Business in Asian Region: Marketing Plans Report

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Executive Summary

The current research is devoted to the investigation of the design market in Asian region. As for the analysis of this sphere, it should be mentioned, that the market of design is a steady and rapidly growing business sphere. It is projected by European researchers (see fig 1.) (Stone, 2004), that the interest to Asian market of design will grow, as the demand level for design services in Asia coincided with the world demand crisis for the designers’ services. Hence, for instance, the total money income of the 100 largest British companies 10 percent dropped off in 2001, and the employees’ amount decreased from 3000 to 2500 employees reference. Also, it is necessary to mention, that these specialists are required on the Asian design market and it should be emphasized, that this may cause dual consequences: both destabilize or empower the Asian market of design.

SWOT analysis will help to make the conclusion that the regarded company is really successful actor on the market, and the combination of all the four factors regarded as the basis of the SWOT analysis, show the sufficient potential for further development of the company.

The regarded company tends to grow rapidly in the signified market sector, and the statistics show that is steadily approaches the maturity stage (according to the life cycle analysis).

Table of contents

1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………….……1

1.1 Company Background

2. Internal environment of the enterprise………………………………………….……4

2.1 The interior design market

2.2 Branding

2.3 Product Life Cycle Analysis

2.4 Boston Matrix

External environment analysis…………………….………………………………6

3.1Customer analysis…………………………………………………….……7

3.2 Competitor analysis …………………………………………………..……7

SWOT analysis………………………………………………………………………..……11

Marketing Capabilities and business…………………………………………….………14

Ansoff Matrix………………………………………………………………………..………16

Product positioning according to Ansoff Matrix…………………………………………18

Marketing objectives………………………………………………………….……………19

Tactics of the implementation………………………………………………….…………21

Measures of success………………………………………………………………………22


Base Interior was established in 2004, as a designers’ office for planning cozy home interiors, office business environment and others such as exhibitions, club houses, shop decorations or window display. As the interior design becomes more and more important in any business sphere, such designing companies have sufficient chances to succeed, if the services they provide are really high-quality. The research is claimed to analyze the key concepts of company’s market activity. It includes the analysis of internal and external factors of the company activity. The product life cycle analysis includes both theoretic and practical data, related to the interior design marketing in general, and interior design in particular. The work is also about to regard such theoretical approaches as SWOT analysis and Boston Matrix.

Company Background

The background information of the Base Interior is that this company offers the services of interior design. It was established in 2004, as a designers’ office for planning cozy home interiors, office business environment and others such as exhibitions, club houses, shop decorations or window display. The interior design market is a steadily growing segment in the world market (Narotzky & Viviana, 2000). It is considered, that the nearest future will be rather fruitful for the further development of that segment, and especially Asian market of design is about to grow (Jerrard, Hands, Ingram, 2002). But the design approach in Asia corresponded with the global demand calamity for the designers’ services. The case of Asian market growth will be regarded in one of the following chapters.

Internal environment of the enterprise

The team of the company – is the professional designers, who are able to define the necessary changes in the design in order to shape either home, or business interior. The process of designing, as a part of corporative strategy is divided into three periods. Period one includes the mutual discussion and agreement of the future design. At this period customer proposes and is proposed the possible projects: color, tone, materials or some other specific requirements. The lineout design and ready sketches are provided to customer at this period. The second period includes the final discussions with the agreement of the costs. The preparatory works to construction are made. The third stage of the process includes the constructions themselves with steady control by the managers. Customer is offered to purchase furniture and decorations at this moment. At the moment company needs qualified and experienced specialists to work in the sphere of design.

The interior design market

The market of design is a steady and rapidly growing business sphere. The place of design in business is a subject of lots of discussions. It is difficult to account the real situation, in which the nowadays market of interior design is located. The variety of the offers of exact designers’ offices is the response for customer’s request “Make it beautiful and attractive” – is the field, where the search of adequate, saving solutions, implemented in design is led. The solutions, in the basis of which the recognition of the design as goods or services lays, encourage the sells of other goods and services.

