is concerned.

International and Regional Peace and Security

The United States is the permanent of the United Nations Security Council. The council is in charge of world peace and stability. The United States uses its veto power in the council to influence the making of sound policies, which favor the citizens its citizens. To ensure that its citizens are protected, the United States government is not a signatory of other statutes that operate to pin down its members.

The international Criminal Court is one such organization; it is not a member of the ICC. It is not lost on us that the United States proposed the creation of the ICC. It wanted to contain the non-democratic processes that go on in third world countries.

The United States involves itself in too many wars hence it was felt that by being the member of ICC, the soldiers would be indicted by the court. At regional level, the United States has an economic bloc responsible for collective bargaining for trade. The bloc comprises of Canada, Mexico and other states.

Economic Growth, Trade and Security

The government at all time provides opportunities both locally and internationally. It engages itself with other states by signing trade agreements. The government provides markets for goods and services. Because of competition locally, the government provides opportunities abroad to reduce conflicts of interests. Many states import American labor believed to be effective.

The government has ensured that stability is realized worldwide thus encouraging Americans to invest freely. Through its ideology of capitalism, the government has influenced other states to adopt it making trading across continents possible. The United States has one of the strongest currencies that put it in an advantaged position against other states.

American goods are highly demanded due to the technology used in producing them. The goods are proved to be durable and of high quality. The American industries produce goods that have ready markets especially weapons. The weapons are exported to Africa with the help of government. The government is always in constant negotiation with other states to provide more opportunities to its people

Energy Security

The biggest challenge globally is attaining sustainable energy source. The levels of fossil fuels that are used in producing oil have gone down. Consumption of fuels is posing environmental challenge to many economies including that of the United States. Extraction of oil is proving to be difficult prompting the government to look for another alternative. The little fuel produced has a very high demand domestically and in foreign land.

For this reason, the government has embarked on alternative sources of energy producing the cleanest energy mix. The on-going unrests in Arab states dos not in any way affect the American energy industry. The country is self-sufficient; the imported fuel from Middle East serves to supplement the available energy.

The nuclear energy obtained because of military scientific development, is utilized in producing electricity. The government has entered in agreement with other states that supply other needed forms of energy that would otherwise be expensive when manufactured locally because of unavailable raw materials.

Environmental Security

The United States is the major player in the global negotiation on climate change as well as environmental issues. The government deemphasizes on activities such as deforestation responsible for gas emission causes climate change. The other threat to environment is the relations between production and the environment. The government ha s established various programs that aims at conserving the environment.

The acts of senate and congress prohibit trading of body parts of endangered species. The laws are very tight without any loophole hence making the United States to be on of the states strongly supporting environmental conservation.

National Security Approaches

In order to achieve its interests including keeping safe the citizens, the American government employs various theories to achieve the mission. The aim of any political system is to safe life and property. Any government that fails to fulfill this function should cease to exist.

The states’ strength is measured In terms of military strength and economic capability (Magnus, 1997). The government puts in place strong measures to ensure that instability is achieved. Without security, the state is ungovernable.


The theory emerged towards the beginning of the Second World War and matured during and after the Second World War. The idealists fail to explain why there are increasing instabilities in many parts of the world. Just as individuals are selfish and brutal, states are also the same. States use other states for self-benefit, that is why the United States government must protect its people lest they benefit other states (Pillar, 2001, p. 159).

The international system is equivalent to the jungle that is each state is hostile to the other. The international system is anarchic in order; it is like the Hobbestian state of nature. There is no Leviathan (common government) creating the vacuum. The members are driven by natural instincts and self-defense.

For this case, the American government concentrates on its structure of governance meaning the changes made are influenced by the international system only. The United States being the world power presently must make policies that favor its people and others who are seen as powerless.

Liberal Institutionalism

The international system should be interpreted to suit the present position. States should be directed on how to be organized in order to prevent war. Because of globalization, states rely on each other for survival. The governments of other states should not be allowed to hold property. The economy should be liberalized meaning a free market economy.

Politics and economics should be separate the market is to operate on its own internal logics. The government intervenes in the economy only when there is turmoil. This kind of economic perspective ensures that resources are equally distributed to various individuals hence discouraging autocracy, which is closely related to terrorists.

People who trade together relate and coexist harmoniously since there interests are tied progressively through transactions. Politics is perpetual struggles characterized by intrigues, conflicts and largely influenced by zero-sum games meaning one persons loss is another ones success. It is better if economic activities are left free of political intervention so that their own logic could be the framework of operations.

