
Business’s Total Carbon Footprint Analysis Report

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Executive Summary

The report discusses the organization’s construction and development activities which have contributed to greenhouse gas emissions into the environment. It discusses the organization’s low investment in zero-carbon technologies as the major cause of continued carbon emissions and a large amount of waste from its activities. The report suggests alternative construction materials and zero-carbon technologies, which could be adopted by the organization to align its activities with zero carbon emissions. Finally, the report presents a brief strategic plan for dealing with its carbon emissions and waste disposal.


Company Overview

The organization has various divisions with each division playing a specific function for the company. All the major departments which include the construction, development, partnership homes, support services as well as strategic alliance all play specific functions which have to be integrated with zero carbon emission strategies. The construction department which offers comprehensive building as well as civil engineering services to clients contributes the highest amount of greenhouse emissions and other pollutants considering that it contains the company’s industrial and infrastructural activities. The developments department is the commercial property arm of the organization and offers asset management as well as development. The other departments work in collaboration with both the construction and the development divisions.

Contributions to Carbon emission

The construction and building industry consumes the largest amount of energy during the construction processes as well as building use as compared to other sectors of the economy in the UK thus creating most of the energy emissions (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 2005, 5). The organization’s building and construction processes create large amounts of wastes and also use inefficient energy sources as well as other non-energy related resources which all contribute to environmental pollution. The technologies employed by the organization in its construction processes limit its ability to construct buildings and infrastructure which can reduce carbon emission.

The buildings constructed by the company do not provide the owners with the opportunity to adopt more energy-efficient ways without compromising their comfort due to the level of technology that the organization currently employs in its building and construction processes. The buildings that are undergoing construction currently plus those that have been built in the past years by the company including the real estate developments have not implemented technologies, which enable the owners to acquire clean energy. Most of these buildings are constructed without any regard for technologies that address climate change and the reduction of carbon emissions. Planning and designing of those buildings have not taken into consideration the need to reduce carbon emission and climate change in general. Certain solutions that we normally deliver for the built environment are not innovative and efficient in terms of energy efficiency and carbon emission. This means that the organization has to adopt modern and more efficient techniques for modifying the existing buildings which include those of its own and those that the customers own.

The buildings that the company has constructed over the years have had less efficient heating systems as well as hot water systems since the building designs had not been integrated with zero-carbon technologies. The existing DHW systems are known to consume much more energy as compared to other household appliances. Thus, they contribute to the largest percentage of carbon emission as compared to other domestic energy consumption. In 2001, DHW consumed 125TWh of energy in the UK and this resulted in 7.4 MtC of carbon dioxide emissions (Carbon Trust 2003).

The materials used by the company in its construction processes are also carbon dependent or have related impacts on carbon emission. The cement which is a basic material in most of the company’s activities contributes a lot of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

Impacts of the organization’s activities on Climate Change

Reasons for Carbon Reduction

According to the National Building Technologies (2011) in the UK, building use contributes approximately 50% of the country’s carbon dioxide emission. Construction processes also contribute about 7% of CO2 emissions. This implies that the inefficient technologies that organizations like ours employ in the construction of buildings and other civil engineering processes are major contributors to the UK’s carbon emission. In the wake of the increasing need to control and reduce global carbon emissions, several technologies have been developed to help build energy-efficient buildings. The performance of energy-efficient buildings in terms of reduction of carbon emissions is related to the building’s insulation aimed at enhancing their thermal performance. The organization has to shift from its current technologies that do not deliver substantial CO2 gains to help align our operations with the government’s vision of achieving 80% CO2 reductions by 2050 (University of Edinburgh 2010, 6).

Waste Disposal

Waste is another area identified by the organization’s facility management team to be a major environmental pollutant. According to the National Building Technology (2011), construction companies produced approximately 100 million tonnes of wastes which were taken to landfills in 2004. The figure is thrice higher than the country’s domestic wastes collection which was about 28,000 million tonnes in the same year. This figure keeps on increasing as construction companies continuously employ less efficient technologies for waste management.

According to the National Building Technologies (2011), this figure translates to burying one building for every three buildings constructed. Given the structures that the organization has put in place to deal with waste management, the organization’s facility management team believes that the organization is still not able to fully comply with the regulations of the environmental department concerning waste management by construction companies. Besides, the environmental department has labeled the use of mineral wool insulation and gypsum plasterboard as hazardous and requires that construction organizations be given special disposal (Sustainable Development Unit 1999, 19).

