Body Image and Its Influence on British Society Dissertation

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There are as many individual self-images on the earth as the people. Our individual self-images determine how we perceive others. Our interaction with one another is based on the perception of our self-image and others’ images as well (Self-Esteem: The Foundation For Human Behavior 2007).

We know our intentions, feelings and reflections very well. Whatever we think, feel and intend to do accumulates throughout our lives building our self-image (Chapter 14: Methods for Changing our Thoughts, Attitudes, Self-Concept, Motivation, Values and Expectations n.d.)

Our body image is our view about how our body looks and works. It is influenced by our way of thinking to make it appear attractive and function well (Kindes 2006).

According to Fox (1997), General perception of images of the people living in a particular society affects that society largely. Much importance is given to the physical appearances of people irrespective of their actual persona, which is always not represented by their appearances. Being passionate about one’s looks is natural and it should not be confused with an indication or sign of self-importance. Since attractive people hold a unique place in our society, it is a usual tendency to try to look better than others. We all place much importance to physical magnetism. The magnetism of good looks is not only associated with the modern society but has also been prevalent in the history. However, people’s outlook and perception of physical beauty has been different in different periods. For example, in the 19th century, wearing a corset was in fashion; no matter how much problems it caused to our digestion and breathing. In today’s modern society, keeping ourselves in shape is given more importance and people (especially women) adopt all measures to acquire a perfect shape irrespective of the fact that too much dieting and exercising may sometimes cause serious problems. Although, the fascination for good looks has always been there, it has turned to be an obsession in the modern world. People are exposed to various advancements in technology such as mass media that has a great influence on their ideals, values and perception of a perfect body image. “What people see and how they react to their reflection in a mirror will vary according to: species, sex, age, ethnic group, sexual orientation, mood, eating disorders, what they’ve been watching on TV, what magazines they read, whether they’re married or single, what kind of childhood they had, whether they take part in sports, what phase of the menstrual cycle they’re in, whether they are pregnant, where they’ve been shopping – and even what they had for lunch” ( Fox 1997 Para 4).

Not only our looks but also our behaviour is decisive of our image. Our behaviour defines who we are. The two determinant factors of our image are–our physical image and our behaviour. Physical image is superficial and affects others perception about someone initially; however, behaviour is what defines our personality. Others perception of our behaviour and the way others see us, determines our perception of self-image. Good behaviour results in building a positive self-image, whereas bad behaviours misrepresent that image. Hence, our behaviour is a manifestation of our real self (Radwan, 2012).

It is a fact that our behaviour is affected by our personality. This is the reason that people having shy nature do not speak much in new surroundings and confident people can communicate with everyone very conveniently. This is one aspect of our personality. Another aspect is that our behavior can also affect our personality. For example, people who cannot struggle for their privileges or cannot say ‘no’, tend to lose their self-confidence and have a negative impact on their ‘self-image’. We can make changes in our existing behavior to split the self-reinforcing cycle of personality-behavior, which contributes, to the strengthening of certain beliefs that we have about our personality and self-image. The changes in our behaviour by acting in an assertive or confident manner constantly help in gradual release of the negative beliefs about us (Radwan, 2012).

This relates to each behavior we show. People who cry over small- little issues think of themselves as fragile and easily broken. They build self-image of a fragile person who is affected by petty problems in life. Those people who have a tendency of blaming the conditions and circumstances for their failure build up self-image of a victim. The revitalization is deterred by the repetition of certain behavior following a crisis. For example, in cases of break-ups, listening to romantic songs, lamenting while listening to them utterly delays the recovery process (Radwan, 2012).

“Women are more likely to feel self-conscious if they are with a group of wealthier friends and acquaintances, while men are more likely to spend money they can’t afford” (Image conscious Brits ignore credit crisis to appear wealthy to peers n.d., Para 3).

The human behavior tends to be more revealing with those who are familiar and can be trusted (Coon and Mitterer 2008).

Self-image is the ID we carry with us everywhere. Our self- image determines certain beliefs regarding our capability to do, achieve and possess something in life. It decides the level of our progress. Having a winning attitude or self-image of a money magnet will lead us to attaining success. On the other hand, if we do not have a winning self-image we will tend to fail in every field. It will result in building self-image of a failure rather than a ruler (Holscher2009)

Success largely depends on the self-image of a person. The image that is he created in his mind about himself. Changes in our thinking process and behavior will ultimately be reflected in the perception of self-image. We cannot expect changes in our circumstances without trying to change the way we think and behave. If we attempt to do so, we will only be disappointed.