Human Relations

Human beings relate to each other, they declare war on each other. In order to understand the patterns of interaction, it is better to understand the intrinsic nature of human beings because they share some things. Human beings are always well intentioned to each other and are virtuous. They have capacity to do good thereby eliminating conditions that cause war since war is a result of hate.

For there to be good relations, the environment should be managed since it is responsible for misbehavior. The First World War can partly be attributed to the environment. The diplomats and other decision makers explored both internal and external environment. The representatives interacted in the name states hence the environment should be created both locally and internationally.

Human relation is effected through education system meaning the states need to unify their educational curriculum. The young generation should learn the importance of security and peace worldwide. Some academic systems are dubious hence producing the half-baked graduates who do nothing to change the society.


In order to prevent terrorism nationally countries are to be governed democratically. The more democracies we have, the less the chances of war. Democracy is about self-determination, governments possess qualities that reduce the chances of war. The United States government should encourage Democratic Peace Proposition that is being proposed by many developed states.

Democracies actually do not go into war with other democracies (Gary, 2003. p. 89). It emphasizes peaceful resolution of conflicts, negotiations are arranged that facilitate understanding. Democratic governments are accountable implying that state resources are utilized in the most cost effective way.

The governments strive to be accountable to the people for decisions they make because people who wish their interests to be represented elect them. The government always should consult the citizens for decisions it makes either public or foreign.

This reduces the changes of terrorism since it is not the wishes of the people for others to die or lose property. Elections should be conducted after every stipulated time such as five years or four.

Formation of International Organizations

At international level, the government should ensure that international regimes exist. Each of organization works to fulfill its mandate. The International monetary fund and the World Bank ensure that countries are funded to empower them economically. A well to do society will not think of irritating other states by supporting terrorism.

Countries are usually given aid on conditionality one being upholding the dignity of other states by coexisting peacefully. Based on this, the League of Nations was established to foster unity among states. It was mandated with ensuring the existence of peace worldwide.

The world is to be guided by one universal interest that is maintaining peace. The concept of Universal security is to be emphasized by every member state. The covenant of collective responsibility on security puts every state on its toes as far as security is concerned. Attack on one member is regarded as attack on all states hence all of them gangs up against the aggressor.

Morals, Ethics and Status of International Law

There needs to be an international court such as the International Criminal Court. The court is doing extremely well as far as restoration of justice is concerned. The perpetrators of violence do not have their place in society. The court is collects enough evidence and prosecute criminals who temper with international human rights. More courts of this kind should be established even regionally to put leaders in their toes.

This will improve individual morals since they will have learned by the time the court is through with one culprit. Suspects of terrorism should not be spared too. The act should be declared an illegal activity internationally.


From the analysis, it can be noted that apart from the usual threat of terrorism and international security, the instabilities in Arab States do not affect the United States in any way (Meghen, 2003). The government though is prepared to handle any form of threat that might be posed by the unrests.

The United States support fully the revolution process being witnessed in the Arab states because it will bring relief and happiness to the masses. The changes will bring hope to individuals have never known what good governance means.


Bakhash, P. (1986). Reign of the Ayatollahs, New York: Basic Books, pp.235–236.

Daniel, B. (2005). Deadly Connections: States that Sponsor Terrorism, New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Gary, S. (2003). Iran: Confronting Terrorism, Washington Quarterly 26(4), pp. 83–98.

Hala, J. (1997). Hezbollah: Born with a Vengeance, New York, NY: Columbia University Press, pp. 113.

Magnus, R. (1997). Hiz‘ballah in Lebanon: The Politics of the Western Hostage Crisis New York: St. Martin’s Press,

Meghen, O. (2003). Shrewd Sanctions: Statecraft and State Sponsors of Terrorism, Washington, DC: Brookings.

Pillar, P. (2001). Terrorism and U.S. Foreign Policy, Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, pp. 159.

Stephen, W. (2004) Revolution and War, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

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IvyPanda. (2019, May 4). Instabilities in Arab States and Its Effect on the United States.

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IvyPanda. (2019) 'Instabilities in Arab States and Its Effect on the United States'. 4 May. (Accessed: 28 March 2025).


IvyPanda. 2019. "Instabilities in Arab States and Its Effect on the United States." May 4, 2019.

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