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What is the Meaning Behind “I Hate the Moor” Quote?


In the tragedy, the phrase shows Iago’s hate towards Othello. It reflects his strong desire to destroy the character because of a personal conflict between the two. However, when projected on reality, the quote is an indication of racism.

Detailed answer:

Before figuring out the meaning of the quote “I hate the Moor,” let’s discuss the reading. There are at several facts you should know:

  • Othello is a tragedy by William Shakespeare. The approximate date of creation is the 17th century.
  • As you may have already understood, the story revolves around two main characters. Othello is the protagonist and Iago is the antagonist.
  • The conflict between these two men results in the deaths of their closest people and Othello’s suicide.
  • The tragedy covers various themes, such as love, hate, jealousy, revenge, betrayal, and racism. For this reason, the story remains to be popular and receives much attention from the public.

Now, let’s move on with the meaning behind the quote from Act 1 Scene 3 of the tragedy:

I hate the Moor:
And it is thought abroad, that ‘twixt my sheets
He has done my office: I know not if’t be true;
But I, for mere suspicion in that kind,
Will do as if for surety.

Iago’s hatred towards Othello is a result of the promotion of a younger man, Cassio, above him. Iago believes that he deserves the position more since Cassio is a less experienced soldier. So, Iago plans revenge for Othello by spreading rumors and lies about the protagonist.

The antagonist hates Othello so much that he convinces him that Desdemona has an affair with Cassio. In fact, the woman was faithful throughout the years of marriage and loved Othello. However, the man believes the rumor and murders Desdemona.

Overall, Iago is a liar and a jealous person. Instead of looking for a problem in himself, he decided to express his anger by tricking people. As a result, the play ends with numerous victims.

Looking for an inspiring idea for a paper on Othello? Take a look at our Brilliant Othello Essay Topics & Examples to find the perfect one!

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IvyPanda. (2022, April 20). What is the Meaning Behind “I Hate the Moor” Quote? https://ivypanda.com/q/what-is-the-meaning-behind-i-hate-the-moor-quote/

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"What is the Meaning Behind “I Hate the Moor” Quote?" IvyPanda, 20 Apr. 2022, ivypanda.com/q/what-is-the-meaning-behind-i-hate-the-moor-quote/.


IvyPanda. (2022) 'What is the Meaning Behind “I Hate the Moor” Quote'. 20 April.


IvyPanda. 2022. "What is the Meaning Behind “I Hate the Moor” Quote?" April 20, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/q/what-is-the-meaning-behind-i-hate-the-moor-quote/.

1. IvyPanda. "What is the Meaning Behind “I Hate the Moor” Quote?" April 20, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/q/what-is-the-meaning-behind-i-hate-the-moor-quote/.


IvyPanda. "What is the Meaning Behind “I Hate the Moor” Quote?" April 20, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/q/what-is-the-meaning-behind-i-hate-the-moor-quote/.

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