We live in a world where our image seems to play a significant role in our life. Based on different views on the perception of ‘image’, it is clear that image is not relative to any single aspect of life. What we feel, think and want to do accumulate throughout our lives and build our “image”. Therefore, our ‘image’ is a combination of our physical appearance, behavior, dressing sense and mannerisms etc. The aim of this research is to analyze how the British society sees the prominence of image and how it affects the society.

Literature Review

In the years followed by the World War 2, many changes can be observed taking place in the British society. A general shift towards the bourgeois values was apparent in the form of the process of renewal and rebuilding into deteriorating areas with the incursion of middle-class or affluent people. This process has been constantly increasing, since it initiated in the fifties, and prevailing in the following years. Its existence has contributed immensely in the increase in the incomes in common reduction in the dominance of poverty or as a minimum preventing it from being noticed in society. Furthermore, the rigid class system, that was prevalent in the 1940’s in the British society, has also slackened largely. The image makeover of British people is largely directed towards adopting the characteristics of middle class regarding the selection of jobs and incomes. They mostly have middle class attitude or classless attitude in their basic outlook. The use of telephones, hoovers, washing machines, motorcars and so many other things like that by almost everyone today, shows that these items are not associated with only the rich and upper class (Morrell 2006).

In 1960’s the society witnessed the inclusion of electronic items like TV, transistors and record players (Christopher 1999).

A new attitude towards the class stratification is observed in the modern Britons. They are less concerned about the division of society into different distinctive social classes that had been prevalent in the 1940’s. In the 1950’s, this distinctive division of society started to be less influential and gradually became invisible (Morrell 2006).However, the traces of class stratification do exist in the premier levels of society. These include classes who prominently possess the institutions and businesses, hold the prominent newspapers and hold prominent banking in the United Kingdom. Although, this influential class of Britain has power and manipulate the society but they have very little or say no impact on the lives of the common people. When it comes to the language, it is perceived that the conventional BBC English that served as the official language until1950’s is no more in trend now. It has been replaced by the regional accents that have become very popular in the latter half of the twentieth century. The Britons do not admire the snobbish upper class accents and stick to the use of more simplified accent belonging to the lower middle classes. “These trends point towards the prevalence of proletarianisation and the casualization in the modern society”(Morrell 2006, Para 5).

“The significant changes in British society in the past 60 years are an increase in prosperity and affluentisation, and an increase in classlessness (destratification) of society. Moreover, one more trend that has become popular in the British society is proletarianisation. Proletarianisation is a process that includes the acceptance of the values of the lower classes, succeeding the values of the upper and middle classes” (Morrell 2006, Para 6).The Britons have all become working class now who belong to well-off middle or lower middle class. The ordinary people’s ideals, values and ambitions have acquired dominance in the society.

The outlook, thinking, ideals and ambitions of the British people today are influenced by the working class culture.They are indifferent towards the smart clothes and do not prefer formal dresses. They are more inclined to the selection of casual clothes. Inclination towards casual clothing is prevalent in Britain today. Popular music is also derived from the masses and it has been intensely adopted by the people between 13-35 years of age. The division of music on the basis of classes’ i.e. classical music for the rich and folk music for the poor has also disappeared from the society. This is the era of popular jazz and skiffle and most commonly, the rock and pop (Morrell 2006).

This period witnesses the association of the upper class people with the new emerging classless society including celebrities like pop stars, actors and fashion photographers etc. (Melia 1995).

Clothing is also a manifestation of people’s attitudes and values life. With the process of Proletarianisation, the attitude towards clothing also changed in the society. One example is the popularity of American blue denim in the sixties and seventies. This material was highly liked and accepted in the society because of its durability and comfort. The ideas of a classless and proletarian approach in dressing are again reflected by the popularity of denim. Those who are still sticking to very stylish clothes in dressing segregate themselves from classless masses (Morrell 2006).

Hence, it is evident that the upper class expressions that were prevalent in the society in 1800-1945 were overshadowed by the trends influenced by the lower middle class in the modern society in and after 1950’s.

