Sample Details
Business Ethics
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Facts about Topic
Date of Birth
384 BC
Famous of
Greek philosopher and polymath during the Classical period in Ancient Greece.
Platonic Academy
Ancient Greek philosophy
Western philosophy
Main interests
Aesthetics, Biology, Ethics, Economics, Geology, Government, Metaphysics, Music, Meteorology, Logic, Poetry, Psychology, Politics, Physics, Rhetoric, Zoology
322 BC
“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”
“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.”
“Hope is a waking dream.”
Interesting facts
Aristotle provided a complex synthesis of the various philosophies existing prior to him.

Aristotle’s Fundamentals of Public Relationship Essay

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The Nicomachean Ethics is a comprehensive manuscript by Aristotle covering the study of different methods and humanoid delight. The book has explored the focal point of thematic nature of every single human being and undertakings.

Aristotle instructs us in order to realize that at present the scholar remains pre-determined through breaking down the fundamentals that frame up happiness as contained in Aristotle’s flawless, logical and elegance reasoning. Therefore, when summarized, this paper presents the key five fundamentals of public relationship as per Aristotle assertions. The paper reviews the traits of the best working places and compares the ideas with those offered by Aristotle.

The ideas of Aristotle on civic relationships


According to various studies, Aristotle asserts that pleasure helps us in identifying gladness. A number of individuals’ support this opinion despite the fact that personal elucidation on whatever pleasure encompasses might show a discrepancy reliant on an individual’s environment.

However, individuals might have reason, pleasure, and virtues like integrity in order to own the actual virtues. Similarly, individuals select the same virtues for purpose of contentment. This gives the justification for this viewpoint according to Aristotle claims. Moreover, Aristotle alleges that happiness needs to be eligible using probable human functions given that happiness cannot be termed as the chief good. In fact, happiness ought to be comprehended logically as the world’s utmost pleasing, superlative, and honorable entity.

Aristotle unrelentingly argued that happiness calls for back up from virtues in that pleasure is no longer a standalone culmination. Thus, mechanisms similar to social circles such as popularity, beauty, or prosperity need to be in place to make sure that happiness transpires (Ostwald, 1962). Happiness cannot exist only when there is the absence of perceptional conditions for happiness.


With respect to virtues, Aristotle tried to categorize the facts hooked on the intellectual and ethical standards. The intellectual virtues originate from education whereas ethical virtues emerge from tradition. Virtues can merely be fashioned by way of habit, but not any single mechanism can form a habit, which is not the same as its natural surroundings.

Through experience and delayed out period, the intellectual virtue turns out to be perfected in most cases. This deduction is supported by the fact that virtues are influenced by repeated manifestation of various virtue situations. The progress of virtue comes after the virtue is learnt and displayed. Aristotle uses virtue to develop into an upright being by following the profound theoretical definition of a virtue.

In one of the famous statements, Aristotle asserts that virtue should be carried out in an accurate expanse to correctly facilitate the norm to be in existence. While comparing virtue to temperance and healthiness, Aristotle saw that shortages and superfluous of indulgence and courage abolish temperance and bravery virtues.

This stuck up is comparable to the body physique obliteration where a great deal or lack of foodstuff or over exercise leads to the extreme effects. Further, for the determination of employing virtues in branding human lives to become better, Aristotle reconnoitered all features imaginable in the scheme to describe virtues (Ostwald, 1962). The other event existed where virtue is believed to originate from the considerations made. Thus, a virtue is not either a matter of opinion or obligation.


According to Aristotle, deliberation is the psychological exertions that are voluntary and earmarked for the deeds whose conclusions and determinations are not easy. Therefore, deliberations are about the worth at the end instead of the finale itself or it comes around things that are contained by our prospective control. In attesting to these arguments, Aristotle asserted the logical instances that could not be delayed to meet the diverse conclusions.

Thus, deliberation is directed as a way of narrowing down the individuals absolute activities to pick out what is created from the offered options or in the direction of finding a resolution to the prevailing hitches (Ostwald, 1962). Aristotle referred the real depiction of the process of making a choice as the description of deliberation. These procedures lead to the ultimate goal of being happy as an outcome of the eventual virtue development.


Avery et al. (1998) claim that afterwards beginning with the acts and clear definitions leading human beings to practice one things or the other made Aristotle to scrutinize injustice and justice. Aristotle puts forward that justice contains temperance and bravery as virtues hence the act ought to be at the peak of all virtues.

Justice is positioned high amongst other virtues since it is an aftermath of deliberation about other individuals worthy in all virtues. From the perspective of equality and law, the other Aristotle’s argument stipulates that justice arise in dissimilar forms. Indeed, justice attached to the view of suitable allocation of honor and wealth such as resources, provides a solitary understanding.

