An Organizational Development Intervention Essay

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An organization development intervention comprises organized events, actions, and activities that aim to improve any organization’s performance and productivity. These interventions begin from the internal sessions that have been put in progress and have been adopted by the workers for change management strategies. The target areas present many problems which need to change by coming up with implementation plans. Therefore, the employees must be willing to adapt to change and be ready to work with the new conditions for increased productivity. The manager is the overall leader; hence his stand in decision-making determines the worker’s willingness to work towards achieving the main objectives of the company.


If I enter the organization as an external consultant, I will use a problem-oriented approach where the organization’s problems will be organized. It involves examining the depth of the organization to capture all the unknown details in order to get a clue on the most appropriate implementation plan. This process will involve interviewing some internal workers about the problems they face while on duty. Questions considering their conditions will be in questionaries where privacy will be upheld. Further, a review of the response will indicate effective feedback. The mode of leadership in an organization determines the approach used in decision-making. A manager who involves the workers in making decisions enables the workers to identify problems faced which leads to change. The community perspective considering the organization’s activities will also be crucial in examining the problems faced. I will ask them questions about the quality of the products and attitudes towards their operation. All the reviews obtained from this procedure will be critical in implementing the most appropriate solutions.

To determine the readiness for change in the organization, I would apply various methods. Firstly, I would utilize the organizational readiness assessment checklist by understanding the barriers to implementation. A workshop will be organized where all the employees will be educated on how to handle typical workplace problems. Coaching sessions will be accompanied where the workers will be trained on how to develop practical communication skills for interaction with all the personnel involved. They will be further trained on essential decision-making procedures and educated on new technology implementation and utilization. The diagnosis process will involve an examination of the attitudes the workers develop toward change. Most individuals find it challenging to adopt new production methods since they have been exposed to traditional modes for an extended period. Willingness to adopt new technology and promote teamwork will imply readiness for change (Van Zyl, 2020). The organizational issue for an entire organization to target for change includes communication and leadership. On the other hand, an issue for the hypothetical one is the collaboration of the individuals involved in the departments.

Initiating change at the communication level involves using practical interaction skills by the manager. While talking to the employees, he should maintain eye contact, use official language, and avoid contracting verbal cues. All the workers should also be encouraged to observe the rules to reduce disagreements. He should be a role model as a leader for other workers to emulate his behavior. Further, the workers should be encouraged to be leaders in all situations without being monitored.

Collaboration between workers involves teamwork, and they can be guided on activities that can increase their relationship. This leads to creativity among the employees, where they can invent new techniques that can be applied to increase productivity and reduce costs (Bozer & Jones, 2020). A new program will be set up where the newly employed individuals will be trained on the expectations of the company and the guiding rules and regulations. Preparing workers in advance reduces errors in production and promotes a conducive working environment where everybody is treated equally without discrimination.

Relevant feedback will be given after three weeks after a proper diagnosis of the problems has been made. I will include some of the problems I observed and propose some solutions to these challenges. Through this, the organizations, including the workers, will see the importance of adopting the proposed strategies. The feedback given will include the employee’s willingness to cooperate while collecting crucial data through interviews and observations (Ribeiro-Navarrete et al., 2021). I will imply their positive response when interacting with visitors and outsiders. This will indicate their personality in general, even when communicating with customers and other potential buyers. The feedback process will begin by addressing the employees, asking questions where clarification is needed, and asking them to give their opinions through different channels that advocate for privacy.

To determine the effectiveness of change, I will develop a survey and examine the worker’s willingness to adopt the new rules. An examination of the use of technology will be done by conducting a visit to the production sites and observing whether they have mastered the use of modern production methods. Difficulties and complaints from the employees will give a negative impression concerning the change.


Further, I will visit the community and get their feedback on the mode of operation and cases of pollution resulting from the company’s waste products. A positive response will indicate a change in attitude, indicating improvements in the organization. The change in the quality of the products produced will be examined by the rate of consumption and preference. Large sales will indicate a new test by new customers hence a change in the production methods.


Bozer, G., & Jones, R. J. (2020). . Applied Psychology, 70(2), 411–419. Web.

Ribeiro-Navarrete, S., Saura, J. R., & Palacios-Marqués, D. (2021). . Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 167, 120681. Web.

Van Zyl, G. (2020). . Journal of Economic and Financial Sciences, 13(1), 2–8. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 7). An Organizational Development Intervention.

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"An Organizational Development Intervention." IvyPanda, 7 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'An Organizational Development Intervention'. 7 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "An Organizational Development Intervention." May 7, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "An Organizational Development Intervention." May 7, 2024.


IvyPanda. "An Organizational Development Intervention." May 7, 2024.

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