Images in today’s society have become so important that not following the trends is considered as not so cool, or boring, especially in the western world. Even British Council presents a lesson plan for changing one’s looks (Image Conscious, 2010). We find high fashionable stores in every town and city, promoting the most modern fashions. These are promoted by the media advertisements. People are judged because of their image that is manifested in the form of their latest fashionable clothes, modern jewelry and latest perfumes (Howard 2007). Pugh (2010) states that social networking site like Facebook has drastically changed the perception of image among people. These people are apparently more popular, cool, and perhaps hold more poised position in the society. It has become essential to have a distinct image for getting social acceptance in the modern social circles. However, there are people who assert that too much obsession over body image is unhealthy for the people and society as well. Health issues such as Anorexia or Bulimia are the consequences of obsession over body image. They insist that physical appearance is not the only factor that determines people’s image. Their intelligence, ability, and personality should also be judged while perceiving their image (Morrell 2006).

It has been indicated in the findings of many researches that clothing, accessories and general appearance have a major impact on the perception of people relating to their competency and confidence level. There are many hidden rules regarding what is acceptable and what is not acceptable in a particular society in relation to the appearance. Physical appearance plays a vital role in the overall “personal branding” of a person. Attractive people get more attention in the society (Image and Impact, n.d., Para 5). One has to be aware of the standards set by our society relating to our physical features like height, weight and our body shape. The general perception about the ideal standard of the body appearance is reflected in good health, well-being and fitness forming a positive image of a person (Image and Impact n.d.).

The mass media plays a significant role in the socialization process and contributes to encouragement of stereotypes. With the changing times, there is an excessive focus being placed on body image in the western world. People are becoming more and more perceptive of the idealistic body image created by the mass media. The stress relating to the evaluation of body by oneself as well as others is increasing day by day. The last few decades have observed rising awareness about body image in the society. The perception of body image take account of “socio-demographic factors (gender; age; country), nutrition, and psycho-social factors e.g., stress, social support and quality of life” (Ansari et al 2010, Para 1).

This sense of looking attractive and seeking acceptance in the society has made people insecure of their images. The stress to maintain their appearance is always present in their lives. Studies are indicative of the fact that attractive people hardly trust admiration of their work or talents, as they are always under the impression that these evaluations are influenced by their looks. We all are aware of the fact that there are certain ideals, values and standards that are approved by our society. People follow these ideals and values in order to seek acceptance in the society. However, people with a strong determination do not require incorporating these values to have a positive body image (Fox 1997).

Maltby (2005) discusses that the perception of body image is affected by the sociocultural factors. Researchers have confirmed that having a slim body is glorified in magazines, television programs, and films openly and fatness is considered something as unhealthy and unattractive. Many young women and girls get influenced by the magazines, newspapers, TV programs and films in adopting specific eating habits and internalizing a slender body ideal (Field 2000).

In the UK, women had 90% of all cosmetic procedures in 2011.This included breast augmentation, blepharoplasty, and face and neck lifts (Rogers 2012).

Women in our society have a negative body image if they are obese, leading to severe anxiety and dejection.These symptoms are indicative of the fact that there is social pressure on their perception of a perfect body when slimness is attached to beauty (Fox 1997 Para 4).

“Millions of women, with men not far behind, can’t go longer than half an hour without a precautionary peek at their reflection, a survey has found”(Hull 2007 Para 1).

It is found in the studies that UK women tend to be more image-conscious when they are engaged in phone calls (UK Women More Image Conscious 2011).

It is evident from the surveys conducted on the image consciousness of British people that the woman re-apply make-up several times in a day (Liverpool women ‘UK’s vainest’ 2007).

The surveys suggest that girls are so conscious about their appearances that they go on severe diets and other activities to look as per the societal norm (Pathania 2007).

The social ills are considered to be born from the low self-esteem of people living in it. It is attributive to poor academic performance of a student, marital conflict between the couples and to the existence of violent crime and drug abuse in the society.

However, some psychologists do not approve of this belief. They assert that self-image is not responsible for the problems in the society. Studies have shown that doctors or bank managers are more insecure than serial rapists. It is evident from studies that self-esteem is not attributive to our behavior patterns. Dr. Brad J. Bushman of Iowa State University and Dr. Roy F. Baumeister of Case Western Reserve University finds in their research that “some people with high self-regard are actually more likely to lash out aggressively when criticized than those with low-self-esteem. The list of groups — neo-Nazis, street toughs, school bullies — who combine preening self-satisfaction with violence belies the power of one to ameliorate the other” (Goode 2002 Para 2).

The image of young people today appears to be becoming increasingly tarnished, as it is affected by repeated portrayal of hooded teenagers who are engaged in frightening the people and the involvement of young people in high-profile criminal cases as reported in the media (Gee 2011).