Avery et al. (1998) made further interpretation that, fairness renders both flanks inequitably or evenly stable in that sprite ascends from human dealings. Any additional fairness is similar to a turn that is incorrectly finished and that is arising from a correction or a reparative act.

Aristotle pinned down the distinct circumstances and deviancies in the inference made. Despite the fact that such parameters disregard the standards of fairness precedence, justice can still be characterized as being fair. Therefore, fairness as a virtue is linked to the public rapport intended to generate companionship.


Friendship according to Aristotle destined the factual form of justice and is perceived to be a radiant word termed as a welcoming quality. Besides, Aristotle termed friendship as goodwill reciprocation in the direction of a living being. Aristotle further stated that justice might in anyway ascend from mutual pleasure, mutual advantage, or revenged and mutual affection.

Friendship will not remain comprehensive provided the fundamentals in the norm are not mutual. As a result, the companions ought not to alter any feature that brands them friends to each other, if not; the subsequent two kinds of relationships will not be embraced to be of good reputation.

The situation is no longer a factual friendship that is not incidental of the other individual capability of giving pleasure and utility. However, in true companionship, this might be integrally present. Contrary to other relationships, this motive makes the right friendship less autonomous on conditions that are prevalent and extremely eternal. Aristotle defined friendship as a virtue in a procedural manner during the bid to explore this study in every single perspective.

A review of the best working places traits

According to the institute of the best places to work, any corporation falling under this category must exhibit various traits.

Training and development

In corporations that are considered the best places to work, employees training and development are perceived to be very significant and mandatory. For instance, the departmental executives, managers, and other senior staffs at Chesapeake Energy Corp are obliged to attend the compulsory management regimens including the full week official training and development sessions.

The training programs are intended to develop leadership qualities, team building, and business or operations skills. In this company, training incorporates both the external and internal seminars and courses such as communication or Microsoft courses offered via the local training institutes (Zolkos, 2009).

In fact, the usual courses that Chesapeake Energy Corp offers to the entry-level employees are based on how to conduct market analysis trends; produce versus purchase decisions, and how to manage the universal sourcing or businesses.

Chesapeake Energy Corp also offers the six sigma training and development sessions to the employees, which are factored in the budgetary allocations. Besides, the orientation training sessions are offered to the entry-level employees including the financial management courses, strategic negotiations seminars, and strategic sourcing training programs.

Promotions or advancements

In the best places to work, when the employees’ talents blossom and training sessions emerge productive, the organizations ensure that the workforces are offered the promotion opportunities in order to manage and run challenging tasks.

The talent review procedure established by Chesapeake Energy Corp for instance classifies the best employees and thereafter looks for the available internal advancement or promotional chances. The promotional or advancement opportunities usually revitalize the corporation’s management teams besides allowing Chesapeake Energy Corp to retain the best and talented workforces.

Chesapeake Energy Corp has distinguished departments that offer opportunities for the potential leaders’ development. There are balanced positions in each department meant for employees who would wish to work in the company for a long period and work towards the growth and development of the company (Great Place to Work Institute, 2013).

Chesapeake Energy Corp is deemed the best working place since the company offers equal opportunities to all employees who want to move up the employment ladder, satisfy the main managerial ranks, and equally suit similar career ambitions.

However, prior to the promotions, the corporation takes the employees through various stages of professional development where the workforces hold different ranks with greater commitments.

Such employees’ development processes and leadership criteria equip the workforce with the necessary skills required for the future high ranked positions. Promotions are thus given to whoever deserves and has proved capable to carry out given assignments.

Annual employees’ turnover rates

According to Avery et al. (1998), any corporation with low or no employees’ turnover rates is considered to be amongst the best working places. In fact, low employee turnover rate is a decisive attestation that the organization hardly despises the workforces; there are motivations, and the workforces are empowered.

A company must have the ability to retain most of the employees for the longest time possible to attract other qualified personnel. For example, at Chesapeake Energy Corp, the employees’ turnover rate derived on the five years standard materializes to be below one percent.

Such an organization normally takes a lot of time searching, recruiting, training, and absorbing the most excellent employment candidates while making sure that such employees feel treasured by the corporation and build up the necessary attachments. Chesapeake Energy offers favorable environment that broadens the employees’ perspectives, encourages the employees to further their skills, and set visions.

Employees’ interactions

For any organization to be considered the best working place there must be free interactions amid employees and between departments as is the case in Chesapeake Energy.

However, the interactions should assist the workforces to concentrate on the assignments besides influencing the trajectories of the corporation in various ways. The interactions always help to formally solve emanating problems and in the supervision of quality processes. Furthermore, team members, organizational leaders, and sponsors are able to serve or work jointly as teams.

The cross functional group efforts

The exertions of cross-functional teamwork in the best working places ensure enhanced knowledge and discipline in the organizations. To extend this influence across all departments, Chesapeake Energy Corp is determined to acquire excellent executives who are elaborate, embrace, and enhance diverse teamwork.

