The theme of changes used to make any society perfect concerns many aspects, among which are: economic stability and growth, morality, social profits. Youth is the layer of society with great potential. It is a ‘propulsive force’ for implementing new approaches and solutions as for enhancement of the current state of affairs in the social and societal framework.
Juvenile delinquency draws to a head using survey lack of adults. The rate of violent crimes committed by young people is perpetually growing and seems to have no way out. Sentence for Violent Youth is a process with complicated factors causing it with some perspectives to get through this wrong path again. That is why it is necessary and important to “balance the criminal justice system’s goals of punishment, rehabilitation, deterrence, and protection of the community.” (McFarlane 2001)
The sentences of judges are fair to accuse of the youngster to embody more responsibility into them. By law and Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA), the main sentences for violent youth presuppose in their differentiation, first, the age features. Offenders of 12 years old through 14 do not deserve adult sentences elder ones are determined to be accused as adults. Among the sentences, the following ones are distinguished: counseling, community service, or reimbursing victims for damages and imprisoning for not more than seven years. Training and monitoring as well as providing the youth with the perfect work of social services without provocative actions such as indifference of adults represented, first, my parents at the local level are the alternative methods to prevent violent attitude of juveniles.
The advantages of such sentences mentioned above touch upon the growth of personal responsibility through physical restrictions or punishment implemented in work activities. This helps to make young people realize one more time the value of living in the society and the importance of understanding the asocial drawbacks of the society. Also, it serves as a tool of displaying strength due to the concept of state power and the power of the law which is considered to be entire and of active presence within the society.
The overuse of incarceration is one of the major disadvantages. Another one tends to think that the social works can stimulate the dark side of juveniles’ nature to repeat previous crimes once more.
Youth justice law needs more attention and participation of the government to prevent the rates of juvenile delinquency within the society. First, there should be more stress on the programs involving constant and adequate informing of the youth about the aftermath of crimes. Supposing this will touch youngsters’ consciousness and impressed them using several instances not to commit every step which contradicts the law base of the United States of America. Such prophylaxis cannot but grab youth’s attention on the facts of delinquency as harm for the society.
Thus, the issue of an appropriate sentence for violent youth should concern the extent of deterrence in terms of stabilization of the situation in society. Another point touches upon the facts differentiating the age peculiarities and the character of the committed crime and its degree.
Works cited
McFarlane, Katherine. Submission regarding provisional sentencing of violent youth offenders; New South Wales Sentencing Council, Sydney, 2001.