The presented research is a qualitative as well as quantitative analysis of the effectiveness and impact of image on British society. The findings aim to provide a detailed analysis of the British society. It is important to recognize the actual level of effectiveness of these provisions in order to evaluate the significance of these legislations.

Research Questions and Hypotheses

The following research questions and hypotheses guide the study:

  • R: How do people perceive image? Is it the way we look, how we dress, behave or speak? Or is it a combination of all?
  • H: People are image-conscious and feel that image is the combination of all the ingredients like looks, dressing sense, behaviour etc.
  • R: Is there any influence of the image on society?
  • H: As we are talking about in terms of British society, the researches show the high impact of image on British social life.
  • R: Is image being considered as business tool? If it so, to what extent?
  • H: Image is being used as a business tool. For example, young generation is getting attracted towards the glamorous lifestyle presented by the media. For this, they are going up to any extent and can adopt any means to change their current looks. This influence is resulting in the repeated changes in their looks, their way of talking and their behavior.

Research Methodology

The research methodology that was used in the study is the combination of a qualitative as well as quantitative research method. By using this methodology, the hypotheses of the research questions can be measured, determined and analyzed. The method also helped in determining the quantity and consistency of results. The variables tested in the study determine and measure certain behaviours, knowledge, behavioural intentions and attitudes that are significant to the study. The method used a descriptive representation of the phenomenon and collect quantifiable data that can be statistically verified and analyzed to measure the effectiveness of the whole research.

The purpose of the study is to measure the perception of the British population with the effect of image in social life. Quantitative research methodology was used because data (perceived effectiveness) being tested in this study was through various sources which support it. The study is guided by the actual data collected from the respondents, and the purpose of the study is to prove or disprove them. Such worldview requires the analysis of the strength of the facts, comments and attitude.

Philimore& Goodson (2004) depicted that this worldview entails a systematic procedure and structure in the research process because it follows a rule-bound approach, which meant that this worldview made use of surveys, content analyses, field experiments, and other assessments that will collect verifiable data. The worldview also entails the focus on data that will reveal trends, patterns, and statistical relationships. A quantitative research methodology will also be used because the method will utilize open –ended questions as well as close questions; pre-determined approaches, and numeric data (Creswell, 2003).

According to Ross (1999), the quantitative method is more frequently associated with using surveys, which entails studying a large number of subjects that is drawn from a specific population. The research design for this study will employ the use of survey questionnaires and analyzing data gathered from the respondents.

The study involved the use of the questionnaires. These were prepared in advance, and the questions were reviewed to find their relevancy in the concept being investigated. The language used in the questionnaires was relatively moderate to be understood by the people and the procedure was understood. Some of the questions included in the questionnaires were:

  • Are you image-conscious?
  • Do you think that people should be image-conscious?
  • According to you, what is image consciousness?
  • What makes people to be image-conscious?
  • What are the factors that are responsible for making anyone image-conscious?

At the end of the research case, relevant information was gathered.

Population and Sampling Procedure

The population of interest for this study is the common people from the British society on the age range between 18-60 years old. A large no of participants is used in the sample. Since this is a descriptive design, sampling is a significant process because of the need to obtain an accurate representation of the population (Heck, 2004).


Survey questionnaires will be used as the research instrument. People on the age range between 18-60 years old from the population will be provided with survey questionnaires in order to determine their perceived level of effectiveness of image on the British society. The survey instrument will be based on the general type of questions related to image consciousness. There will be two types of questions open-ended and closed targeting different age groups and genders.


The data collection method that will be used needed to be clearly defined and described; in terms of the how instrument has been tested and validated by past studies (Sunderman et al., 2004). The strategy for obtaining good measures for the study involves upholding the relevance and appropriateness of the study for the data collected and the purpose of the study. Thus, the instrument section clearly defined the processes for this method, which will enable future researchers to duplicate the study.

In order to uphold the reliability of this study, the participants were selected according to their age ranging between 18 to 60 years old. The questionnaire targeted people from different age range and genders as per the setting of its questions.

Data Collection Procedures

It was planned how to reach the people for collecting data. The places like shopping malls, markets, restaurants, colleges etc. were targeted to reach the common people of different age groups.

After making the survey questionnaire, some people were approached directly but the students of the colleges could be approached through their universities’ administration department which will receive the questionnaire.

Printed copies of the questionnaire were distributed to the large no. of people. The participants were given sufficient time to complete the questionnaire.

