Anorexia is quite a prevalent disease these days. Many people chase beauty standards, forgetting how important it is to look after their health. A very striking example of this disease is one of my friends. For the sake of his privacy, let us call him Bob. Bob’s problem was that he weighed a lot more an than he should have. Because of this, he developed a complex that he needed to lose weight as soon as possible, despite his health condition. Eventually, Bob lost 40 kilos in six months, but the consequences of his weight loss were a very low BMI, food avoidance, fear of gaining extra pounds, fewer meals, irritability, and more (American Psychiatric Association, 2017).
It is difficult to say how he felt among the people who saw him. Many who were used to his weight knew, though Bob is not the most handsome, but a charming person, kind and friendly. But since Bob had lost too much extra weight, his aggression had become uncontrollable. It was hard to see how a very kind guy had turned into a literal demon, frightening everyone around him with his behavior. No wonder many of his friends left him when support was most important. For example, Bob would get angry just because his friend was 10 minutes late for a meeting with him. They didn’t speak to each other for a very long time after that.
Bob was lucky that there were people who cared for him and could help to deal with the psychological barrier. He successfully overcame his fear of food, allowing himself to eat a little more than before. Many years of literature and lectures helped him understand his mistakes and help others correct them. Bob is now a successful coach who is happy to share his experiences with others who have decided to watch out for themselves.
American Psychiatric Association. (2017). DSM-5 Diagnostic criteria for Eating Disorders. Web.