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Why Is Othello Referred to As the Moor of Venice?

The term “Moor” is used by Shakespeare to separate Othello from other characters according to his culture and race. Moreover, the word Moor highlights the issue of racial prejudice in...

What Is the Point of View of A Good Man Is Hard to Find?

The author narrates the story from a third-person point of view. Despite this fact, the grandmother is in focus almost all the time. The narrator reveals her trail of thoughts to...

What Did Elie’s Father’s Neighbors Do to Him?

Elie Wiesel is sent to the concentration camp with his father. The dad later dies of dysentery and physical abuse. In the book Night, Elie describes how his father’s neighbors, caring...

What is Elizabeth, the Bride of Frankenstein, Like?

Elizabeth Lavenza is an orphan child. She was raised by Victor Frankenstein’s family, who later becomes his bride. Being an idealized character, she combines positive traits. Some of...

What Causes the Accident in A Good Man Is Hard to Find

Technically, Pitty Sing caused the accident that led to the family’s death. But the actual cause was somewhat different from the wretched cat. Its owner took the pet on the trip, which...

How Did Elie Wiesel’s Father Die?

The story of Elie Wiesel’s family described in his famous book Night is worth attention. They suffer much because of Nazism, which causes millions of deaths across the globe. His...

Who is Calypso?

In Homer's poem, Calypso is a nymph. She kept Odysseus imprisoned on the island of Ogygia for seven years. The goddess symbolizes temptation. Calypso offers Odysseus immortality if he...

Who did the narrator meet at the Tabard Inn?

At the Tabard Inn, the narrator meets 29 pilgrims who are on their way, making a pilgrimage to Canterbury. They let the narrator join them since he heads to the same place. Among the...

What does Mentor do for Odysseus in the Odyssey?

Throughout Homer's epic, Mentor largely assists Odysseus in all his struggles. When Odysseus departs for the Trojan War, he leaves Mentor to teach and oversee his son Telemachus. He...

What is the Meaning of the Name Heathcliff?

The name of the central hero in Wuthering Heights has its origin in English words heath (or heather) and cliff. It means heath growing on a cliff. Careful choice of the name was...

How does Othello die?

Othello dies at the end of the play by committing suicide. The character stabs himself with a knife out of an immense feeling of guilt. The reason for his death is jealousy and, as a...

What Were the Conditions in the Train in Night?

The train that transports all the prisoners, including the main hero, is dire. Nazis bring prisoners to the concentration camp in cattle cars, which shows an inhuman attitude towards...

The Yellow Wallpaper: Author’s Intention

The Yellow Wallpaper was written in 1892. Back then, women did not have the fundamental right to be responsible for their lives and well-being. Men were the ones to decide what a woman...

Why Does the Narrator First Dislike the Yellow Wallpaper?

The narrator finds the yellow color of the wallpaper disturbing and revolting. She doesn’t like the erratic patterns and the fact that the wallpaper is peeling off. She claims it’s the...

How Did Gatsby Get Rich?

Though Gatsby is a fictional character, it's hard to believe someone in the '20s could afford such a lavish life. Some people speculate that he was a drug dealer, and some say that he...

Why Do Wiesel and His Father Leave Buna?

Elie Wiesel and his father, Shlomo Wiesel, leave the concentration camp at Buna because they are forced to go on the march to another location by the SS army. Such a decision was made...

How does Eurycleia recognize Odysseus?

While working as a nurse, Eurycleia finds herself talking to a beggar. He claims to be a former soldier who fought in the Trojan War with Odysseus. Eurycleia, yet, does not recognize...

Why is Lockwood Important in Wuthering Heights?

Lockwood’s character is the narrator of the novel. It means that the readers perceive various events from his point of view and judgment. His narration frames the story of Nelly Dean....

What is the tone of Night by Elie Wiesel?

Elie Wiesel's challenging experience in concentration camps during the Holocaust compelled him to write the book Night. Such events leave no room for fun and positivity. The tone that...

Who is Cassio in Othello?

Michael Cassio, or simply Cassio, is one of Florentine's soldiers in the Venice army. At the beginning of the play, Othello promotes him to chief lieutenant. He is a man of gentle...

Who Is the Woman in The Yellow Wallpaper?

The woman behind the wallpaper in Gilman’s short story represents the personality of the narrator. Throughout the plot, she falls into madness and seeks an escape. That’s why she...

Why Was Chaucer’s Knight an Example of Chivalry?

In Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, the Knight is chivalrous because he follows the chivalric code. This means that he respects honor and truth, and he chooses humility over vanity. ...

What is Mr. Pride vs. Miss Prejudice about?

Mr. Pride vs. Miss Prejudice is a love-hate story about a wealthy aspiring writer and his best friend. The comedy demonstrates how the characters treat each other while living with...

What genre is Wuthering Heights?

Wuthering Heights is one of the classical works of English literature. The book was met with harsh criticism when it was published. One of the reasons for such a negative response is...

Why does Zeus tell the story of Aegisthus to Athena?

Zeus tells Athena the story of Aegisthus. He wants to show her that the gods do not always have control over humans' actions, and that justified revenge is acceptable. Detailed...

When was The Necklace written?

The Necklace, written by Guy de Maupassant, does not explicitly indicate when it takes place. Since it was written in 1884, the story should take place during the late 19th century....

What Does the Green Chapel Look Like?

The Green Knight sets the Green Chapel as a place where the challenger should find him in a year to receive the ax blow in return. The Green Chapel looks like an old crack in the...

How Is Foreshadowing Used in Wuthering Heights?

Emily Brontë foreshadows the further plot to hint at future events and add to the mystery. But some predicted events have already happened because the narrative is nonlinear....

Is Frankenstein a Zombie?

The Creature from Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is an intelligent being. Despite being brought to life by the questionable actions of the protagonist, his mind is human-like. He is not...

Who is Tiresias in the Odyssey?

Tiresias is a character from Homer's Odyssey. He is also well-known for Sophocles' Antigone and Oedipus the King, and Ovid's Metamorphoses. In Homer's epic poem, the protagonist meets...

What’s the Metamorphosis’ genre?

A novella is a short story, compared to more detailed narrative forms. There are not many characters, and it includes one storyline. It depicts an unexpected plot twist or ending. The...

What is the Frame Narrative of the Canterbury Tales?

The frame narrative of The Canterbury Tales includes thirty Pilgrims traveling to Canterbury Cathedral. Before they start, the innkeeper challenges them to tell four stories each on...

What Is the Tone of A Good Man Is Hard to Find?

There is a bit of hope in this gloomy and tragic story. Flannery O’Connor describes her characters in a manner that seems satiric. But she believes we should still feel compassionate...

What Natural Phenomena Influenced Frankenstein?

Victor Frankenstein has always been interested in the inner workings of the universe. Once he saw a bolt of lightning that struck a tree. This experience led to his explorations of...

Who is Catherine’s One True Love in Wuthering Heights?

Love is one of the focal points of Wuthering Heights, a classical novel by Emily Brontë. The author explores multiple characters' affairs. She creates a narrative which describes the...