Primary Research/Findings/Discussions

The primary research was conducted by making questionnaires and those questionnaires were distributed among 100 participants. The participants were divided in four groups. This division was based on age, gender, and occupation. It was as follows:

Group A- participants on the age range between 18-60 years old; Group B- participants of the age group of 18 years old; Group C- male participants on the age range between 18-60 years old, if they are more conscious about their image in comparison to women; Group D- female participants on the age range between 18-60 years old, if they are self-conscious.

The data collected for this study indicates one central theme that many people are image conscious. People from different age group showed similar kind of interest in choosing dresses for themselves for looking good. They showed great interest in selecting the perfect hairstyles for themselves, which could enhance their personality. Some accepted that image consciousness comes due to the fear of non-acceptance in the society, as many times people judge others on the basis of looks only. Even the difference of treatment could be seen while looking for a job. A good-looking person had a better opportunity to get a good job than a normal looking person did. It was found that some people preferred to change their looks or behavior due to the pressure from society to meet its standard and become acceptable in their surroundings. As the survey was conducted on different age groups and genders with some different questions as per the standard, their findings reveal that some young females were greatly fond of celebrities subsequently, they preferred to dress, talk and behave like them. Some of the females were very conscious about their body shape so they preferred to go on diet or showed interest in joining some weight loss programs.

The data discloses that many people were interested to be a part of the social networking site, which gives them a sense of fulfillment since these social sites give them the chance of showing their better image and make them popular among their online friend circle. Many of the participants admitted that they wanted to become popular on such sites based on their looks and for that reason they would prefer a perfect profile picture.

The British society is going through a lot of changes and the people are in the race of proving themselves by altering their looks and behaviour. Here are the findings of the research conducted on 100 people in detail. Questionnaires were given to the different groups and the collected data is interpreted here in detail.

A set of questionnaire regarding image consciousness was distributed among 40 people including both genders and aging between 18-60.

Findings of the research show that about 90% of people aged between 18-60years, irrespective of their gender, are conscious of their image in the society. Based on the data collected through their answers, it is revealed that the desire to be praised and accepted in the society makes them look and behave in a particular manner approved by the society. They believe that one has to be image-conscious in today’s society as it is necessary to go with the current trends. Everyone wants to be liked and appreciated and for that, he has to be aware of his self-image and try to make it positively accepted in the society. They believe that image plays a significant role in determining their status in the society. So, one should attempt to stick to the ideals and values, relative to a positive image. Image consciousness is related to one’s perception of him, and it refers to the way others perceive us. On responding to the questions related to the need of being image conscious, about 85% of them accepted that here is favoritism for beauty in almost all social situations. The desire to be praised and preferred over others, desire to get more attention in the social circle, and desire to get success in life are some of the factors that are attributive to our image consciousness. It has been indicated in the findings that clothing, accessories and general appearance have a major impact on the perception of people relating to their competency and confidence level. They admitted that it is important to be image conscious so that we can acclimatize to the society we live in. About 65% of the respondents agreed that British people are more image conscious and have always been upfront regarding fashion, trends, mannerism etc. They have always given importance to good looks, good behavior, good mannerism and latest fashions. Not only our looks but also our behavior is decisive of our image. The two determinant factors of our image are–our physical image and our behavior. Physical image is superficial and affects others perception about someone initially; however, behavior is what defines our personality. Others perception of our behavior and the way others see us, determines our perception of self-image. Good behavior results in building a positive self-image, whereas bad behaviors misrepresent that image. Hence, our behavior is a manifestation of our real self. There were 78% of people who accepted the fact that there is always a pressure from the society in the form of standards and values. There are different standards set by the society regarding the body image, behavior, dressing sense and mannerisms. One has to be aware of the standards set by the society relating to the physical features like height, weight and our body shape. The general perception about the ideal standard of the body appearance is reflected in good health, well-being and fitness forming a positive image of a person Therefore; people have to meet these standards in order to be accepted in the society. There are times when people focus only on their image and nothing else. This is because our society functions on the idea that one has to have a positive image for acquiring success in life. It is seen that good-looking people are given more importance no matter if they do not own other qualities. Sometimes the fear of being unnoticed or dejected among others makes people more image conscious. The sense of looking attractive and looking for acceptance in the society has made people anxious of their images. They try to look good and dress up according to the trends prevalent in the society so that other people notice them and they do not feel dejected.