Market penetration of major project delievery systems

Repairs with the use of designers’ offices services

Repairs without any designers’ decisions

Self made design (Weitzul, 1994)

The proper choice of the necessary and efficient design, which is the main provision of transformation of design into normal business, is the tool in the environment of the developed and strengthening economy. At least, design has become the real competency tool: company strives to overcome its opponent, and arranges press conference, or presentation of the production, using the services if designers’ office. Companies strive to conquer new markets by promoting the products in attractively designed exhibition hall. Some researchers argue, that design is not so demanded as it could be, and just acquires the civilized form. The fact is that, design just places its own position in the integrate chain in the system of commercial communications. (Raymondo, 1992)

The interior design today (including home, office, and exhibition) is the basis of market in lots of countries. As the advertisement theory affirms, in order the brand name was recognizable, the presentations of new logos and features of the production need to be presented regularly (Miller & Schlitt, 1985). The decoration of the exhibition halls for that purposes needs to be granted to the professionals.

It is expected, that the interest to Asian market of design will grow. But the design fashion in Asia coincided with the world demand crisis for the designers’ services. Thus, for example, the total money turnover of the 100 largest British companies 10 percent decreased in 2001, and the staff amount decreased from 3000 to 2500 employees (Beaufoy, 2003). Obviously, these specialists will be required on Asian design market. This may cause dual consequences: both destabilize or empower the Asian design market (Jerrard, Hands, Ingram, 2002).


As for the issues of branding, it is rather difficult to define the role of brands in design, as in any company brand forms the imagination of others about the enterprise, but designers’ offices are claimed to create, or help with the promotion of other brands.

Brand is the main tool of product differentiation and promotion to markets. Some argue that branding is the new language of the modern society, basing on market relations.

Essentially, the consumer’s market – is the brand struggle. Brand is implemented by the complex of marketing communications thus achieving especial preciousness.

Inspite of the three years history of the Base Interior, the brand leaves much to be desired. It can not be regarded as recognizable enough and it looks that company does not strive to promote the brand.

The recruitment policy of the company lays in the frames of recruiting high-experienced designers in order to create original and unique interiors of the offices, exhibitions, club houses and other entertaining establishments. Company’s policy suggests the division of the team into several sub-teams, each specializing on exact kind of design.

Product Life Cycle Analysis

Any company is steadily searching ways to increase future cash flows by increasing revenue from the product and services sales. Cash Run allows an enterprise to preserve capability, invest in new products expansion and improve its staff; all in an attempt to obtain supplementary market share and become a leader in its particular industry.

Marketing theory affirms that there are four cycles of product life. In general, the life cycle graph is the interdependence of time and money parameters. These are introduction, growth, maturity and decline. Some researchers emphasize the development stage, which is the before introduction. There is direct dependence of unit prices on popularity and sales volume growths. With the growth of sales volume, which starts in the end of introductory stage, the unit price starts falling. The sphere of interior design can not be an exception. With the growth of office popularity, the sales also increase.

Also, production life cycles tend to shorten more and more and lots of goods and services in “adult” industries are refreshed by product separation and market segmentation. Organizations steadily re-evaluate product life cycle costs and profits as the time which is available to trade a product and recover the investment in it minimize.

Even as production life cycles minimize, the working life of lots of products is increasing. Thus, the working life of some durable productions, such as cars and appliances to them, has enlarged significantly. This causes that the companies producing these goods to take their market life and service life into account when planning. Increasingly, enterprises are striving to optimize life cycle incomes and profits through the deliberation of product warranties, extra parts, and the capability to improve existing products.

As the presented company offers the services of design, the price and the product life cycle depend not only on the level of the repute of the company, but also on the prices and popularity of the decoration materials. But, being comparatively young company, Base Interior has been already achieved the end of the growth period, which often can be the beginning of the maturity stage.

Boston Matrix

The essence of Boston Matrix is similar to the life cycle analysis. It is claimed to describe the stages of the development of any product, though the names of the cycles are more poetic. These are child – star – cash-cow – old dog. It is necessary to mention, that the theoretical material is closely linked with the practical, and is applied to the Base Interior practice and activity.

