The Blackfoot people represent the Native American tribes, which were subdivided into four parts. The Siksika, Blood, south, and north Piegan are the four components of the Blackfoot tribe who were the Native Americans. According to history, the Blackfoot tribe stretched from the Missouri River, which is located in Montana to the Saskatchewan River located in Canada.
The four tribes consisted of common cultural values and language. In addition, the tribes inter-married and held ceremonial gatherings to enhance their culture, rituals, and mutual understanding amongst themselves. The subdivision of the Blackfoot people in certain seasons resulted in the creation of smaller groups and easier communication and migration aspects. The Blackfoot people were the first to migrate to the Western regions depending on vegetables and buffalos as their food and diet.
The current situation of the Blackfoot people was resulted from numerous reasons and factors. The presence of the Europeans in the form of traders acts as the origin of the changes experienced by the Blackfoot people. Various experiences started happening to the natives due to the arrival of the Europeans and the introduction of the various Europeans cultures and norms. The Blackfoot people were introduced to English by the Europeans. They adopted English and Western culture, leaving their native language and culture.
The creation of division amongst the Blackfoot people produced loopholes and easier control and attack from the Europeans. The provision of schools, hospitals, and other facilities from the Europeans gained trust and admiration from the Blackfoot people due to the various challenges and sicknesses faced through the migration process and in the natural habitats.
The vitality and strength of the four tribes reduced drastically with the increase of the Europeans in their midst. The current situation of the Blackfoot people depends on their status, demography or location, and the support provided through the various institutions. The status of the Blackfoot language consisted of the Siksika and Pikanii Blackfoot dialects as the common languages used by the four tribes. The language produced cohesion and understanding amongst the four tribes before the interaction and relation with the Europeans.
After the trade relationship and interaction with the Europeans, the Blackfoot people started enumerating the Western culture. This produced an understanding between the Blackfoot people and the Europeans, but it weakened the Blackfoot culture in various ways. The social, economic, and language status changed with the increase of the Europeans and their culture.
The Blackfoot language is currently practiced by an approximation of 8000 people, but it is subdivided into two languages. The older generation practices the ancient Blackfoot culture and language, whereas the current generation practices the ‘New Blackfoot.’
There are various institutions that were introduced in America with the aim of destroying the Blackfoot language. The schools and the police force are the major institutions that were used in demolishing the Blackfoot language and the Blackfoot people. The police were used to enforce the law, which limited people from speaking and using their native languages in communication and dialogue. In addition, the schools taught using common languages and restricted their students from using native languages.
There are numerous ways of revitalizing the Blackfoot culture and language. Learning and teaching institutions are the main institutions that can be used to restore the Blackfoot language and Native American culture. This can be achieved through the close relationship between the Blackfoot people and the American government.
The social workers, anthropologists, linguistics, and the American population, should join in the diversification and revitalization of the Blackfoot language. In addition, the government should enhance equitability and cohesion amongst its citizens.