The percentage of people who accepted that people with attractive physical appearance and smart looks get more attention in the society was about 86%.. People tend to be friends with them and enjoy their company while average looking people have to make more efforts in proving themselves. Initially, what matters is the looks and body image of a person. Attractive applicants are preferred over average looking applicants when it comes to getting job. They influence people by their looks in interviews, marketing and public relations. People with good looks influence others in their first meetings. They fascinate others and cannot be ignored. They are more likely to get positive responses from people. However, when they were asked about their personal views on the importance of physical appearance as the basis of perceiving others image, they had different views. About 83% people answered that they believe that beauty and good looks are important but these are the manifestations of our superficial image. The thing that matters is the inner strength and potential of a person. They did not assert that physical appearance is not important but emphasized that a person should be evaluated on the basis of his inner virtue as well outer or superficial image. There were only 17% of people who preferred physical appearance over anything else.

On the question related to media playing as an influential tool to promote image, 88% of them responded that media plays a very significant role in creating role models for us. Young people attempt to incorporate the idealistic image of youth presented by the media. In this process, sometimes, they become so obsessive over their self-image that it may result in some serious hazards to their health. Many women develop Anorexia in an attempt to look slim and attractive. Cinema and TV artists present an idealistic picture of a person, which is not real. However, the younger generation gets very much fascinated by them. Findings suggested that social networking sites are very popular among almost all age groups and are used to be socialized and popular. The percentage of people visiting the networking sites was around 91%.The answers given by people suggests that social networking sites are quite beneficial in the sense that these help in making friends from all over the world. Making friends with different people from different countries enhance our knowledge of their culture and society. Facebook was found to be the most popular social site among people. People between 18-35 years of age were more on posting pictures and other material on Facebook. The audience is friends with whom they share information and their experiences. Pictures showing the positive image are often used as their profile pictures. Comments on their pictures and profile make them feel a little bit like a celebrity. They all like to choose those pictures for their profile that shows our overall personality. Therefore, it is not just a picture but also an image which reveals every aspect of our personality.

They share their thoughts and experiences on this social site and update their network about the happenings of their lives. The communication with others on certain issues is very helpful. This interactive experience enables them to share more and is reflective of the relationships in our real lives.

They are able to form their perception of someone based on his profile pictures and text used on their pages. Sometimes, what they think of a person does not turn out to be the same. Therefore, it helps in reshaping their image keeping in consideration the treatment of photos and content on their profiles that is expressive of new sentiments and new directions in life.

It was stated by many that they can judge other people’s opinion about them based on the text provided on their profile. People whom they relate on Facebook are mostly friends who always have good opinion about them. Their suggestions influence them in forming an image that is socially accepted. The profile pages of person reveal what kind of person he or she is. Besides friends, people at large visit the profiles of their favorite celebrities. Since they are the role models for the young masses, their profiles are followed by most of them. The research reveals that younger generation is so influenced by them, especially the girls that they can go to any extent look like their role models. In many cases, girls may go to any extent in dieting to get slim as getting slimmer and thinner is the approved standard of being beautiful.

There was a different set of questionnaire that was given to the participants who belonged to the age group of 18-20years.

The findings suggest that most of the participants of this age group are familiar with the advanced technologies in electronics and multi-media. They have been involved in all such things since elementary standard.

95% of the participants stated that his use of computer and internet has made their lives less complicated and hassle free. Today, everyone is having knowledge about these technologies. Those who are not exposed to this kind of environment may have difficulty in keeping up with the new advancements in society. The use of computers and internet was found 100% among these college-going students. 85% of the students viewed that computer and Internet has helped them a lot in their studies.

There was division done on the basis of gender to find more appropriate answers. A set of questions was distributed among 10 male participants and 10 female participants to compare their perception of self- image. The findings suggest that men were equally concerned about their looks and image as women. In the findings 80% of the male participants revealed that they liked to wear clothes of latest fashion.However, they were not frantic about it and they liked to keep a hairstyle that is in vogue. Most of the male participants have quite a few pair of shoes. They like wearing different shoes based on the latest trends. They also choose to wear different types of shoes for different purposes. The research shows that 65% of the men go to men’s parlor Ans. They go there for haircut, facials, massage etc. on regular basis. Sometimes, I go there for hair treatment, skin treatment, hair coloring and body spa also. Whereas, there were 93% of the female participants who liked to wear clothes that represent the latest fashion and are in vogue. They revealed that wearing latest trendy clothes boosts up their self-image. People also notice them more often if we wear good stylish clothes. So, one should have a good dressing sense to form a positive image of one’s personality. They always prefer to keep a hairstyle that in fashion. They assert that knowledge about fashion is revealed in their dressing sense and hairstyle.