Child stage suggests

Technology is hot (principally new) and immature. According to the design market activity this means that company provides some new service, which is innovatory (for example: plate glass ceiling), but it has not been so popular yet, and customers are attracted in lower volumes, that it could be expected.

New vendor is usually hired at this stage. It usually happens that the previous one, dissatisfied with the incomes quits the work, and the new shows higher promotional abilities, and is able to advertise the plate glass ceiling, so that the customer could not imagine his / her life without the plate glass ceiling.

The customers support service is implemented at this level. The same happened with the Base Interior, when in 2004, after the first few orders, management decided to improve customers’ service, and put into service the support system. Functionality at this stage stays rather low. Base Interior were not so popular, and the designers’ staff stayed innumerous, moreover, they could not boast with their professionalism. Costs stay low, and the prices for the services are bit heightened. The main reason of that are the company’s low incomes, and inability to provide the highest quality services and expensive materials.

The star level

Technology improves, company becomes able to buy new equipment and hire new professionals. Base Interior chose to provide training courses for the staff: both creative and technical. The vendors grow professionalism, so does the customers’ support service, though the professionalism of the designers and the popularity of he enterprise causes sufficient decrease of complaints. Customers’ support service just takes and leads the orders, solving the coming on issues. The costs and the income of the company grow, and become moderate and subjected to the points of inner statute. The establishing base grows rapidly, and greatly increases in the comparison with the child stage.


If comparing with the life cycles analysis, Cash-cow stage could be compared with the maturity level. Inspite of the enormous income growth and the decrease of prices and costs, the maturity level is often the beginning of decline stage. But the Boston Matrix approach mentions nothing about the start of decline. It points out that the technology continues growing significantly; the professionalism is at the highest level, and the staff is able to train the newcomers by their own means.

The important change in the inner environment is that the customers’ support service becomes bureaucratic. Costs and incomes reach their peak and the company realizes its highest potential.

Old Dog

As it can be judged form the name of the stage, nothing good can characterize it. Technology becomes old (everybody has already ordered the plate glass ceiling, and some competitors make it cheaper, or with better materials). Functionality starts declining, and no more new technologies are implemented, and any professional is not interested in the company to work in it. The support system becomes passive, and is not able to cope with all the tasks, or solve the conflicts.

External environment analysis

The economic, legal, political, technological, social and cultural environment of the company mainly promotes the successful company’s activity. The developing stage on the Asian design market coincided with the demand decrease in the rest of the world, so, the company will no lack professionals inn al the possible fields and subfields of interior design. According to the economical forecasts, the Base Interior is already expanding its activity to the sphere of landscape design, and will succeed in it, as the demands in this region are growing. As for the legal and political environment, it can be mentioned that it fully promotes such activity, as it observes all the rules and laws of fair competition. The legislative base is claimed to enhance the market economy, and experts believe, that the process of development occurs according to all the norms of international legislation.

The social and cultural surroundings of the design market as any other helps successful activity of designers’ offices. The creativity of Asian culture is known and appreciated all over the world, and the ancient art traditions with the modern design trends would be able to create the new branch in interior design.

Customer analysis

The main segment of company’s customers consists of the business companies which orient their business policy on the customers, and original design of the interior is claimed to attract and preserve customers. Various exhibitions and presentations which are the essential part marketing strategy also can not deal without interior design to catch visitors’ eye.

As for the demographic division of the customers it is argued that, women, being more creative and able to critical evaluation of the interior compose the main part of customers segment.

Competitor analysis

It is necessary to point out, that Base Interior acts in comparatively easy circumstances, as the developing market still can not includes lots of interior design companies. But the innumerous competitors face the same problems, and possess almost the same advantages, as the company being regarded in the current paper.

These are the wars for the customers, price wars in order to attract or pirate customers. But it could be mentioned, that Base Interior is one of the largest company on Asian design market, and instead of struggling competitors, it may afford to pay all the efforts to steady economic development and achieving its goals of entering the global market.

