The process of aging is acknowledged by all human beings across the world. Throughout our existence, we have developed certain perceptions towards aging, influenced by written materials and media sources.
Aging relates to the natural deterioration of physical and mental body organs. Bodies begin to collapse, soon after reproductive years have passed. The elderly can not function fast, think fast, or resist disease as well as it did when they were young. Moreover, one’s physical appearance changes significantly with age: The hair color changes, muscles weaken and the skin becomes wrinkled. At a more subtle level, shoulders broaden in men, hips broaden, they experience changes in beard growth and changes in voice pitch. In women, shoulders become broader, their voices change and hair grows around the mouth area.
This paper seeks to identify and outline how the media and written materials have influenced the attitude towards aging. The report will also discuss the feeling and thoughts of people, regarding aging.
Personal Aging Process
In discussing the feelings and thoughts of people towards aging, it is essential to apply ageism’ to stereotypes. Ageism may be defined as, systematic, stereotyping and discrimination against people because they are of a specific age. Although the term is mostly used to describe negative discrimination against the old, it can also be applied where there is discrimination against the young because of their perceived immaturity. A good example of youth ageism’ is where it is perceived that young mothers are poor or incapable of raising children properly. In comparison, it is perceived that older mothers, who are perceived to be more responsible, are more competent to raise children.
Stereotyping of the old is done differently in different societies. For example, in Asian and African countries, the young are expected to respect the old since their traditional custom entails filial piety. In these societies, the old are perceived as wise and blessed for having lived for so long. As a result, the old are naturally the leaders of the society and are even expected to make the most consequential decisions that affect the entire society. In some countries e.g. Afghanistan, the old are even awarded underage girls as wives as a sign of honor and respect. In these societies, the elderly enjoy positive ageism. In this society, people look forward to aging since the elderly are loved, respected, and honored.
Ironically, in western culture, it is quite the opposite. The aged are perceived as slow in performing daily activities, resistant to change, weak, and unproductive. Hence, in anticipation of old age, in older years, the young join retirement pensions, Medicare, and devise many other policies and practices that take into account the age change that will inevitably occur. Current stereotypes about aging teach us to ignore the aged because they are a non-productive group in society. In fact, in this society, the young expect the old to be grateful for pensions and benefits which are given to them by the rest of society. In this society, old age is an independent phase in the life cycle in which an individual lacks power, independence and autonomy. The aged are faced with negative ageism in this society.
The media and written sources have impacted profoundly the attitude of people towards aging. In the aging process, a person’s physical appearance changes significantly, due to the deterioration of physical organs. For example, during aging, the skin naturally becomes thicker and wrinkled. Dr. Gary Cole states in the News Article on Health on 13 April 2012
You are sick of having those deep lines on your skin! You are looking for proven ways to remove wrinkles so you can look and feel better, too. While it may sound superficial, there is no denying that people treat you differently based on your appearance, and how they treat you will be reflected in how you feel about yourself….(Cole, 2012, p.34).
As much as the doctor is offering a solution, this article gives the perception that as one age, they become less attractive. This will make the aging person feel low self-esteem since they think that the appearance of wrinkles makes them look less attractive. This article impacts negatively the attitude of aging.
Luo (2012) reveals that results from a Taiwanese study found positive attitudes held by the elderly people were related to high hope and determination to work into their old ages, as predicted by the ‘‘Theory of Reasoned Action’’. This article promotes a positive attitude towards aging. In addition, it found that “more positive daily personal experiences with non-older people enhanced intentions to continue working in older age through fostering more positive attitudes towards aging…(Luo, 2012)’’.
There is evidence that adults can evaluate their own aging and future in negative and anxiety provoking ways. The prospects of one’s aging and future can be a troubling issue for many adults. Coupland (2009) also found that, most nurses viewed their identity, appearance and choices in their later years in very negative ways (Coupland, 2009).
Majority of the stereotypes view old age negatively to the extent of provoking anxiety. Positive attitude towards aging promotes healthy aging. Supportive study indicates that those aging with a positive attitude are able to work into old age.
Cole, G. (2012). Ways to remove wrinkles. Web.
Coupland, J. (2009). Handbook of Communication and Aging Research. New York: Routledge.
Luo, L. (2012). Attitudes towards aging and older people’s intentions to continue working: a Taiwanese study. Career Development International, 17(1), pp. 83 – 98.