Benefits of the Legalization of THC Essay

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The topic of the legalization of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) has been broadly discussed for many years, and still, there is no commonly accepted opinion about it. Depending on the legislation of each country, the regulation of THC use is handled differently. Some states oppose any form of marijuana usage; others encourage it. For example, in Texas, cannabis is illegal for recreational use. Nevertheless, according to the Drug Policy Alliance (2021), more public support for marijuana legalization than ever before, with polls showing that more than half of the population supports it. There are many benefits of the legalization of THC for the economics, government, and citizens. Those benefits can improve many aspects of people’s lives, including their health, income, and relationships between different social classes.

Less Harm to the Health

The damaging effect of cannabis is smaller than the authorized alcohol and cigarettes. However, they cause cancer, heart disappointment, liver harm, and more. According to the CDC (2018), six individuals pass from liquor harming each day, and 88,000 individuals every year due to intemperate liquor utilization within the Joined together States. There are no recorded cases of passing from a marijuana overdose. Three to four times as numerous Americans are subordinate on liquor as on marijuana. A national survey found that individuals see tobacco as a more prominent danger to wellbeing than pot by an edge of four to one (76% vs. 18%), and 72% of individuals studied accepted that customary utilize of liquor was more perilous than cannabis usage (CDC, 2018).

Economic Benefits: Job Opportunities and Income

Legalizing THC might significantly impact state economies and generate significant revenue for both the states and federal governments. People should set up cannabis nurseries and dispensaries as the primary step for the states that voted in favor of restorative cannabis. Legalizing recreational cannabis within the state seems to bolster over 41,000 employments until 2024 and create over $1.7 billion in labor pay (Hudak, 2016). These jobs would probably originate from the fast-developing industries in the country. Specialists would be required to cultivate, prepare, convey, and offer marijuana-based items. These might incorporate program engineers, financing administrations, development companies, and numerous others.

Economic Benefits: Saving Money

When evaluating the financial advantages of lawful cannabis, it is essential to evaluate how much money may be spent and how much income is generated by this handle. As of now, the government marijuana requirement costs a few billion dollars per year. If national marijuana is legalized, the expenses will probably decrease considerably. If cannabis is removed from the drugs checklist, a significantly smaller number of court cases containing the substance will be tried, imprisoned, and spared more. As cannabis gets to be lawful in increasing parts of the nation, the cost will likely drop generally due to commoditization. It may not promptly appear like great news for general charge income or for cannabis companies looking to maximize benefits. Nevertheless, people utilizing marijuana-based items for restorative treatment would benefit impressively from lower costs for these items.

Economic Benefits: Investment

Legitimate THC presents the plausibility of colossal benefits to economies on a neighborhood and a national scale. It too may offer assistance to secure the venture portfolios of financial specialists over the nation and encourage away from home. Whereas pot remains unlawful on the government level, it is troublesome for speculators to capitalize on the development of the industry. The number of marijuana-related companies exchanging on open stock trades is little, and. In contrast, speculators can operate with over-the-counter trades if they prefer; numerous of the leading fruitful businesses within the early legitimate cannabis space have been based in Canada or other nations. Ought to cannabis ended up legitimate on the national level, cannabis companies would be free to list their stocks on all US trades, subsequently improving liquidity and opening up more speculators. Ought to the development rates for the cannabis space proceed as they have in later a long time, it is likely that speculators would express a sharp intrigued within the industry.

Decreasing Crime

Criminal activity goes down when cannabis is legalized. Studies show that medicinal cannabis dispensaries diminished wrongdoing in their neighborhoods because of increased security nearness and more individuals strolling around the area (Hudak, 2016). Research demonstrates that individuals drink less, and liquor deals drop in places where cannabis is legalized (Hudak, 2016). The sum of wrongdoing and savagery caused by liquor utilization is ten times higher than that by cannabis utilize, and liquor may be a figure in around 40% of savage violations. A move from drinking to cannabis use will diminish liquor violations, such as household viciousness and attack.

