Drawing up a business model related to the creation and sale of art objects is a somewhat risky and challenging undertaking. Unlike the release of any general consumer goods, painting is not a constant, continuous process. This type of activity does not produce basic necessities, which means that demand is not guaranteed. Therefore, in the case of Sikander, the first key factor in ensuring the success of her project’s business model is having a stable customer base. This element is vital as it is the basis of the first stage of the business project. To move forward, gain an audience and notoriety, Sikander needs to sell enough work through the University and her website. Subscribers can also be considered as an alternative to having direct buyers. To reach her audience, Sikander must either develop a campaign to attract attention to her work or gain support for them. These factors are the main ones since the further development of the entire project depends on them. In part, these problems are solved because the artist has already earned a name for herself by participating in various kinds of exhibitions and teaching.
The Lean Startup is the ideal model for approaching an artist’s business on multiple factors. This concept is characterized by a scientific approach to management, which allows you to engage in project work. This approach is combined with a different kind of experiment, iterative release of goods, and customer feedback. All the qualities described are suitable for the artistic direction chosen by Sikander due to its specificity. Firstly, drawing is always a kind of experiment, and in most cases, the final result is not fully known. Secondly, the paintings are released with a rather long interval between them, in cases of traditional art. Finally, feedback from clients, and in this case, viewers, is an integral part of an artist’s life. If the creator does not have an audience, they cannot fully develop and move on. Therefore, using this approach, Sikander will be able to design their drawings to suit the largest possible audience, thereby getting the most out of their business project.