Managing Diversity in Individuals and Organisations Essay (Critical Writing)

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The concept of diversity management has become increasingly important in the workplace as organizations strive to create an inclusive working environment that values diversity and respects the rights of all individuals. This portfolio will address the aspect of disability, exploring the legal frameworks and strategies that organizations have in place to manage diversity. In addition, it will examine the impact of diversity management on organizations and individuals, critically evaluating how effective these strategies are. Therefore, the focus will be on understanding how diversity management affects people with disabilities and how organizations can ensure they are treated fairly and with respect.

Challenges for an Individual and Organization

The challenges of disability can be experienced at an individual and organizational level. Individuals with disabilities face physical, emotional, social, and financial obstacles (Valle & Connor, 2019). Accessibility to transportation, buildings, and other services is often limited, leading to a lack of independence and inclusion. In addition, people with disabilities often face discrimination, prejudice, and a lack of acceptance in the workplace and society. Organizations face challenges in accommodating individuals with disabilities (Valle & Connor, 2019). This can include offering physical accessibility, such as wheelchair ramps and ensuring that services are accessible to individuals with sensory and intellectual impairments.

The problem for persons with disabilities in Singapore is largely rooted in a lack of inclusion in society and access to resources and opportunities. Barnes (2019) posits that the social model of disability argues that disability is caused by how society is organized rather than a person’s impairment or difference. This shows that the social environment drives the issues faced by disabled people. There is a lack of awareness of disability issues within Singaporean society, meaning that disabled people often experience discrimination and stigmatization (Valle & Connor, 2019). Furthermore, there are inadequate employment opportunities for disabled individuals due to a lack of disability-inclusive hiring policies and accessible workspaces.

Organizational Strategies and Policies

Managing diversity in the workplace related to disability can manifest in different ways. Employers can ensure accommodations are available for employees who are disabled, such as wheelchair-accessible workspaces, hearing loops, and other assistive technologies (Köllen, 2021). They can create policies to ensure employees with disabilities have an equal opportunity to be hired, promoted, and receive equal pay. Furthermore, employers can develop a culture of inclusion by providing training to their staff on how to interact with people with disabilities and how to be supportive and understanding (Köllen, 2021). Finally, they can ensure their recruitment practices are inclusive and that their workplace is accessible.

One of the best practices to address disability in the workplace is implementing an effective accommodation policy. This policy should consider the individual needs of disabled employees and should provide reasonable accommodations to help them perform their job duties while maintaining a productive work environment (Cooper & Bixler, 2021). It should include an appeals process for employees who feel their accommodation requests have been denied. Additionally, organizations should offer training to staff on how to interact with and accommodate disabled employees and should provide resources to help disabled individuals find employment opportunities (MacEachen, 2019). The organizations should strive to create inclusive and accepting environments where disabled individuals feel safe and comfortable.

The Impact on Individual and Organizational Performance

An effective accommodation policy can positively impact both individuals and organizations. On an individual level, it helps to boost morale, increase job satisfaction, and foster a sense of inclusion and belonging (Cooper & Bixler, 2021). Additionally, it can lead to improved employee retention and engagement, as employees are more likely to stay with a company that is seen to be accommodating their needs. On an organizational level, it can lead to increased productivity, improved customer service, and better communication. It can help to reduce costs, as accommodating employees’ needs can be less expensive than hiring and training new staff. Therefore, performance depends on the individual’s motivation, work ethic, and skills.

The law and legal framework play an essential role in promoting diversity in the workplace. It serves as a tool to protect vulnerable groups such as disabled persons from discrimination (Nachmias et al., 2019). For example, the Employment Act in Singapore protects employees with disabilities from unfair hiring, promotion and dismissal discrimination. The Disabled Persons Act offers specific protection for disabled persons in preventing discrimination and promoting equal opportunities in employment (Akella & Akella, 2020). Additionally, the government provides financial assistance to employers to hire persons with disabilities as part of its commitment to support the employment of persons with disabilities. These examples illustrate how the law and legal framework help promote diversity regarding disability in the workplace.

The legal framework regarding diversity and disability is mainly important in protecting the rights of individuals with disabilities. It offers protection against discrimination and promotes the inclusion of people with disabilities in society (Nachmias et al., 2019). It supports access to education, employment, and other services. However, there are still gaps in the enforcement and implementation of these laws, such as people with disabilities are still not provided with the same rights and opportunities as non-disabled people. Furthermore, there are still cases of discrimination and abuse against people with disabilities. This legal framework is important in reducing discrimination against disability, but further enforcement is needed to ensure that all individuals with disabilities have full access to their rights.

Recommendations and Conclusion

Workplaces should focus on creating an environment of inclusivity, acceptance, and support for employees with disabilities. This can be achieved by introducing reasonable accommodations such as accessible technology, flexible work schedules, and providing job training for employees with disabilities. Additionally, employers should give comprehensive disability benefits and ensure that the work environment is safe and free from harassment or discrimination. Employers should ensure that all employees receive equal access to job opportunities, including job promotion and training opportunities. Finally, employers should promote diversity awareness and education among their employees to create an environment of understanding and acceptance. Through these steps, employers can create a workplace conducive to diversity and inclusion for all employees, regardless of their disability.

From an HR perspective, many solutions can be implemented to promote diversity with respect to disability. Firstly, employers should ensure that their recruitment processes are inclusive of persons with disabilities and provide reasonable accommodations when necessary. This could include providing sign language interpreters, providing accessible office spaces, and allowing flexible working arrangements. Secondly, owners should train managers and staff to support and accommodate persons with disabilities. Furthermore, employers should review their policies to ensure that they are inclusive of persons with disabilities and implement policies that encourage diversity and inclusion. They should provide mentorship and career development opportunities for persons with disabilities.


Akella, D., & Akella, D. (2020). . Understanding workplace bullying: An Ethical and Legal Perspective, 221-235. Web.

Barnes, C. (2019). Routledge handbook of disability studies (2nd ed.). Routledge.

Cooper, R., & Bixler, E. A. (2021). . A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy, 31(3), 219-228. Web.

Köllen, T. (2021). . Journal of Management Inquiry, 30(3), 259-272. Web.

MacEachen, E. (Ed.). (2019). The science and politics of work disability prevention. New York: Routledge.

Nachmias, S., Ridgway, M., Caven, V. (2019). The Legal Framework on Diversity and Equality. In: Nachmias, S., Caven, V. (eds) Inequality and organizational practice. Palgrave explorations in workplace stigma. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Valle, J. W., & Connor, D. J. (2019). Rethinking disability: A disability studies approach to inclusive practices. Routledge.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 27). Managing Diversity in Individuals and Organisations.

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"Managing Diversity in Individuals and Organisations." IvyPanda, 27 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Managing Diversity in Individuals and Organisations'. 27 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Managing Diversity in Individuals and Organisations." May 27, 2024.

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