People build an image about others based on their good judgment of the current trends in the society. When asked about their concern with the body odor, 78% of them answered that always use some body deodorant to keep away the bad smell due to sweating and all. They admitted that it is important to be aware of the factors that may distort our positive image. Women also admitted that they use perfumes. A good number of them opted for mild perfumes that do not leave a strong and irritating smell.

When asked how frequently they look into the mirror, 7o% of the male participants accepted that they look in the mirror but not frequently. They see their clothes, hairstyle and general appearance before going out. It is better to see in the mirror to make judgments about our physical appearance. People’s perception of our image is influenced by our own perception about self-image. 85% of the women look into the mirror several times in a day. They like to keep checking whether they are looking good or not. They do their hair and freshen up make-up many times in a day for the sake of looking good and perfect.

75% of the male participants accepted that they become more image conscious while talking to women whereas 89% of women showed that they want to represent themselves as confident modern women. Moreover, they try to be as soft spoken as possible and elegant in their behavior when they interact with men.

As far as physical appearance is concerned people, especially women, can go to any extent. Women like to be slim and fit today. Their body image is associated with thinness and fitness in the society. Women try to attain the body image idealized by the mass media.

The findings suggested that 67% of the women had undergone some surgical treatment to improve their body shape. Today, due to advancements in technology, women have opportunities to shape –up their body and face as desired. Among women, 88% were conscious about their weight and had joined some or the other weight –loss program to maintain their body shape and figure. However, it’s not only the women; men also are seen taking good care of their body. 75%of the male participants accepted that they are very conscious about their physique and exercise or join a gym to be fit and healthy. When it comes to accessories 96% women accepted that they like to wear jewelry, as it is an integral part of a woman’s life, which she can cherish forever. All women love to store and use jewelry irrespective of their age. Men also like to use accessories. 77% of the men revealed that they like expensive watches, sunglasses etc. They feel that the accessories enhance the personality of a person. Women are found more keen on watching fashion programs on TV to know about the various trends that are prevalent in the society through television.

They like to read fashion magazines.70percent of the women participants accepted that they read the fashion magazines to follow the latest fashions. It is not necessary that those women who follow the latest trends only read about fashion. Gaining knowledge relative to the latest updates in the society also encourage women to read these magazines. Some of the women said that they do not rely too much on the tips that are suggested in the magazines but can try them if needed.

Answering the questions regarding the imitation of their favorite celebrity while dressing or speaking, 56% of the male participants revealed that as they appreciate their dressing sense and mannerism, sometimes they tend to follow them knowingly or unknowingly. Whereas 8o% of the women(between 18 -30) said that they try to follow their favorite celebrities as they give out a special message relative to the image.They possess an ideal image, which has a great impact on the lives of people. Therefore, people try to copy their impressive style of speaking, copy the mannerisms, dressing sense, hairstyle etc. The impact of their ideal image on the society is so much that following them or copying them make people think that they are following the right trend.

Here are the findings of the information collected from the answers given by 20 college going people between the age group of 18-22years.These students were given a questionnaire regarding the current fashion trends in UK. The information collected through their answers reveals that getting tattoos imprinted on their hands, neck, shoulders, waist etc. has become very popular in UK.

In the UK, one needs to be over 18 to get a tattoo. However, people try to get tattoos before that age but are not allowed to do so even if our parents permit. The tattoo artists do not entertain children below, 18 years even if their parents permit them.80percentage of the participants accepted they have got the tattoos imprinted on some or the other part of their body. These tattoos can cost minimum £10 and maximum is not the limit. It depends on the design to be imprinted.

Although, there is a very painful procedure involved in getting tattoo as it is created by injecting ink into the skin, people go for it as this is the latest trend. People between 18-35 years are more keen on getting these tattoos on their bodies. There is a lot of care also involved after getting it imprinted.

It is essential to keep the bandage on it for two to 12 hours. There may be chances of infection so people are advised to keep it clean as much as possible and apply some moisturizer on it until it is healed.