Product Life Cycle Analysis

As the regarded company offers the services of design, the price and the product life cycle depend not only on the level of the repute of the company, but also on the prices and popularity of the decoration materials. But, being comparatively young company, Base Interior has been already achieved the end of the growth period, which often can be the beginning of the maturity stage.

Boston Matrix

The essence of Boston Matrix is similar to the life cycle analysis. It is claimed to describe the stages of the development of any product, though the names of the cycles are more poetic. These are child – star – cash-cow – old dog. It is necessary to mention, that the theoretical material is closely linked with the practical, and is applied to the Base Interior practice and activity.

Child stage suggests

The customers support service is implemented at this level. The same happened with the Base Interior, when in 2004, after the first few orders, management decided to improve customers’ service, and put into service the support system. Functionality at this stage stays rather low. Base Interior was not so popular, and the designers’ staff stayed innumerous, moreover, they could not boast with their professionalism. Costs stay low, and the prices for the services are bit heightened. The main reason of that are the company’s low incomes, and inability to provide the highest quality services and expensive materials.

The star level

Technology improves, company becomes able to buy new equipment and hire new professionals. Base Interior chose to provide training courses for the staff: both creative and technical. The vendors grow professionalism, so does the customers’ support service, though the professionalism of the designers and the popularity of he enterprise causes sufficient decrease of complaints. Customers’ support service just takes and leads the orders, solving the coming on issues. The costs and the income of the company grow, and become moderate and subjected to the points of inner statute. The establishing base grows rapidly, and greatly increases in the comparison with the child stage.

SWOT analysis

First of all the theoretical background must be enlightened. SWOT study is a strategic planning measure used to estimate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats engaged in a scheme or in a commerce venture. It involves identifying the object of the trade gamble or project and identifying the inner and outer issues that are positive and negative to accomplishing that purpose.

Originally, the SWOT analysis can be visually imagined like the following table

Positive InfluenceNegative Influence
Inner environmentStrengthWeakness
Outer environmentOpportunitiesThreat

In application to the design market in common, and to the Base Interior in particular, the SWOT analysis may be rather difficult, as such point as weakness may be very arguable. Thus, some designer’s innovation may be regarded both as weakness and as strength, as some customer may like or dislike it.

So, the Strength of the Base Interior is that it provides unique service of interior design, making various types of inner decorations. Company plans comfortable home interiors, company’s office environments and others such as expositions, club houses, shop beautifications or window display. Company’s staff has great experience in decorating various objects. These are: Tsuen wan industrial center, Lockhart Rd88, Hang seng. Moreover the Company won the national trends for being engaged in the preparation of several national exhibitions. The national scale projects, such as Carriben Coast, Banyan Mansion, City Garden, The pacifica, heng fa chuen, creenknoll court, Grand Promenade, City one Shatin, Chelsea Court, The Cliveden, Park Island and Serenity park were also elaborated by the Base Interior, and it can add only positive characteristics to the whole image of the company.


Weak side of any designers’ office is that it can not keep innovations in secret from the competitors. Thus it needs steadily create the projects with lots of additional details, and the projects should not be repeated in no way in any circumstances, even if they are equal (if only customer asks to make the alike project, he/ she had already seen). The problem of originality can also be raised in the case of professional’s quit, and hiring at competitor’s enterprise.

At the beginning of company’s activity, the main weakness is the lack of marketing activity experience. It causes some faults in the everyday work, and failure of some points in competence rivalry.

Lack of brand awareness is also rather sufficient point in marketing activity. It has been mentioned above, that the brand name, Inspite of the three years history of the Base Interior leaves a lot to be desired. It can not be viewed as identifiable sufficiently and it seems that Base Interior do not struggle to advance it. Furthermore, the similarity of the brands is strange enough.

The location of the company can be regarded both as advantageous and disadvantageous. Asian design market seems to grow rapidly, and the company expects to gain mentionable profits as on of the pioneers of that services. But these are just economic forecasts, and it is difficult to presume, how much time will be required to advance the market and make the demand level sufficient for gaining proper income level.