Inefficient waste management means a lot to the organization. First, it is expected that by 2020, all landfill sites within the country will be completely used up. This implies that the organization will have to spend more on waste disposal as the price of landfill continues to rise due to decreasing alternatives for landfills. Secondly, it is expected that the landfill tax established in 1996 will soon increase. It is also expected that a ban on the disposal of organic wastes in landfills will soon be operational (Pitt, Thakur, & Walker 2007, 55). These factors will certainly increase the organization’s expenditure on waste management if better structures and technologies are not adopted on time. The organization should not just view the cost of waste in terms of the related expense. The cost of waste also includes energy, effort, time as well as material inputs on waste disposal. This means that the organization is likely to spend more on non-economic activities which it can deal with cost-effectively.

Resource Use

It is important to note that most of the organization’s raw materials come from non-renewable sources which may be depleted over time although not very soon. According to National Building Technologies (2011), construction companies are the major consumers of resources as compared to other industries in the UK. The organization consumes about 90% of non-fuel minerals and a greater percentage of timber. It also consumes huge amounts of renewable resources. Today, most of the materials used in the organization are imported from other countries including those that have not put in place effective environmental measures. To help the country and by extension, the world combat climate change, the organization has to adopt technologies and measures that ensure sustainable consumption of raw materials.

Habit Destruction

The organization’s excavation activities seriously contribute to habit destruction. Besides, in its construction and building processes, it employs various materials which destroy the habit of most living organisms in the surrounding environments in which it operates. These include chemicals, metals, organic materials like timber; minerals which lead to habitat erosion and also facilitates carbon impacts on the environment. Materials like copper which is used by the organization in its construction processes and titanium dioxide used in making paints have been mined to an extent that has destroyed the landscapes of those areas.

Besides, these raw materials continuously get depleted and with time, this is certainly going to affect our operations in the construction industry. The total cost of extracting these minerals is likely to affect the cost of the quantity of these materials and the frequency of supply of the raw materials. We are also bound to lose huge areas with unique habitats in the next coming years if the organization does not change the way it consumes these raw materials (Pitt, Thakur, & Walker 2007, 51). It is therefore very important that the organization reduce its demand for these materials. Adoption of sustainable and renewable materials should be the priority of the organization as the whole world attempt to combat global climate change.


The quantity of materials used by the organization in the processing of its construction materials greatly contributes to pollution. Besides, the organization consumes much energy during the processing of construction materials. These contribute to more wastes and carbon emissions into the environment. The problem is attributed to the fact that the organization has not been able to implement technologies that enable it to control the manufacturing of its raw materials. Thus greenhouse gases like carbon and methane as well as other gases like sulfur dioxide and dust to be released into the atmosphere instead of converting them into solid and liquid wastes. Cement remains a major source of greenhouse gases especially carbon that is released during the company’s construction processes considering that it is a basic raw material in our building and construction processes. According to BWI, EFBWW, and NFBWW (n.d, 4), every tone of cement produces about 1.25 tonnes of carbon dioxide.

Alternative Materials and Technologies

Environmental friendly materials

Cement contributes huge amounts of carbon dioxide emissions into the environment and therefore, the organization must adopt other materials that could help achieve more efficient means of concrete making. The organization needs to consider the use of recycled materials like ash produced by power furnaces in producing its concrete. Bamboo, woven floor coverings, and coke can be used in achieving green floor-coverings in place of the use of cement.

The organization also needs to consider the use of glass in buildings instead of concrete. This will ensure that buildings have super-insulated as well as an airtight envelope which will enhance solar gains in them and therefore lower the heating requirements by more or less 85%. The use of glass improves the thermal efficiency of buildings and lowers the energy consumption in buildings.

Wood can provide the organization with the needed sustainable and renewable raw materials in the wake of climate change. Wood as a raw material in the construction industry is very unique in that it is CO2-neutral as it absorbs CO2 during its growth and causes CO2-emission when burnt. Timber can store the carbon in it for the whole time that it used in buildings even if it takes centuries. According to BWI, EFBWW, and NFBWW (n.d, 3), 1m3 of wood used in place of other building materials helps reduce CO2 emission by about 1.1 t CO2. If this is combined with 1 t of CO2 that is usually absorbed in the wood, then this means that the company would save the environment 2.1 t CO2 emissions (Ding, & Langston 2010, 172). Besides, the use of wood provides thermal insulation to buildings. Using wood as a substitute for other raw materials would help the organizations align their operations with the environmental department’s green building regulations. However, it is important to ensure that the wood used in the company is purchased from proven, sustainable forests.

