The rationale for this research design is to provide insight into the method used for refining a theoretical explanation that makes the theory more general and applicable across a wide spectrum based on Creswell’s (2002) definition.
Creswell’s (2002) multipronged theoretical proposition provides a framework for inquiring into theoretical questions, issues, or problems associated with the decline in the number of students studying online. That is given further support based on the conflict theory which explains why students may choose to leave these graduate on-line programs (Bean, 1990).
Yin (2003) borrows from Creswell’s (2002) theory and with further investigations finds a positive correlation of Creswell’s (2002) theory through a survey conducted by Neale et al, (2006) by relating several patterns to Creswell’s (2002) theoretical proposition using a pattern matching technique.
Neale et al, (2006) takes the study a notch higher by stating that a survey is appropriate “when there is a unique story to be told, offering a more complete picture of what happened in the program and why” (Neale, et al, 2006, 4).
The purpose of this research is an inquiry into the conflicts students encounter when undertaking online undergraduate programs to determine their lack of desire to continue and complete their goal, and gain an understanding of why they subsequently leave these types of programs, regardless of the study duration.
This qualitative research will draw on Allen (2003) and Willging’s (2008) views to understand the requirements that work for online students as the subsequent product.
According to Berg (2007), a qualitative research is an instrument that locates an individual in an environment by making factors that influence the outcome from online students leave their programs known to the observer, a fact concurred upon by (Yin, 2009).
Yin (2009) adds another dimension to qualitative research to be interpretive in crystallizing a meaning. On the other hand, quantitative research assigns numerical values to observations on a given scale.
An appropriate method for conducting this study, according to the National Center for Educational Statistics (2010), will use closed ended questions rating systems and “best fit” answers in the survey of questionnaires administered to on-line learners (McLaughlin, 1998).
An in depth analysis of the data collected will be organized and established patterns will be validated to further explain reasons deterring a particular population from pursuing their degree programs in an on line setting, a concept borrowed from Bailey’s (2002) studies.
This research will explore the phenomena that a group of students who entered a specific graduate program have over a course of time (the classroom experience) dwindled away to a minimal number who are continuing degree completion (Neale, 2006). (including post classroom research).
Based on Palys’s (n.d) perspectives on purposive sampling, current on line students participating in online learning from universities within the SACS (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools) will be the proposed respondents.
These subjects have been identified as graduate level, on line students, who enrolled in a program with the aspirations of completing a graduate degree as prescribed on the university’s timeline. According to Palys (n.d), the researcher will have to identify respondents based on the purpose of the study.
The participants will be asked to participate in a brief non compensated survey designed to solicit answers about their academic on line experience and personal situations likely to cause them leave the process.
The instrument will be designed to gain specific information regarding the conflicts these students face based on a framework that draws on the decision making theory. That explains where they decided it to be to their best interest to forego their desired outcome of the experience of completing an on line degree.
The participants will be assured that their participation will be voluntary and confidential, and in no way will their identity be compromised and no personal information will be included in the research, research instrument, or shared with any third party.
This will be done by providing student a confidential page to fill and an informed consent form to inspire confidence in the participants. That will further assure the participants that they will not be susceptible to risks of exposure of the information they give and that they will be informed of the results of the study.
Ancillary concerns are based on a participant rate of a minimum of 33%, from this type of a response, there is a high confidence that a valid sample can be disseminated and applied to this research.
The data collected will be from a cohort of current students admitted to accredited on line, Ph.D. programs. The criteria expectation is they are admitted to a University for the purpose of degree completion, in a specific department and program.
The population has been observed to have a considerable dropout rate-define compared- from the time of registration to the end of on line class completion (prior to administering qualifying exams).
The purpose of this sample is to examine a collective group (cohort) who started in a graduate level, on line program and to track their longitudinal decline and the specific decision making situation (conflict) that influences their decision to withdrawal rather than continue through the conflict.
Participants in this study may live in various geographic areas of the United States, but attend Universities in the SACS region, this effort will be facilitated by contacting the on-line directors at these Universities via e mail.
