Almutlaq Furniture Company’s Design and Culture Essay

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This paper includes the discussion of such concepts as organizational design and culture. In this case, design can be described as the key factor that shapes the attitudes, values, and norms shared by workers. Furthermore, these notions are useful for explaining the behavior of employees, especially their views on independent initiatives and cooperation. Second, design and culture affect employees’ attitudes towards authority figures. This analysis is based on the observation of Almutlaq Furniture Company.

There are several important concepts discussed in this chapter; for example, one can mention organizational culture and design. For example, in this context, the term culture can be described as the set of norms and assumptions shared by workers. It influences the way in which employees workers interact with one another. To some degree, culture is shaped by the structure of the company and its design (Jones, 2013). Admittedly, culture can also evolve, but this transformation is driven primarily by the changes in organizational design. These are some of the key issues examined in the text. These theoretical assumptions helped me explain many of the behaviors that I had observed.

Overall, these concepts have been useful for me because they enabled me to understand my experiences in Almutlaq Furniture Company. This organization incorporates numerous departments; moreover, this company contains a complex hierarchy. Judging from my experiences, the power distance between workers and senior executives is rather long. In other words, employees are not always willing to take independent initiatives without the authorization of managers. This is one of the details that attracted my attention. To a great extent, this phenomenon can be explained by such notions as organizational design and culture. In particular, researchers note that in more bureaucratic companies, workers usually feel less empowered (Dwivedi, 2009, p. 205). Very often, they are reluctant to take the initiative because such actions are not always encouraged by the management (Dwivedi, 2009). The behavior that I observed in Almutlaq Furniture Company can be attributed to the workplace procedures established in this company for a long time.

Furthermore, I noticed that many employees of this company attached more importance to the relations with colleagues working in the same departments. As a rule, they were very willing to participate in teamwork. Nevertheless, they did not place a high value on the interactions with employees who worked in a different department. When they needed to cooperate, they usually spent more time on different tasks. Such behavior can often be observed in companies that include many departments (Farazmand, 2002). Thus, managers should take into account that organizational design can dramatically shape the attitudes of workers. In some cases, the departmentalization of businesses can create negative effects because workers become more isolated from one another. This is one of the problems that should be avoided.

Admittedly, I have not had a chance to learn more about the work of various departments. So, some of my observations can be inaccurate or at least incomplete. Furthermore, many of my conclusions have to be tested in an empirical way. However, judging from my workplace experiences, I can tell that the concepts examined during classes are quite useful for explaining the behavior of employees in organizations. Much attention should be paid to the following issues: 1) attitude towards independent initiatives; 2) power distance between workers; and 3) teamwork.

Overall, these concepts will play a critical role in my professional activities. In particular, I will try to make sure that organizational design can make workers more committed to the goals set by the management. Additionally, these concepts can help people understand why employees can act in a specific way. Overall, my experiences in Almutlaq Furniture Company confirmed the usefulness of theoretical frameworks developed by researchers. These are the main points that I would like to single out.

Reference List

Dwivedi, R. (2009). A Textbook Of Human Resource Management. New York, NY: Vikas Publishing House.

Farazmand, A. (2002). Modern Organizations: Theory and Practice. New York, NY: Greenwood Publishing Group.

Jones, G. (2013). Organizational Theory, Design, and Change. New York, NY: Pearson.

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IvyPanda. (2021, April 8). Almutlaq Furniture Company's Design and Culture.

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"Almutlaq Furniture Company's Design and Culture." IvyPanda, 8 Apr. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Almutlaq Furniture Company's Design and Culture'. 8 April.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Almutlaq Furniture Company's Design and Culture." April 8, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Almutlaq Furniture Company's Design and Culture." April 8, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Almutlaq Furniture Company's Design and Culture." April 8, 2021.

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