After I conducted online research to find an interesting resource related to the topic of intimate relationships, I decided to focus on the phenomenon of abusive relationships. Therefore, I chose a scholarly article by Murray et al., entitled “Turning Points: Critical Incidents Prompting Survivors to Begin the Process of Terminating Abusive Relationships” (228). It is a peer-reviewed article published in The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families. Thus, the resource could be considered credible, reliable, and valuable. The article can be accessed online through its DOI:10.1177/1066480715573705.
Brief Overview of the Resource
The article under discussion is dedicated to the topic of abusive relationships. In particular, the authors strive to understand which factors influence the person’s decision to leave such relationships. It is proposed by Murray et al. that one of the most critical yet insufficiently investigated factors are turning points, which are experienced by the victims of abusive relationships (228). The authors define the turning point as the “transitional event,” or a situation that significantly changes the paths of the individual’s life (Murray et al. 228). A profound literature review is conducted in the study and the identification of 6 principal types of turning points, which are retrieved in the process of qualitative research among 123 respondents.
The Rationale for Choosing the Resource
Further, it is essential to discuss the rationale behind choosing this particular resource for the assignment. Primarily, the reasoning for my choice can be formulated as follows: the problem of abusive relationships, being considerably widespread in contemporary society, is often paid insufficient attention. Moreover, it is possible to state that victims of such relationships are often stigmatized by their family members, relatives, counselors, and society at large.
Therefore, it is interesting for me to investigate an academic resource on this topic. The chosen area of concern directly relates to my educational trajectory since the problem of abusive relationships is within the scope of social studies. Also, it should be stated that people often underestimate the possibility of engaging in abusive relationships, and thus it is crucial to extend the knowledge about this issue.
The Impact of the Resource on Positive Changes
I should note that I am not engaged in any abusive relationships now, and thus the necessity to leave an abusive partner is not substantive for me. However, through the investigation of the article, I found out that it is vital to change the attitude toward the victims and survivors of such relationships. I acquired a more profound understanding of the dynamics of abusive relationships and the reasons why people tend to stay in such relationships. Thus, my attitude was positively changed.
Building Successful and Healthy Relationship
It is also essential to mention that the information retrieved from this article could also be used to build successful and healthy relationships. As it was already suggested, people often underestimate the probability of engaging in such relations. Moreover, abuse is not always manifested in the form of physical violence, but mental and psychological pressure is also its distinct forms. Therefore, the understanding of how abusive relationships are formed and developed makes it possible to avoid abusive people as well as engaging in abusive relations.
Work Cited
Murray, Christine E., Allison Crowe, and Paulina Flasch. “Turning Points: Critical Incidents Prompting Survivors to Begin the Process of Terminating Abusive Relationships.” The Family Journal, vol. 23, no. 3, 2015, pp. 228-238.