AT&T Documentation Regarding Cybersecurity Essay

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The article, Incident Response Process & procedures, by AT&T, discusses cybersecurity and raises an important topic regarding human response to particular challenges in this technology field. The author starts with the basics of psychological perception of unexpected events, which can potentially threaten people, or in this case, the computer and software. The author distinguishes specific features of an incident to act at the stage of its occurrence. According to Incident, “you will need this foundation to spot anomalies that could signal a potential incident” (p. 1). It confirms the importance of the documentation regarding cybersecurity and incident response questions.

I believe this documentation is entirely accurate in explaining the procedure. My conclusion is based on the fact that the authors of the paper have examined in detail all stages of action regarding unexpected situations. The incident response process and procedures concept includes four basic actions that allow a person to get out of a dangerous situation competently. Because of this, observing, orienting, deciding, and acting actions can be the basis for rapid response to threats such as cyberattacks. As mentioned earlier, the author views the response not only in terms of cybernetics but also concerning overall human capacity. As Chaskos (2019) states, “The cyber-security teaching domain should not only refer to IT but it should be implemented as a holistic approach” (p. 15). In addition, I find this documentation accurate because of the detailed consideration of the characteristics of communication between different groups of employees, as well as the rationale of the need for checklists, such as the security policy review checklist.

However, I believe that this documentation should also contain information about possible instruments to prevent such situations. There is a famous statement that you should fight against the cause but not with consequences. For example, in the book Incident Response in the Age of Cloud by Ozkaya (2021), the author discusses such problems as weak applications and networks, failure to learn from past mistakes, and others (Ozkaya, 2021). Therefore, it is vital to highlight that the information in the documentation, which is entirely accurate in the manner of responding, should also be aimed at considering the causes of incidents.


Chaskos, E. C. (2019). Cyber-security training: A comparative analysis of cyber-ranges and emerging trends. Technology Development for Security Practitioners, 78, pp. 1-78. Web.

. AT&T. Web.

Ozkaya, E. (2021). Incident response in the age of cloud: Techniques and best practices to effectively respond to cybersecurity incidents. Packt Publishing Ltd.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 27). AT&T Documentation Regarding Cybersecurity.

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"AT&T Documentation Regarding Cybersecurity." IvyPanda, 27 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'AT&T Documentation Regarding Cybersecurity'. 27 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "AT&T Documentation Regarding Cybersecurity." May 27, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "AT&T Documentation Regarding Cybersecurity." May 27, 2024.


IvyPanda. "AT&T Documentation Regarding Cybersecurity." May 27, 2024.

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