The IDEA Proficiency Tests (Pre-IPT) as a measure of the individual linguistic skills were created for children 3-5 age. The test contains different items which help indicating the ability of speaking of children of the different groups such as native, limited and non-native English speakers, providing the diagnosis of their strengths and weaknesses.
Historically, preschool education is a period when a child starts socializing and preparing for the academic learning. Therefore, the instruments of measuring of the learning skills are necessary as it is important to take into consideration the needs of every child.
Such formal assessment as the IDEA Proficiency Test (Pre-IPT) is the unique tool of measuring the skills of the particular age group of children. The present test is an answer on the demands of schools to make the capabilities accountable.
During the 15-20 minutes, children have to cope with the items, including vocabulary, comprehension, syntax and verbal expressions. Score system analyzes the answers and provides the results.
The results of the present tests provide the demonstration of the linguistic skills of the concrete child and indicate the different level of capability of the native, limited and non-native English speakers. Such results are necessary for the schools as the visual demonstration of the strengths and the level of development of each child.
The IDEA Proficiency Tests (Pre-IPT) are the useful instruments that help to discover the information needed for better understanding of needs of every child. As the present test contains oral elements, it measures the speaking skills. The content and length are appropriate for the developmental level of children 3-5 years. Thereby, the IDEA Proficiency Tests (Pre-IPT) can be recommended as the useful measures.
Screening or assessment?
Assessment, the test contains different types of the items.
Formal or Informal?
As the nationally normed language proficiency assessment, the IDEA Proficiency Tests are formal.
Criterion or norm referenced?
The answers on the items are the criterions of scoring according to the group of the students (native, limited or non-native speakers).
Administration and Scoring?
The score is converted to one of seven proficiency levels that are different for the native speakers, limited English speakers and non-English speakers.
Developmental domain(s) assessed?
The IDEA Proficiency Tests (Pre-IPT) are helpful instruments within the process of research of the students’ skills and the level of development of a child.
Age group targeted?
The test was developed for students in grades 3-5 years.
Available in multiple languages?
English and Spanish versions are available.
Valid and Reliable?
The test is reliable and valid due to its adequate measuring of the speaking skills of the children.
Materials and Training?
Materials and trainings are available in the Pre-IPT-Oral English Technical Manuals.
How was reliability determined for the test? What were the methods used?
Reliability for the test was determined as the extent to which the test was stable or consistent, for instance, how well this test measured the speaking skills. The methods used were the alternative-form, split-half or test-retest.
Does the test actually measure what it purports to measure?
Yes, the test measures what it purports to measure such as the capability of each child to cope with oral tasks and a demonstration of the level of development.
However, there are several factors that affect the results such as unclear directions, difficulty of reading vocabulary provided in the test and the elements of the text not appropriate for the objects. Especially this aspect is significant in case of testing non-native speakers. If the effect of these factors is significant, the results can vary.
Is the test meaningful for your purposes?
Yes, it is obvious that the test is meaningful. Such tool can help to discover the information needed for the research. For instance, the test helps investigating the difference in performance of the skills of the native, limited and non-native English speaking children in grades 3-5 years.
How was the test validated? What specific criteria were used?
Validity of the test is determined as the degree to which the test serves the purpose for which was used. There are following criteria used in the test. First of all, there is content validity that helps representing an adequate sampling of the instructional program.
For instance, in case of the reading part of the test, the content validity is based on the level of the appropriate measuring of the reading skills. Criterion-related or concurrent validity is related to the aptitude test and how the results predict the future success in the area.
Construct validity is relative to the personality, verbal ability or mechanical aptitude. IDEA Proficiency Tests (Pre-IPT) contain different items that can measure speaking skills. Those items are focused on parts of the body, spatial relations, time, ordinal numbers and superlatives.
Standardization Sample
Was the number of subjects used to establish reliability, validity, and norms adequate?
Yes, several subjects were used in order to establish reliability, validity and norms. If this requirement is maintained, the results are adequate. When the test was used for the first time, the monolingual native English speakers and non-native English-speaking students were involved in testing. The results of their testing were the basement of the reliability and validity.
Are scoring keys available?
Yes, scoring keys are available. There are oral and writing items and the level of their scoring is presented at the end of the test.
Is the time needed to score reasonable?
The time needed to score is depended on the item and may take from 5 to 25 minutes. Although the vocabulary of the test is simple, non-English speakers may face the problem of time-limit and lack of understanding during the test. Therefore, it is possible to suggest that time needed to score should be different for the native and non-native speakers.
Other considerations
How long does it take to administer the test?
Total time required to administer is 15-20 minutes. Depending on the number of items, it can vary from 5 to 25 minutes.
Are the test content and length appropriate for the developmental level if used with young children?
The test content consists of the book written in a simple style and provided a vocabulary with pictures which correspond to the particular questions. The test content is related to the simple elements of the life such as animals, days of the week and geometric figures; therefore, children can easily cope with the questions.
The length of the test is depended on the number of the items. The test contains simple elements which are comprehensible for children of the particular age. Therefore, the content and length are appropriate for the developmental level of young children.