A Bad Manager and a Good Manager Essay

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The quality of management is the vital aspect of the organization success. It is not only a question of the whole system of management effectiveness but also of the role of the individual managers who coordinate the work of the departments or the organization as a whole.

The Role of Manager in the Organization Success

Management is defined as “the organization and coordination of the activities of the business in order to achieve defined objectives” (“Management” n.pag.)

According to the joined study of the representatives of Stanford University, McKinsey & Company and Center of Economic Performance at London School of Economics, good management is directly related to the good performance and the improvement in practice should be a priority for the firms (Bloom et al. 8).

The manager as the coordinator of the organization work is responsible for strategy realization. That is why he is responsible for doing his best to maximize the performance of the firm.

The Comparison of the Good and the Bad Manager

The qualities which a good manager should possess can be divided into the personal and business ones. Among the personal qualities the following ones can be emphasized: self-motivation, integrity, dependability/reliability, optimism, confidence, calmness, flexibility (“25 Qualities” n.pag.).

Self-motivation plays an important role in the achievement of success. It is something that makes an individual going ahead despite all the obstacles. Self-motivation means making efforts to realize your goal and making them with the persistence and eagerness. The manager should keep himself going and motivate others to do the job (“25 Qualities” n.pag.).

Integrity is the quality which characterizes the manager who has a clear understanding of the life norms and principles and feels themselves confident in the adherence to them. An integral personality will not hesitate in the situation when the difficult decision should be made. The integrity also means the understanding of what is right doing and what is wrong doing.

Dependability/reliability means the ability of the manager to take the responsibility and to understand the importance of fulfilling the task with the high quality. A good manager is a kind of person the success of the organization depends on and they should realize this responsibility.

A good manager should have the optimistic view. Optimism will inspire the subordinates and will support the comfortable working environment.

A good manager should be confident meaning that they will not hesitate in the decision making and will make the decisions consciously.

The confidence is closely connected to calmness. It is one more quality of a good manager which gives him an ability to be self-controlled and not to allow the situation controlling them.

Flexibility assumes the ability of the manager to go beyond the frameworks of formalities and to think creatively. The flexible thinking is important for the problem-solving.

There are also business qualities of a good manager. The following ones can be marked out: industry knowledge, knowing when to delegate, organization, basic money management, business hierarchy, legal implications (“25 Qualities” n.pag.).

Undoubtedly, a good manager should be aware of the situation in the industry. They should possess the information about its trends and future prospects in order to know whether the firm development is in line with the general trend and whether it is important to find new markets.

Knowing when to delegate is an important quality of a good manager. It allows building an effective team within the organization and fulfilling all the tasks in time.

Organization implies the ability to create a plan and to implement it with minimum cost.

Basic money management is also crucial. A good manager has at least primary knowledge of finance giving them an ability to coordinate cash movements.

Business hierarchy is something which a good manager should support. The hierarchy contributes to the better organization making the firm a well-coordinated whole where every employee understands their responsibilities.

Legal implications also represent an important element of the effective management. A good manager should have knowledge of laws regulating the firm activity in order to ensure that the firm does not engage in the illegal activities.

Taking into consideration all above mentioned, it becomes clear which qualities a bad manager does not possess. A bad manager can be described as a person lacking knowledge of the industry in which his firm operates as well as the applicable laws or finance basics. They are not able to delegate and to support business hierarchy.

A manager who does not have a vision and lacks self-motivation for achieving the goals of the organization is hardly to be described as a good one. The same can be said about the other features. In general, a bad manager is the one who lacks one or several qualities listed above.


In order to sum up all above mentioned, it should be said that the management is an important aspect of the organization performance. The qualities which a good manager should possess can be divided into two main groups: the personal features and the business ones. If a manager does not possess some, he or she will hardly to be effective.

Works Cited

Bloom, Nick, Stephen Dorgan, John Dowdy and Jogn Van Rennen 2007, Management Matter and Productivity: Why They Matter. Web.

“Management” n.d. Businessdictionary.com. Web.

“25 Qualities and Characteristics of a Good Manager” 2011. Phdinmanagement. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2019, January 17). A Bad Manager and a Good Manager. https://ivypanda.com/essays/a-bad-manager-and-a-good-manager/

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"A Bad Manager and a Good Manager." IvyPanda, 17 Jan. 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/a-bad-manager-and-a-good-manager/.


IvyPanda. (2019) 'A Bad Manager and a Good Manager'. 17 January.


IvyPanda. 2019. "A Bad Manager and a Good Manager." January 17, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/a-bad-manager-and-a-good-manager/.

1. IvyPanda. "A Bad Manager and a Good Manager." January 17, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/a-bad-manager-and-a-good-manager/.


IvyPanda. "A Bad Manager and a Good Manager." January 17, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/a-bad-manager-and-a-good-manager/.

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