Amys Ice Cream is a business founded in Austin Texas. In several years it has expanded to other cities in the state, and it could be used as credible evidence of the great brands popularity and the chosen marketing strategys efficiency. Moreover, the owner also introduces a unique approach to operations management which is based on the combination of creativity and the high quality of the suggested goods. It means that all crucial operations are performed in a way that contributes to the improved final result. For instance, Amy Miller outlined two main philosophies which stated that an employee should like what he/she does and that the service and the product should satisfy customers. For this reason, the approach to recruiting and performing the main duties is unique. At the very beginning, theater majors were hired as servers. It contributed to the creation of the unique image of the brand. Later on, only creative persons were allowed to work in the company. The introduction of a specific application form and training contributed to the elaboration of a new strategy. It combines professionalism and high quality of the final product with the outstanding creativeness, teamwork, and certain freedom. Workers are able to choose their dresses, music, and the manner of behavior. Additionally, every store has its own design and approach to work with customers. It means that Amys Ice Cream introduces a certain lifestyle that inspires people. All these points demonstrate the great innovativeness and applicability of the main operations and the increased efficiency of the management strategy that exists in the company at the moment. It also helps to attain a certain competitive advantage that helps the company to survive and also introduces some opportunities for further rise.
Company’s Success
When speaking about Amys Ice Cream and its success, it is also crucial to delve into the peculiarities of the techniques that are used to maintain quality and guarantee positive outcomes. First of all, if to refer to the diagram of the benefits of excelling the five objectives, we could state that there are such points as speed, cost, quality, flexibility, and dependability. Applying these concepts to the case, we could see that Amy Miller explores the benefits that come from their excelling. It means that she tries to create unique and innovative approaches that could help to improve the performance related to every concept. Besides, if to speak about quality, Amys introduces specific training for all members of its staff to assure that the high quality of the final product will be achieved. Moreover, it has a unique ability to change as every shop possesses a unique appearance and design which contributes to the improved flexibility and capability to satisfy diverse customers needs. Furthermore, the unusual recruitment contributes to the creation of a team characterized by improved cooperation, mutual understanding, and replaceability. At the same time, the given creativeness is achieved at comparatively low cost as workers really enjoy their job and perform it with great commitment. Altogether, it is possible to conclude that Amys Ice Cream explores the advantages that come from excelling in these five objectives and creates the basis for further rise and evolution. Considering the current management strategy, it is possible to predict the rise of the company and its becoming a powerful franchise.