Technology and Investment in Renewable Energy

In adopting these renewable technologies, the company has to start constructing buildings that reduce energy requirements or modifying buildings to reduce their energy requirements through appropriate insulation and reducing of air infiltration as well as modifying them to utilize passive solar gain (Rogalska, Sobotka, & Wyatt 2000, 77). A key strategy to boost the organization’s ability to build energy-efficient buildings is by investing in renewable energy technologies. Some of the zero-carbon technologies that the organization should consider installing in buildings include:

Absorption Cooling

Absorption cooling is an air conditioner that is driven by heat from other sources other than electricity and these may include solar-heated water, propane, natural gas as well as geothermal-heated water. The organization can adopt this technology to ensure a reduction in energy consumption in industrial and commercial buildings as well as in large residential homes. The technology will be useful for the company especially in modifying homes that do not have electricity sources. It will also be applicable in office buildings and in highly service spaces that require full-air conditioning as it makes use of heat that in normal situations would have been wasted. If it is delivered from the heat that is supplied by a CHIP system, then it is likely to reduce carbon emission in newly built buildings by 7-9%. On the other hand, retrofit houses are likely to experience a reduction in carbon emission by 8-9% (Carbon Trust 2011).

Ground Source Cooling

Ground source technology uses the ground temperature which is assumed to be relatively constant at about 8°-13° of temperature; to provide cooling during summer through ground-heat exchangers which could be water-to-ground or air-to-ground. This technology would help the company in modifying or constructing prestigious office buildings as well as highly serviced spaces that require full air-conditioning. The company would ensure the reduction of carbon emissions from offices and buildings if it installs the system. This technology can deliver a reduction of CO2 in new buildings by about 11-14% and about 13-15% carbon emission reduction in retrofit applications ((Ding, & Langston 2010, 177).

Ground Source Heat Pumps

In this technology, underground pipes are used in harvesting warmth from the sun that has been emitted into the earth and then moved into the building. In places where there is enough heating from the sun, the pipes can capture solar energy which is enough to provide for all the water as well as space heating requirements for residential houses and even for large offices and retail stores. Ground source heat pumps are inherently reliable, have low running costs but high capital costs. However, the company may only be able to apply them in non-urban areas such as residential homes in suburbs and rural areas as they require space for laying the pipes.

In non-domestic applications that use GSHPs to provide for all their heating demands, the technology can deliver reductions in carbon emission by about 14-27% in new buildings and about 16-23% reduction of CO2 emissions in retrofit applications. This technology may only be cost-effective in small buildings as large buildings would require unrealistically large heat exchangers. They can be installed for domestic applications and certain commercial buildings particularly in areas where natural gas may not be available (Scottish Executive Development Department 2006, 24).

Photovoltaics (PV)

Installing photovoltaic cells on buildings would help in converting light into electrical energy. The PV will only require daylight and not necessarily direct sunlight in generating electricity. However, the intensity of the light determines the electricity output from the PV. The solar panels usually generate more energy during slightly cloudless days. They can be connected to a battery bank in the building or the national grid depending on the output. Solar PV cells can drastically reduce the running costs of buildings in which it is installed. They are not limited to any configuration during installation and the chosen method of installation does not affect its output. The optimal position of a photovoltaic generator is in the south direction and fitted at an inclination angle of about 30°-40° (Carbon Trust 2011). The installation can be adjusted to produce carbon zero electricity which is equivalent to the percentage of CO2 emissions from the building as long as there is a suitable surface for mounting the required size of PV

Solar panels can be installed on roofs, walls, and even windows. In small systems, roof panels would be more economical although they can be covered by snow during winter. In large buildings where the company would like to achieve large solar electricity generation, solar panels would be mounted on walls. The advantage, in this case, is that the solar panels can reflect snow on the ground during winter. However, the company engineers should be aware of the effect of shade on the solar panels as wall mountings are susceptible to shade. When mounting solar panels on rooftops, the engineers have to gauge the capacity of the roof to hold the weight of the solar panels to be mounted on it particularly when they are to be mounted on the existing roof coverings (Scottish Executive Development Department 2006, 17).

