The main goal of an informative speech is to impart knowledge. An instructive speaker is similar to a teacher in that their main objective is to impart new information to their audience through communication and knowledge sharing (Gamble & Gamble, 2021). The majority of informative speeches and presentations are not contentious (Gamble & Gamble, 2021). They are present in almost every course students take and are likewise prevalent at work and in public places. A speaker gives informative speeches when he or she wants to define a word or concept, explain a process, operation, organization, or function, or depict a person, place, or thing.
There are various informative speech types with instances of particular purpose remarks. That is, a speaker might want to describe, inform, explain, or instruct something to the audience. For instance, if a speaker should explain to the audience how reductions in governmental support for colleges will affect them, description features can be used in the speech (Gamble & Gamble, 2021). Description elements include using a rich lexicon to provide specific details, being selective in choosing what to describe, and forming the speech in a way, which can be vividly memorized by the audience.
When a speaker wants to inform, he or she has to provide a clear structure, put the relevant information together, and use verbal signposts so that the speaker’s message will be more straightforward for the audience to understand. For instance, a speaker explaining the characteristics of smoke exposure is more successful if he structures the speech’s core concepts around a precise definition before looking at the substance’s direct effects (Gamble & Gamble, 2021). Moreover, informative speeches can also take place while instructing the audience. For instance, a speaker might instruct the students on how to succeed in job interviews.
To sum up, when a speaker wants to define a phrase or concept, explain an action, operation, structure, or function, or describe a person, place, or thing, they deliver informative presentations. An informative speech might focus on description, explanation, instruction, or just information depending on particular needs and purposes. Although the primary goal that can group all the speeches is to share knowledge, the context and the type of audience might necessitate different types of presentations.
Gamble, T. K., & Gamble, M. (2021). The public speaking playbook. SAGE, 120-351.