There are two essential concepts concerning comprehension and dealing with changes through aging. Firstly, the term “fluid intelligence” relates to information processing qualities such as logical reasoning, list recall, spatial ability, and response time. In turn, crystallized intelligence includes talents that are based on skill and understanding. Vocabulary testing, numerical problem-solving, and text comprehension are all ways to assess crystallized intelligence (Queen & Smith, n.d.). These ideas shed light on the differences with which people acquire new information, which results in diverse levels of adaptation for the turns of time that await every person.
It is also important to differentiate the types of memory that researchers distinguish. Short-term memory involves information that is retained for a short amount of time and then lost, while long-term memory lasts much longer. For example, immediate tasks such as the state of a cooked meal usually remain in the short-term memory and then vanish; deliberately learned math course sticks in the memory for a while, being an example of long-term memory. Finally, for a brief period, working memory processes and organizes information, for example, daily tasks. According to APA (2021), short-term memory deteriorates with age, whereas long-term memory fades less. Thus, it is essential to consider these changes in memory when describing the aging population.
There has been a social issue regarding the elderly in the material of the readings. As such, in research from APA (n.d.), it is stated that socio-economic status is an important element in affecting the quality of life of older Americans, some of whom live below the official poverty line. Declines in health and the loss of a spouse, both of which are prevalent among older persons, can have an impact on the financial situation. Since low-income older Americans are more likely to rely on Social Security as their primary source of income, these conditions put them at a significant disadvantage (APA, n.d.). Thus, the current rising aging population is facing the social issue of being in poverty status.
Furthermore, a film on a similar topic of working conditions and possibilities that await the elderly could be discussed. As such, NPT Reports (2022) created a video about the effects of aging demographics on the lives of people in various jobs. The video presents an example of value present in American society: the working experience that cannot be substituted by new workers. NPT Reports (2022) also state that job gives them a purpose since they feel they are still valuable to society. Thus, the film demonstrates how the skills of the elderly make them integrated into the system of society through the purpose that is given by work. Hence, the video presents skill, system, value, and purpose dimensions.
I have discovered an issue that is highly important in my life: how would my future be constructed in the new world if the demographics and working conditions were changing, and what would be when I get old? Moreover, the film raised a question about what employers should do to adapt the old adults for the future, which I would like to explore further. Finally, I want to ask the class a question: how could the existing social challenges of aging be reduced?
Additional Activity
The normal signs of aging are harder work of the heart, skin changes and wrinkles, difficulties in seeing and hearing, teeth problems, brittle bones, and complexities related to getting around or staying still. The results of my interviews with old adults are as follows:
- Fifty-seven-year male: Aging means getting experience that no one wants you to talk about. You understand the youth lesser, and you want to be left alone more often.
- Sixty-two-year-old female: For me, aging brings more opportunities to learn and devote myself to my favorite things.
Hence, the first individual belongs to the despair category, while the second one is to the integrity type.
APA. (n.d.). Fact sheet: Age and socioeconomic status.
APA. (2021).Older adults’ health and age-related changes.
NPT Reports. (2022). Aging matters [Video]. NPT Video.
Queen, T., & Smith, J. (n.d.). Aging. Noba.