Art and Design Projects Examining Essay

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The Discussion of Two Projects

This paper is aimed at examining two projects that are supposed to explore various questions related to art and design. At first, I would like to discuss one of my works (Figure 1). The main goal of this project was to illustrate how different geometrical forms could be applied to create ornaments and abstract images. For example, one can speak about the use of circles, curves, triangles, dots, direct lines, and so forth. It is critical to determine how they should be combined. This image was hand-painted. Overall, I can say that the iterations of different geometrical objects are critical for the formation of patterns. Furthermore, these images are not necessarily abstract; sometimes, they can bear resemblance to physical objects. This is one of the details that attracted my attention. I would like to explore these issues in greater detail. In particular, this project could have been improved if I had created a greater number of images illustrating how the use of a single geometrical form can be applied to create ornaments. I may work on this task in the future. On the whole, this activity has been of great interest to me since it has highlighted the importance of geometrical forms for design.

Art and Design Projects Examining
Figure 1. Art and Design Projects Examining

Additionally, it is necessary to examine the project which is called Ten Shades of Grey implemented by the organization Barbara St. Jean. It has been inspired by the works of the famous photographer Ansel Adams (Barbara St. Jean). He is mostly renowned for his black-and-white landscapes (Spaulding 275). To a great extent, it was necessary to show how this photographer could capture the beauty of nature by using very limited technical resources. The photographers involved in this project attached importance to the use of color.

Overall, they tried to imitate his techniques. One can say that they focused on the need for capturing the shades of different colors (Barbara St. Jean). Additionally, much attention was paid to the contrast between dark and light. Additionally, one should speak about the selection of the proper angle. These techniques were of great importance to Ansel Adams. In my opinion, these methods are important for producing a strong impression on the viewers. It is possible to say that the project was quite successful. Nevertheless, the photographers paid attention primarily to landscapes. However, Ansel Adams also created images of the urban environment. This issue can be elaborated on in greater detail. This is one of the recommendations that can be offered. This project has attracted my attention it helped me see the importance of shading in black-and-white images. These are the main benefits that can be singled out.

Personal Statement

Overall, my personal goal is to work on the design of logotypes for various businesses. I intend to cooperate with large organizations. In the future, I would like to start my own company that will be designing logotypes for various clients. These are the main objectives that I would like to achieve in the future. In the past, I have been able to work on different projects related to this field. In particular, I had an opportunity to assist other people in the design of marketing materials. In my opinion, such tasks require expertise in different areas of art, design, as well as psychology. On the whole, projects can be both challenging and interesting. This is why they look so appealing to me.

Works Cited

Barbara St. Jean. “Ten Shades of Grey.” Behance. 2013. Web.

Spaulding, Jonathan. Ansel Adams and the American Landscape: A Biography, New York: University of California Press, 1998. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2021, January 23). Art and Design Projects Examining.

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"Art and Design Projects Examining." IvyPanda, 23 Jan. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Art and Design Projects Examining'. 23 January.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Art and Design Projects Examining." January 23, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Art and Design Projects Examining." January 23, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Art and Design Projects Examining." January 23, 2021.

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