Biological and Psychological Experiences During Puberty Essay

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During puberty, hormonal production and subsequent activation occurs within the bodies of both males and females. These hormones lead to a sudden spurt in the growth scale (Kaplowitz, p. 38). They also do trigger the expression of aggression, mood swings in both sexes. Both females and males develop and recognize their sexuality. Although their respective body size tends to be bigger, males tend to be bigger than females but this is mostly influenced by their preferred physical activity and diet. Also race, genetic factors and culture can manipulate the size of their bodies (Werner et al, p. 19).

At puberty these hormones trigger the creation of secondary sexual uniqueness. Males, grow body hair (on the chest, legs, hands), facial hair (beards, moustache), they develop a deeper voice and their shoulders become broader while females grow breasts and their hips broaden. Both sexes grow pubic hair. Both sexes develop sexually but in their own distinctive ways. In females this is marked physically by the onset of menses (menstrual cycle). Internally, the ovaries, uterus develops fully and they produce ova. The uterus can be used for gestation purposes.

However, the case is very different in the other sex. Males produce hormones that lead to full development of their sexual organs. Their testicles develop fully they can be able to produce sperms, and their penis grows to a full size and they can get erections. At this stage a male can make a girl pregnant because both of them are fertile (Kaplowitz, p. 137). Production of the estrogen hormone is responsible for giving girls feminine traits while testerone hormone is responsible for giving males masculine sexual traits.

Psychologically, both sexes develop ideas as to what defines male or female beauty. There is attraction for the opposite sex. They have a greater appreciation of sex and often have many ideas concerning exploration fuelled by the power to learn and know more. This leads to both sexes having “wet dreams” due to sexual fantasies and imagination (Werner et al, p.129). They are also concerned on how they look and how they present themselves to others. They tend to appreciate their peers more than anything since they want to have a sense of belonging.

In spite of these similarities, their psychological differences depict a stark uniqueness of both sexes. In the post menarche period, females tend to develop a symptom which is characterized by increased depression. They externalize their problems and tend to behave like mature women. They also have a negative body image especially if it has a lot of fat. They also do not have a strong ability to cope with greater challenges than expected while in males things are very different. Males have a more positive image concerning their body. They also do appreciate their deep voices as this gives them identity in society and recognition. Deep voices sometimes show authority and maturity in some communities perhaps the appreciation of the development by the males. They are also rarely depressed and can rise to meet greater challenges and solve them better than girls of their age (Kaplowitz, p. 97). They can adjust better towards problems since they feel that is what is expected of them form the society. They also tend to share ideas concerning their problems and issues that they encounter in life.

Works Cited

  1. Adolescence: Biological Changes Associated With Puberty. 2001. Web.
  2. Kaplowitz, Paul. Early Puberty in Girls: The Essential Guide to Coping with This Common Problem. New York: Random House,1,37.2004
  3. Weiner, Irving B., Donald K. Freedheim, John A. Schinka, Wayne F. Velicer and Richard M. Lerner. Handbook of Psychology. Wiley and Sons, 2003.
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IvyPanda. (2021, October 16). Biological and Psychological Experiences During Puberty.

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"Biological and Psychological Experiences During Puberty." IvyPanda, 16 Oct. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Biological and Psychological Experiences During Puberty'. 16 October.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Biological and Psychological Experiences During Puberty." October 16, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Biological and Psychological Experiences During Puberty." October 16, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Biological and Psychological Experiences During Puberty." October 16, 2021.

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