The greatest opportunity of any company is the possibility of further development. Thus, the Base Interior has the great possibility to expand its Asian market, and step by step enter international design market.

Company implements the world standards of design also implementing its new technologies and innovations.

It is necessary to provide security for customers’ confidential information storage, as the confidential data needs to be stored securely, in order competitors could not get it, even applying the methods of industrial espionage.


Threats of the company, which relate to the external environment, are usually the competitors, who act at the same segment of a market. The other designer’s offices who are engaged in the interiors design just threat the stability of the company’s position in the market. It is caused by the essence of competence itself. Additional threat of competence is the price war.

For such companies as Base Interior it is rather difficult to build steady relations, as the customers of design marketers are often one-time.

As the company strives to enter international design market, it may face the problems with regulatory challenges in different countries.

And the last but not the least threat is the technological development. The designers’ offices from developed countries who strive to enter Asian design market possess better developed techniques and technologies.

Marketing Capabilities and business

The capabilities of the Base Interior are rather impressive for the company with the only 3 years history, and which acts on the developing market. As it has been pointed above, the company had been engaged in the elaboration of the large scale projects. It is necessary to emphasize, that the Base Interior had already contributed a lot in the enhancing of its client base by improving the quality of the services, implementing new technologies and inventing new styles of design. The perspective of success may be obscure, but if observing some rules of achieving success on a market it may become clear and not so tough to reach.

Base Interior have been already working at the expansion of the market, and enforcing the existing relations with the customers.

Creates a PR agency to help plan and carry out a Custom Advertising Program.

The company is eager to become an expert in some particular field by focusing on specific clients and types of projects.

It is investing to research its client’s problems, concerns and frames of reference, and create the network in client circles. There is no substitution for “face-to-face” interaction.

Ansoff Matrix

The Ansoff Matrix offers four development approaches basing on the products of the company and activity on the new markets performed by the enterprise. Visually it is presented in the following table:

Existing productsNew Products
Existing marketsMarket PenetrationProduct Development
New MarketsMarket DevelopmentDiversification

(Proctor, 2000)

All these four strategies have their merits and demerits. Some of them risky (as, for example, diversification), others are easy to perform and are meant to have lesser crucial consequences. Thus, the market penetration approach is the least risky as it requires the usage of lots of the firm’s existing resources. In a growing market, the simple approach of market maintenance will outcome in increase, and in this case the ability of capturing the market appears, if the competitors have achieved the upper levels of their opportunities. The described strategy has been successfully used by the Base Interior at during the periods of the company’s development, as it has reached sufficient results in promoting its brand name on the Asian market (only), and getting the reputation of reliable and creative design partner.

The only thing that can be related to the Base Interior is that it has been already engaged in all the designing spheres related to its main activity. These have been mentioned above (exhibitions, club houses, shop decorations and window displays). It might have attempted to try itself in landscape design, and according to the data, provided on the official site, some of the efforts have been already undertaken.

A product development approach may be appropriate if the company’s powers are linked to its particular customers rather than to the particular production itself. In this case, it can influence its forces by enhancing a new product aimed to its current consumers. Analogous to the case of new market expending, new production enhancement carries more jeopardy than simply trying to amplify market share. To survive on the design market, designers’ offices have to develop their products steadily, and always be oriented towards the customers, but not particular products, as the key factor of success for such companies is the offering of unique products and variants of design.

Diversification is the most risky among the suggested approaches since it claims both production and market enhancement and may be outside the key proficiencies of the enterprise. However, diversification may be a logically grounded choice as the high risk is reimbursed by the opportunity of a high rate of return. Other merits of diversification involve the probability to achieve traction in a striking manufacturing and the decrease of allover business group jeopardy. (Moschis, 1994) Diversification is another point that can be doubtlessly related to the Base Interior, as it steadily requires new professionals in order to elaborate and offer the new tendencies, proposals and projects.

Product positioning according to Ansoff Matrix

The fact is that, some points of the product positioning have been already regarded above, in discussing the strategies of the Ansoff Matrix. The key product of the analyzed organization is the product of creativity and brain work, and it should be mentioned that inspite of this fact the resources can not be regarded as renewable. This happens because of the main claims of the design market, that each product should be unique and particular for each customer and for each order.

