In the United States, schoolchildren eat breakfast at school. According to the “School Meal Trends & Stats” (2021), “over 90,000 schools/institutions” provide breakfasts to pupils. They serve breakfasts every day, allowing the learners to receive the necessary elements and vitamins. The components of food offered include fruit, cheese, eggs, sausages, vegetables, berries, and sandwiches (“School Nutrition”, 2021).
Table 1. Food offered in USA
Note. Adapted from School Nutrition (p. 19), 2021.
Schoolchildren in the UK also have their breakfasts served at schools. More than 500 schools joined the national program aimed at providing breakfasts to learners (“Department,” 2018). This strategy continues to expand throughout the country, allowing a significant number of students to eat meals early in the morning before starting their studies. One example of food served to the schoolchildren can be the Mill Hill School’s description of the menu that consists of a variety of products (2021).
Table 1. Food offered in UK
Note. Copyright 2021 by Mill Hill School. Web.
In Finland, schools served breakfast to students for over seventy years. The system of providing breakfast to schoolchildren is decentralized (Pellikka, Manninen, and Taivalmaa, 2019). Mainly, the municipalities are responsible for the creation of strategies and organizing the food supply to schools. The components of breakfasts in the country include wholesome meals that are nutritional and balanced to satisfy the needs of children in vitamins and microelements.
Table 1. Food offered in Finland
Note. Adapted from School meals for all (p. 15), by K. Pellikka, M. Manninen, and S. Taivalmaa, 2019, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and Finnish National Agency for Education.
In Singapore, parents supply the food that schoolchildren eat. Mainly, the parents are responsible for cooking breakfast for their children in the morning. According to the article, the students are not served breakfast in schools because they can eat at home (“1 in 3 primary school” 2021). Usually, their breakfast includes such components as eggs, toasts, and waffles. Moreover, they can add rice and vegetables to make their breakfast more nutritious.
School Meal Trends & Stats. (2021). Web.
School Nutrition Team. (2021). Serving up a successful school breakfast program: A guide for school breakfast implementation. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.
Department for Education. (2018). Thousands more school children receiving a nutritious breakfast. Web.
Mill Hill School. (2021). School Meals. Web.
Pellikka, K., Manninen, M., & Taivalmaa, S. (2019). School meals for all. Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and Finnish National Agency for Education.
1 in 3 primary school kids skips breakfast once a week: Survey. (2021). Web.