To overcome overshadowing, site conditions, as well as building design, have to be greatly considered to help optimize performance. This implies that our engineers in charge of planning, design, and development take sound measures to minimize overshadowing. The roof design chosen for buildings in which solar panel installation is to be done, should not obscure solar panels from receiving direct light. The level of roof coverage will be determined by the solar panel technology. New buildings, as well as extensions being constructed, should not put in the shade the existing solar panels which have been mounted on the nearby buildings. The solar panels should match the roof and be placed at the same angle to minimize contrast (Scottish Executive Development Department 2006, 19).

Wind Turbines

According to the Scottish Executive Department of Development (2006, 3), micro-wind turbines could be used to generate electricity in both domestic and commercial buildings. Its cost has been reducing over time and could provide the most financially viable technology for alternative power generation as well as carbon emission. It can also be applied in light industries and domestic micro-wind turbines to help reduce energy requirements in households by a third. Large micro-wind turbines could deliver the energy required in homes. Micro-wind turbines require less maintenance making the cost of running them to be relatively low. However, electricity generation from wind turbines is highly affected by wind variability. Micro-turbines rated below 100kWsuch as those rated as less than 1.5kW can be mounted on buildings to provide more economical renewable power. They help achieve clean green power as well as reduce transmission losses (Ding & Langston 2010, 181).

The company could use the technology in remote areas of the country where conventional methods of electricity supply are either very expensive or not feasible such as areas that could require the installation of new power lines to supply electricity to those areas. The company’s engineers again have to ensure that the structural element or building where the turbine is installed can withstand the extra weight. They can also be fitted on towers planted on insecure foundations. Taller towers would enable the turbine to benefit from greater wind speeds and therefore be able to achieve increased power generations.

Micro-wind turbines could also be incorporated into buildings as well as other structures. The engineers can do this during the design stage of these buildings making them part of the design features in both residential and commercial buildings, especially for tall buildings. It is practical to incorporate micro-wind turbines during the design stage of side elevations as well as roofscapes (Scottish Executive Development Department 2006, 6).


Technologies discussed above are all suitable for the company’s construction and development operations. Installations of the technologies will require assessment against the conditions of the planning systems of the building or the region. The technology adopted will depend on the local context; that is, the availability of resources as well as the energy requirements of the client. These technologies can be used in combination or as stand-alone depending on the requirements.

Reference List

Carbon Trust, 2011, Technology directory. Carbon Trust. Web.

Carbon Trust, 2003, Energy consumption guide 19 (ECG019): Energy use in offices. Carbon Trust. Web.

Ding, G. K. C., & Langston, C. A., 2010, Sustainable practices in the built environment. London; Butterworth-Heinemann. pp.163-202.

Hanby, V.I. (1994), Combustion and pollution control in heating systems. London: Springer Verlag, p. 46.

National Building Technologies, 2011, Environmental impact. Web.

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, 2005, Low or zero carbon energy sources, Report 4: Final Report, Building Research Technical Report 3/2005, p. 5.

Pitt, M., Thakur., U. J., & Walker., D., 2007, Environmental management systems: Information management and corporate responsibility. Journal of Facilities Management, 5 (1): pp.49 – 61. London: Emerald Group Publishing.

Rogalska, M., Sobotka, A & Wyatt, D.P., 2000, Towards a sustainable practice. Facilities, 18 (1/2): pp 76-82. London: Emerald Group Publishing.

Scottish Executive Development Department, 2006, Planning for micro-renewables: Annex to PAN 45 Renewable Energy Technology. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive. pp. 1-29.

Sustainable Development Unit, 1999, Sustainable development: Opportunities for change. Consultation paper on a revised UK strategy. London: Sustainable Development Unit, p. 19.

University of Edinburgh, 2010, Matching Renewable Electricity Generation with Demand. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive, p. 6.

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"Business’s Total Carbon Footprint Analysis." IvyPanda, 22 Mar. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/businesss-total-carbon-footprint-analysis/.


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Business’s Total Carbon Footprint Analysis'. 22 March. (Accessed: 25 March 2025).


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