The product positioning analysis includes the four criteria:

  • Unique Selling Proposition
  • Risk Reversal
  • Inordinate Value
  • Clear, Complete, and Concise Customer Education

Now, more detailed about each point

  1. It includes offering the customer something special, that the competitors will not be able to repeat without resorting to the use of unfair tools (industrial espionage), or even by the means of some. As for the production of the Base Interior, the uniqueness of its production has been already argued, and regarded in the in the “Branding” section. It should be said, that the production of the designers’ office is always unique, as it is claimed by the rules of business survival.
  2. Risk reversal involves the changes in the range of the offered services, and providing new guarantees, provisions of partnership and working conditions. All these changes may be helpful for the flourishing of one’s business. The designer’s office regarded in the current research steadily enhances its activity for the capturing new segments of the market and gaining new partners and consumers.
  3. Inordinate Value influences the advertising process, by putting forward to let complimentary industries proceed for the ride, in switch over for a free example of the wares. Afterward bunches those into the company’s own offering. Cuts the right transactions, and company’s own offer will happen to be “overpowering”, compared to company’s competition. As for the advertising process, it is of the vital importance for any enterprise, let alone the firms of intellectual labor. The designers’ offices just need to resort to advertisement in order to persuade the potential consumers in the necessity of the offered services.
  4. This point determines that managements of the enterprises need to explain clearly for the customers why they should deal with the firm. This advertisement approach is claimed to free the consumers from the self-figuring out all the decisions on the future partnership, its existence and relevance. Home Interior’s Ltd has solved this issue just by showing the originality and uniqueness of their work, which shows the customers the necessity of cooperating with exactly this designers’ office.

Marketing objectives

The necessity of the developing of the marketing objectives lay in the essence of building the marketing plans. Clearly formulated objectives help to define the further marketing activity of any corporation, thus helping to succeed on a market.

The marketing objectives for the Base Interior may be the following:

  • Objective 1: Increase the proficiency level of its specialists (creatives)

Term – 6 months (realization needs to be ended by summer, when most of parties, exhibitions etc. are arranged)

Responsible team – most experienced experts (designers), and contact managers

Prerequisites – training base, experience exchange.

  • Objective 2: Capture additional sector of the market

Term – 4 years

Responsible – the whole team of managers

Prerequisites – high professional level of designers and managers.

  • Objective 3: Offer the new type of services (landscape design, for example)

Term – 2 years (taken with the essential time reserve)

Responsible – HR management, PR management, contact management.

Prerequisites – high professional level, experience in expanding new market sectors

The mentioned above objectives are usually connected with the external marketing activity. The forth relates the internal factors

  • Objective 4: Huge salary increase for the staff (both: creative and technical)

Term – 4 months

Responsible – the whole office team

Prerequisites – effective marketing acting

The strategies for achieving these objectives will include all necessary steps, leading to the implementation of the new technologies, principles and policies.

Strategy for objective 1

  • Arrange the courses of enhancing the experience level, or conclude an agreement with the other company relating the experience exchange.
  • Study the works by other designers, analyze every element of the work and make a forecast, if this work (variant of design) will be demanded on a market. Try to innovate some elements to the own work
  • Hire new, specialized experts
  • Order or make independent analysis of the developing of the trends on the market, which will help the designers create in accordance with the latest fashion tendencies.
  • The target audience of this objective is the offices, exhibition houses, privates: i.e. rich population and successful entrepreneurs

Strategy for objective 2

To capture additional market sector the company needs first to achieve the previous objective – to enhance the proficiency level of the staff, get acquainted with the with the new tendencies, and get access to the economic forecast relating the sector of the company’s activity. After getting all the necessary information, company needs to enhance that part of the sector, which is going to change (if some landscape designers’ company is going to become a bankrupt, it is necessary too start acting in the sphere of landscape design, thus, never forgetting of the primary activity – interior design). Then it would be necessary to hire the specialists in the sphere of landscape design or arrange either courses, or the experience exchange. If the income allows, the variant of capturing the new sector would be the purchase of the company which is going to bankrupt.