Surveys may be administered through a third party web based platform (e.g. or another web based provider) to ensure standard application. These on-line learners are the focus of this study (Nettles & Millett, 2006).
After initial contact, a time sensitive window for data collection will be used. Once participants reply to the instrument, data collected will be reviewed for patterns that are consistent to the types of conflicts that the participant encounter and influence the critical decision possibly leave the on line programs. This information will be coded into categories for data transposition.
Creation of codes will be consistent with inclinations and discontent encountered while articipating on line classes. This research will focus on the factors relative with dissatisfaction that could perpetuate a decision to leave a program and will be correlated with decision making theories.
Coding this quantitative data will be necessary to convert the responses into phenomenal descriptions to correlate the decision making theory to conflict theory criteria and thus authenticating the data collected.
The time line for this data is historical, so no future (anticipated drop out) rates will be considered.
A data base management system (DBMS) using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) will be used to organise the data collected using a coding system. The technique provides the mechanism for organisation of data in logical structures, thereby allowing sharing of data for multiple applications (Talhouni, 1990).
Following this, appropriate stored data were inputted into the input interfaces of the relevant tools used in the study. The processed data were retrieved from the output interface of the tools used accordingly.
t – Test Statistic
Student’s t-test is a parametric test-statistic for testing hypothesis when the data are in ratio or interval form (Okoko, 2000). The use of student’s t-test for hypothesis testing requires the calculation of the means and standard deviations of the distributions to be compared, and also the standard error of the difference between the two means.
In order words the test is suitable for one mean value (one sample test) or for comparing two mean values. It is given by the following expression
When t – value is calculated the significance or otherwise of the test at a given significance level (α level) can be determined.
If t value is greater than t critical at the set level of significance reject the null hypothesis that there is no significance difference in the means of the two samples and accept the alternative otherwise accept the null hypothesis (Okoko, 2000).
Role of Researcher
The researcher will independently collect data by examining the cohort of students enrolled in online programs.
On the other hand, the research will collect data using rigorous data collection instruments and other relevant information by conducting qualitative researches including literature reviews, examining documents, and participating in the administration of interviews. In addition to that, the researcher will play the role of reviewing ad organizing collected data and other information in a form to be analyzed.
The researcher will also identify research variables, assign numerical values to the variables, frame the data, and provide adequate details about the data.
Allen, I. J. (2003). Sizing the Opportunity: the Quality and Extent of Online Education in the United States, 2002 and 2003. Needham, MA: Sloan.
Bailey, M. (2002). A new perception on the construct of distance learning. New York: Miller & Associates Publishing.
Bean, J. (1990). Why students leave: Insights from research. In J. B. D. Hossler, The Strategic Management of College Enrollment (pp. 170-185). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Berg, B. L. (2007). Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences (6th ed.). Boston: Pearson.
Creswell, J. (2002). Qualitative Inquiry and Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.
McLaughlin, G. P. (1998). Changing Perspectives on Student Retention: A Role for Institutional Research. Research in Higher Education, 1-18.
National Center for Educational Statistics. (2010). Digest od Educational Statistics. Washington, DC: IES National Center for Educational Statistics.
Neale, P. T. (2006). Preparing A Case Study: A guide for Designing and Conducting a Case study for Evaluation Input. Watertown, MA: Pathfinder International.
Okoko, E. (2000). Quantitative Techniques in Urban Analysis. Ibadan: Kraft books Limited.
Talhouni, B.T.K. (1990). Measurement and Analysis of Construction Labour Productivity. An Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Dundee.
Nettles, M. &. C. M. Millett. (2006). Three Magic Letters Getting to Ph.D. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Willging, P. A. (2008). Factors That Influence Students’ Decision to Dropout of Online Courses. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 115-127.
Yin, R. (2003). Case Study Research (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage.
Yin, R. (2009). Case study Research: design and Methods (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Palys, T., (n.d). Purposive Sampling. Web.