Decreasing Teen Usage of Cannabis

The foremost in-depth state studies propose unassumingly diminishes in rates of youth THC utilization in Colorado and Washington. Analyst at the Washington College School of Medication found that the rates of cannabis utilized by youthful individuals are falling even though more US states are legalizing or decriminalizing pot utilization. The number of grown-ups utilizing the sedate has expanded (Dryden, 2016). Besides, youngsters between 12 and 17 a long time ancient detailed an about 12% drop in cannabis to utilize fair two a long time after adult-use was legalized (CDC, 2016). Moreover, according to Dryden (2016), study after ponder has affirmed that cannabis approach changes do not cause rates of youth cannabis use to increase. Indeed, even though retail pot shops opened in Colorado and Washington in 2014, past-year cannabis utilization among teenagers in those states was lower in 2015-2016 than in 2014-2015.

Legal Cannabis Increases Customers’ Safety

People buying cannabis on the road have no way of knowing on the off chance that what they are ingesting is secured with shape, organism, pesticides, or other hurtful substances. Once cannabis is legalized, the government can implement research facility testing and directions to guarantee that pot is free of poisons. For illustration, the law in states where pot is legalized requires wellbeing notices, quality affirmation, labeling for THC concentration, and other vital directions for buyers. Legalization permits the government to set age confinements on buyers and permit and direct the complete supply chain of cannabis, counting cultivators, wholesalers, retailers, and testing research facilities. Directions incorporate impediments on the serving sizes for eatable pot items, seed-to-sale testing and following, and 24-hour video reconnaissance at retail stores (Tamar, 2018). Legal things are much easier to regulate and prevent dangerous situations for people, and cannabis legalization is an excellent example of how substance use can be controlled and bring more profit than harm to people.

Americans’ Choice

Eventually, a Drug Policy Alliance survey (2018) found a record-high 66% back for legalizing pot, up from 12% in 1969; the surveying company inquired almost pot the prior year. The survey to begin with outperformed 50% back in 2011. According to DPA, the change in open states of mind almost pot over the past half-century has reflected the liberalization of open demeanors, approximately cheerful rights, and the same-sex marriage development. Whereas Democrats (72%) and Independents (67%) have been more likely to back legalization, a more significant part of Republicans (51%) presently concur. The open underpins changing our fizzled anti-marijuana approaches. More than half of states in the US have legalized restorative cannabis, and 40 states took a few activities to unwind their medicate laws (such as decriminalizing or bringing down punishments for ownership).

Cannabis Policy

Compromise Policy

Planning a cannabis policy includes an unavoidable compromise between the objectives of minimizing the destructive impacts and maximizing the benefits of cannabis utilize whereas minimizing any hurt that emerges from our endeavors to control cannabis utilize, whether that is by criminalizing individual utilize and cannabis supply or by legalizing its generation and deal (Cyrenne and Shanahan, 2018). Hence, concocting an approach requires policymakers to compromise between competing for socially alluring objectives, precisely, ensuring youthful individuals from the severe impacts of cannabis utilize by minimizing their get to and utilize. Minimizing the unfavorable open wellbeing and arrange impacts of cannabis utilize grown-ups, permitting grown-ups to utilize cannabis for recreational purposes without impedances by the state, and minimizing the social and financial costs of the policies intended to play down utilize and harm.


To summarize, the legalization of THC has benefits, presented above and many others. Those advantages positively affect the economy (for government and citizens’ income); many statistics show that THC is less destructive than alcohol and nicotine. Legalizing cannabis allows the government to create a beneficial policy and regulate legal THC use. Finally, most Americans express their agreement to legalization, which means that the question of legal THC should be considered seriously.


Cyrenne, P., & Shanahan, M. (2018).Canadian public policy / Analyse De Politiques, 44(1), 54-76. Web.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (2018). Web.

Dryden, Jim. (2016). Web.

Drug Policy Alliance, (2021). Web.

Gardner, Justin. (2016). Web.

Hudak, J. (2016). Weighing the costs and benefits of legalization. Brookings Institution Press. Web.

Tamar, Todd, (2018). Berkeley journal of criminal law. Volume 23, Issue 1, Article 6. Web.

University of California, Irvine, The Paul Merage School of Business (2017), Web.

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IvyPanda. (2022, July 26). Benefits of the Legalization of THC.

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"Benefits of the Legalization of THC." IvyPanda, 26 July 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Benefits of the Legalization of THC'. 26 July.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Benefits of the Legalization of THC." July 26, 2022.

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