Target sector may be the sector of the neighboring geographical region, or close service sphere. The people, responsible for the implementation of this strategy need to be highly experienced, as the success of the achieving the objective depends on it.

Strategy for objective 3

For achieving this objective, the crucial step would be the attaining of the two previous points, as they will necessarily simplify the start of the new type of the services. These may be the mentioned above landscape design, web-design, car-design etc. The innovation of the new services usually includes the hiring of new specialists or the experience exchange, the thorough study of the chosen sector. It is necessary to mention, that this strategy would be the main, as in some measure it includes the two previous strategies, and achieving of the objectives stated before.

Tactics of the implementation

To achieve the previously elaborated strategies it is necessary to be full of desire and intention, as I is almost impossible to achiever any goal without powerful motivation. The tactics for the capturing the new sector of the market requires to get all the necessary information mentioned above. Thus, essential step for it would be acquiring new business contacts with people, companies or services able to provide trustworthy, relevant and expert information. Than, necessary step is not to afford the leakage of the information, in order the competitors could not outstrip in this maneuver, and gain success. All the other necessary tactical steps have been regarded above, as strategy is impossible without tactical considerations.

Tactics for strategy 1

The tactics for the providing the higher level of proficiency among the staff and arranging the courses, or experience exchange undertakings, it is also crucial to have business contacts, and enough self experience, in order the other companies were interested in arranging the joint trainings. Market study would be very useful measure for this aim as it helps to study the current situation on the market.

  1. Arrange courses (trainings)
  2. Experience exchange
  3. Business contacts
  4. Reputation maintenance and increase
  5. Market study

Tactics for strategy 2

The tactics should be based in the marketing components such as product price, place and promotion. It means that the market analysis should include not only external situation, but also position of the company itself. Thus, if the company is a beginner on the market, it will not be able to capture some additional market sector, as it has not captured, or at least succeeded in its own. As for the regarded company Base Interior, it is unknown about its intentions in the further enhancement of its activity, as such information is extremely confidential, and should be prosecuted from the competitors’ getting to know.

  1. Gain market acting experience
  2. Study the experiences of other companies
  3. Rise the proficiency level of the staff
  4. Eliminate the information leakage

Measures of success

The measures, according to which the success of tactics implementation may be evaluated, depend on the goals, which company pursues by implementing these tactics. But the universal measures are the changes of the 4 Ps: product, price, place and promotion. If the four points of the success change to the better, then the success of the implementation is present. Thus: the amounts of the sales should increase (Product), which may cause the lowering of the Price. The Place of the company and the production in the rating charts will necessarily change. All these will simplify the Promotion by increasing the reputation of the company.

Providing control:

  1. Appointing the person, responsible for the control, or for making the reports with certain periodicity.
  2. Implement the system of fines and bonuses to encourage the successful realization if the strategies.
  3. Arrange periodical conferences, and discuss the flow of the process, and offer the decisions, or innovations in implementing the strategies.

Table of figures

Chart of the sales increase
Figure 1. Chart of the sales increase
Expansion of UI Designer and UER jobs in the Bay area
Figure 2. Expansion of UI Designer and UER jobs in the Bay area.


The company analysis shows, that it tends to develop steadily, and able to enter the global design market in the nearest future. The Life Cycle and Boston Matrix analyses clearly demonstrate, that company’s development is on the stage of Introduction (Star level), and it only approaches the Maturity stage (Cash-cow). The optimistic forecast argues that expected success will be caused by the correct actions in the spheres of recruitment, promotion advertising and customers care policy


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IvyPanda. (2021, September 1). Business in Asian Region: Marketing Plans.

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"Business in Asian Region: Marketing Plans." IvyPanda, 1 Sept. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Business in Asian Region: Marketing Plans'. 1 September.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Business in Asian Region: Marketing Plans." September 1, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Business in Asian Region: Marketing Plans." September 1, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Business in Asian Region: Marketing Plans." September 1, 2021.

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