Benefits of an Essential Functions Analysis in the Workplace Essay

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Workforce staffing training and talent management are crucial processes that can define the success of a business venture. It is imperative for workplaces to hire persons that are right for the position offered and will beneficially impact the company through their work (Vulpen, 2022). Furthermore, HR departments should ensure that the utilized hiring processes are not discriminatory and that candidates are selected on merit. Nevertheless, certain positions require potential employees to be able to perform specific tasks that are physically or emotionally demanding, and the ability of individuals to cope with these demands should be assessed. This paper considers the benefits of an essential functions analysis in workforce staffing planning and talent management and its impact on the compensation plan.

Essential Functions Analysis is a critical step in the recruitment process. The analysis is performed for various purposes, including establishing the primary purpose of a position and identifying essential functions vital to the adequate performance of that position (Shaw HR Consulting, 2020). Furthermore, the analysis considers the environment and conditions needed for good performance in the roles and the skills and abilities required to perform fundamental functions of the job (Shaw HR Consulting, 2020). In addition, the analysis can be conducted to comprehend the conditions of the employment, including its physical, mental, and emotional demands (Shaw HR Consulting, 2020). Overall, essential functions analysis allows employers to determine the requirements and constraints of specific positions and expertise and characteristics required in potential employees.

Essential functions analysis is associated with a variety of benefits for the workplace. According to the Office of Financial Management (2021), the analysis allows the venture to avoid making “inconsistent or unfair employment decisions” (para. 2). Hiring and training of persons who do not have relevant skills and abilities for the position can incur financial losses for the company and substantially prolong the recruitment process. The analysis clarifies the job, its conditions, and requirements for potential employees, ensuring that persons with the required qualifications apply (Office of Financial Management, 2021). Furthermore, a well-documented essential functions analysis can protect the organization when false employment discrimination claims are made against them. Thus, it can be argued that the analysis simplifies the recruitment process for the involved parties and ensures that the company is legally protected against false claims.

Moreover, the analysis can be considered in the development of the compensation plan for the business venture. Depending on the type of payment offered by the company, the plan for financially compensating employees can reflect the importance of specific functions of different positions on the organization’s performance. Thus, the compensation philosophy can be based on analyzing the essential functions, with factors such as seniority within the company and experience being viewed as additional aspects (Proctor, 2020). It should be noted that the compensation strategy should be clarified to candidates during the recruitment process to avoid any potential issues. Overall, basing the compensation plan on the importance of specific positions to the company’s mission can be viewed as an unbiased approach.

In summary, an Essential Functions Analysis can be implemented to ensure that job candidates can perform the fundamental tasks of the role on offer. The analysis allows the company to define what is required of employees in specific positions and how that position contributes to the performance of the organization as a whole. In addition, the analysis can be used as judicial protection against fake claims and as a basis for a fair compensation plan.


Office of Financial Management. (2021). Essential Functions Guide. Web.

Proctor, P. (2020). . Business News Daily. Web.

Shaw HR Consulting. (2020). . Web.

Vulpen, E. V. (2022). . AIHR. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 28). Benefits of an Essential Functions Analysis in the Workplace.

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"Benefits of an Essential Functions Analysis in the Workplace." IvyPanda, 28 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Benefits of an Essential Functions Analysis in the Workplace'. 28 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Benefits of an Essential Functions Analysis in the Workplace." May 28, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Benefits of an Essential Functions Analysis in the Workplace." May 28, 2024.


IvyPanda. "Benefits of an Essential Functions Analysis in the Workplace." May 28, 2024.

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