Non-profit organizations are created to serve public interests in a broad range of different spheres of social life. There are many types of non-profits with a wide spectrum of pursued aims. Personally, I would like to set up a non-profit youth sports club as I want children and adolescents to be able to use to sports facilities for free.
Like any other non-profit organizations, sports clubs have their own specific goals. Researchers note that voluntary sports organizations are built mainly to give opportunities to more children and youth to participate in sports club activities (Aggestål and Fahlén 360). The name for such an organization that I find appropriate is “Be Better, Be Stronger,” as I believe that sport can affect people both physically and mentally in a positive way.
It is significant to come up with the mission statement that reflects the true aims of the non-profit. As for my organization, I would like it to be as follows: “Our goal is to provide young people with the best possible sports experience to strengthen their bodies and self-control.” The target audience of my company would consist of children and adolescents that are keen on doing physical activities and playing sports games while learning how to work in a team.
Marketing a non-profit is mostly discussed as different from traditional marketing. However, I believe that the standard method of target marketing can be implemented in my case. According to Gupta, target marketing involves breaking a market into segments and then concentrating marketing efforts on key segments (24). My non-profit should focus on the target audience to find out their needs and satisfy them. In connection to this, some offline sports events can be hosted at my facility as they “allow marketers to have direct contact with their customers” (Yu et al. 853). I believe that by using such methods, my non-profit can draw the attention of youth and, therefore, achieve the goal mentioned in the mission statement.
Works Cited
Aggestål, Anna, and Josef Fahlén. “Employing Voluntary Sports Organisations in the Implementation of Physical Activity Policy.” Routledge Handbook of Physical Activity Policy and Practice, edited by Joe Piggin, Louise Mansfield and Mike Weed, Routledge, 2017, pp. 359-370.
Gupta, Vinod Kumar. “Marketing Strategy: A War to Win.” Journal of Management Science, Operations & Strategies, vol. 1, no. 1, 2017, pp. 21-24.
Yu, Zhiyong, et al. “Participant Selection for Offline Event Marketing Leveraging Location-Based Social Networks.” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 45, no. 6, 2015, pp. 853-864.