The last several decades could be characterized by the increased number of environmental problems that resulted in the alteration of climate and landscapes. These processes also had a great pernicious impact on animals living in different areas. For this reason, zoos became almost the only hope for the preservation and conservation of endangered species. If to compare with the past century, their role has altered greatly. In the 50s, zoos used to be fun centers where animals were kept just for entertainment. However, at the moment, they could be considered important scientific and research centers that investigate the current situation related to species and create conditions needed for their survival and further preservation. Moreover, zoos also perform a great educating role by providing important information about endangered species to people and teaching them how to save animals. Therefore, they are also important conservation centers as a significant number of animals could be found only here.
Nevertheless, even though zoos are crucial for the modern world, they also face some challenges that might impact the final result and make their conservation efforts less efficient. For instance, the preservation of endangered species is rather costly, and not all zoos could afford it. There is a great need for space, specific conditions, investigations, care, etc. (Keulartz, 2015). The combination of all these aspects contributes to the increased complexity of the main task and zoos might experience economic pressure from the government or sponsors. However, it is crucial to remember that their functioning is vital in the modern environment and there should be no limits related to their development (Kobilinsky, 2016). If we want to see some species, we should sponsor zoos.
Therefore, we have already stated that zoos are responsible for the preservation of animals included in the Endangered Species List. Certain criteria are used when considering the character of a certain animal, population size, peculiarities of the area, etc. Besides, the first thing that is taken into account is the number of animal units and the tendencies that are observed at the moment. Therefore, scientists also consider the way they might impact endangered species. This process is extremely important as it helps people to preserve some kinds of animals and guarantee their survival.
For instance, in the Reid Park Zoo in Arizona, we can watch elephants.
The given chart demonstrates their main activities and distribution of time. We could see that elephants are not very active, but they still have some social life (“Zoo cams,” n.d.). They also like bathing, playing, and, of course, eating.
Altogether, I should say that my attitude to elephants has not changed. I am sure that they are wonderful animals that should be protected by all means. Unfortunately, people are killing them for their tooth. It is a horrible practice, and it should be stopped for our children to be able to enjoy these animals.

However, I used to see these animals before. That is why my feelings were not unique. Therefore, I believe that for those who have never seen elephants it could be a great experience and have a great impact on their feelings towards wildlife and conservation. They will be able to understand that a great threat exists at the moment and all efforts should be devoted to the attempts to save them.
Keulartz, J. (2015). Captivity for conservation? Zoos at a crossroads. Web.
Kobilinsky, D. (2016). New live cam technology might help conservation. Web.
Zoo cams. (n.d.). Web.