For instance, employees at Chesapeake Energy contribute to the decisions made by the cross functional teams on issues about pacts of supply, procedures, and newfangled products. In the operational philosophy of such organizations, cross-functional teamwork engages in the recreation of essential title role (Pangle, 2003). All the administrative echelons from top to bottom as well as discrete contributors contribute to the cross functional group efforts in product sourcing, growth and development.


The scheme for the company’s mode of compensation can render the corporation an appropriate place to work. In fact, in the best corporation to work, the employees are remunerated with respect to how they are valued. A salary comparison of Chesapeake Energy with other large companies in dissimilar positions is prepared over and done with the subscription of Hay model.

Chesapeake Energy offers employees opportunistic motivations established upon the accomplishment of the assigned tasks. Besides, Chesapeake Energy Corp hardly maneuvers to recompense the personnel either in the upper or lower tier. The staffs enjoy sharing of incomes, work related grants, membership accreditation, and are provided with stock grants and options (Milligan and Brunelli, 1999).

The institution salary packages appear compelled as well as managed through the programs of sharing out profits. For instance, Chesapeake Energy Corp makes certain marketplace competitiveness by taking part in a number of national and local valuations. The benefits and salaries accruing from the company activities are kept up to be the average for every market segment.

They offer short-term disability indemnity, schemes for profit sharing, as well as dental and health cover to the employees. However, Chesapeake Energy Corp distinguishes the exceptional enactments through distinct and cross functional group effort attainment awards. Thus, noble firms to work in have the capacity to keep in mind and appeal to high quality flair that articulates an exceedingly competitive reimbursement package.


In the best working places, motivation is regarded as the process of directing and initiating behaviors. Failure to provide Chesapeake Energy Corp employees with motivation can necessarily lead to disastrous consequences. Some of the impetus procedures incorporate the provision of reimbursement plan, pleasurable bureaus as well as education and improvement arrangement.

In most instances, inert recruits imply discontent or unprovoked interaction to the work milieu. A research conducted by Ostwald (1962) showed that organizational job satisfactions are on the decline amongst the employees. Career or tasks replacement is an added feature of Chesapeake Energy Corp and the act incorporates the recruits cross education or coaching a propos each individual’s livelihood (Milligan and Brunelli, 1999).


In the best places to work such as Chesapeake Energy Corp, the employees’ empowerment is achieved through participative communication alongside financial support. For amicable empowerment, the employees need to understand the company in its entirety.

his includes various job finances ranging from new employee hiring to the purchasing of new tools intended to make job easier. Empowerment at Chesapeake Energy Corp is based on decision-making that allows savings, moneymaking, and spending differences to emerge (Great Place to Work Institute, 2013). The old school philosophy that company’s finances should not be shared with other employees except those who are directly at the top is wrong.

Comparing and contrasting Aristotle’s civic relations ideas with the current best working places notions

Generally, the swaying and exhaustive points of view of Aristotle lead us not like the lighthouse but like a railway automobile. It does not leave an individual who read out with copious consideration despite the fact that it leads us to the eventual complete delight. More willingly than the key points, Aristotle’s embellishment of relationship and virtues has a tendency of pondering all aspects of the subject being discussed and above all that are frequently digressive.

However, happiness in the best working places accrue when there are motivations, employees’ empowerment, and the remuneration packages are pleasing. The fact is that there must be happiness for peaceful coexistence in workplaces but this can only emerge when the organizations empower, motivate, and pay the best salaries to the employees. In the event that all these parameters are observed, the will be cordial relationships among workforces.

When there is fairness in the organization, for instance, equal promotion opportunities and lack of discrimination in the payments schemes, then justice is perceived to prevail in workplace. However, this is only possible if an organization offers equal training opportunities that warrant employees’ growth and development.

In fact, through training, the employees are able to develop virtues that enhance interactions, and the formation of cross-functional teamwork. Besides, the employees’ turnover rates in the best working places will be low only if a worker can deliberate and justify that the existing workplace values and virtues led to good employees’ relationship, justice, and happiness. Just as Aristotle asserted in the civic relationship ideas, the best working place share similar attributes.

Works Cited

Avery, Susan, Epatko Elena and Fitzgerald Kevin. “Best Places to Work.” Purchasing, 125.9 (1998): 60-64. Print.

Great Place to Work Institute, 2013. “FORTUNE 100 Best Companies to Work For.” Web. <>.

Milligan, Brian and Mark Brunelli. “Training, Opportunity to Advance is Traits of Best Companies.” Purchasing127.9(1999): 53-60. Print.

Ostwald, Martin. Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics Translated, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1962. Print.

Pangle, Lorraine. Aristotle and the Philosophy of Friendship, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Print.

Zolkos, Rodd. “Common Traits of Award-Winning Organizations.” Business Insurance43.37 (2009): 9-12. Print.

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