People are advised to wash it gently twice a day with an antibacterial soap and apply some moisturizing cream on drying. It should be kept uncovered. Exposure due to sunbathing, swimming etc. may be dangerous. Once imprinted, it is hard to remove it. The participants admitted that there is as much complication involved in the procedure of removing as in getting them. Laser surgery is the only option for removing them which is quite expensive. However, it does not ensure the 100% removal. There are marks or ink left in many cases. It is better to get the temporary tattoos if one wants to avoid all these complications. If someone is interested in getting tattoos on his body but does not want to go for it because of the complicated procedure and risks involved in it, he may try the temporary tattoos, which are temporarily imprinted on our body without much hassle and hazard. Hence, it is clear that tattoos are very popular amongst the youth today in Britain, in spite of its painful and procedure. The young generation does not see the health related hazards caused by it and blindly follow the trends. Even the celebrities, who are the role models for the young masses get these on their bodies. The above findings suggest that people want to change their looks according to the trends in the society. They want to be noticed and hold a unique position in society based on their looks.

They want to show all the positive aspects of their personality. They want to be judged as a modern, extrovert, fun loving people. They like people who have a positive attitude towards life and those, who are modern in their thinking as well as attitude, However, this is natural to be image conscious while meeting the people we do not know or we are not close with. Everyone wants to achieve more success, popularity and prosperity in life. For achieving these goals they attempt to find a right path and explore the ways through which they can attain what they want in life. It is not only the physical appearance but the behavior of a person is also a determinant factor in building one’s image. It is of great importance to have both the qualities: physical appearance as well as good behavior and speaking to create a positive self-image. Success largely depends on the self-image of a person. Changes in our thinking process and behavior will ultimately be reflected in the perception of self-image. We cannot expect changes in our circumstances without trying to change the way we think and behave. If we attempt to do so, we will only be disappointed.

There was a set of questionnaires that was given to people between the age group of 18-60.The information gathered from these close ended questionnaire reveals that most people are concerned about others views on their personality. They think that the looks or physical appearances impress people. Most of them accepted that they take extra care of their body fitness and go for workouts or jogging for keeping fit. Our body image is our view about how our body looks and works. It is influenced by our way of thinking to make it appear attractive and function well.

Most of the people accepted that they use accessories and jewelry to enhance their physical appearance. The media is considered to have a great impact on the people’s life. Fashion related programs are changing the concept of image. Most people showed their interest towards social networking sites and internet to gain knowledge about fashion and be in touch with the updated trends in society.

Hence, the findings of the research in question show that today our society and especially the western world is engaged in the rat-race of looking more attractive than others. Although an integral part of our, behavior is not given as much importance as physical appearance does. This image consciousness is leading the younger generation to nowhere. People are exposed to various advancements in technology such as mass media that has a great influence on their ideals, values and perception of a perfect body image. The media present latest fashions, attractive models and film actors in such a fascinating manner that it is hard to keep them away from the hazards that are involved in copying them. The two determinant factors of our image are–our physical image and our behavior. Physical image is superficial and affects others perception about someone initially; however, behavior is what defines our personality. Success largely depends on the self-image of a person. It is good to be image conscious but excessive and blind following of the trends is not advisable. Image has to be a combination of our physical appearance, behavior and mannerism, which can be attained only if we put equal emphasis on developing all these together in our personality.


The ideals, values and standards of image are deeply integrated into the British society and the society of many other countries as well. The outlook, thinking, ideals and ambitions of the British people today are influenced by the working class culture. Images in today’s society have become so important that it is considered uncool, or boring not keeping up with the latest trends, especially in the western world.

We all place much importance to physical magnetism. The magnetism of good looks is not only associated with the modern society but has also been prevalent in the history. Self-image is the ID we carry with us everywhere. It determines certain beliefs regarding our capability to do, achieve and possess something in life.

The survey reports are suggestive of the fact that people are very conscious about their physical appearances and behavior in a particular society. Attractive people are more popular than the average looking people. They are the center of attraction in every society. People respond more positively to those who have a good body image. It is a common notion in the modern society that people with good looks own all other good qualities. The perception of body image is affected by the sociocultural factors. This sense of looking attractive and seeking acceptance in the society has made people insecure of their images.

The mass media plays a significant role in the socialization process and contributes to encouragement of stereotypes. It is indicated in the findings that clothing, accessories and general appearance influence the perception of people relating to their proficiency and confidence level.

There is a lot of stress imposed by the society and mass media to maintain their appearances as per the norms in the society. It is evident that people (especially women) are so image conscious that they tend to adopt any available means to achieve the desired body shape.

Therefore, the research shows that British people like any other nationality are conscious about their image in the society. British people both men and women adopt all means to improve their physical appearances and mannerism. The impact of their attitudes and behaviors can be seen in the frequent use of new technologies and measures to enhance beauty and body shape. The British society is undergoing many changes and the people are competing to prove themselves by changing their looks and behavior as per the British societal norms.

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