Challenges Faced by International Students at the University of Tampa Proposal Essay

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International students face various challenges when studying in English-speaking countries. Apart from the stress of being away from home and in an unfamiliar environment, they may also experience financial problems, cultural barriers, and language challenges, which impact their academic success. Although most universities welcoming international students try to provide support and guidance to help students adjust and excel in their learning, their efforts are often limited by their understanding of the students’ struggles. The present research proposal explains the need for studying the challenges faced by international students at the University of Tampa and outlines the research objectives and methodology for the proposed study.

Statement of Need

International students play a significant role in the United States higher education system. The tuition prices for overseas students are often very high, and thus they help to sponsor the future development of higher education in the country. Nevertheless, the challenges that international students face upon coming to the United States might affect their experiences and the future of international higher education in the country.

According to a study by Wu et al., it is difficult for international students to achieve academic success due to communication and language barriers (5). Moreover, they often experience social isolation and cultural challenges when coming to study in a foreign country (Wu et al. 6).

The University of Tampa seeks to attract and retain international students to raise profits and develop its education services, which is why it was used as the site of the proposed research. However, the approaches used by the university to support international students may be weakened by the poor knowledge of students’ cultural, academic, and social experiences. Therefore, there is a clear need for an enhanced understanding of international students’ struggles so that the University of Tampa could develop effective support mechanisms and strategies.

Research Objectives

The present research will seek to consider three key types of challenges faced by international students studying at the University of Tampa in Florida. Thus, the research objectives are:

  1. To outline and explain the social and cultural struggles of the international students studying at the University of Tampa
  2. To determine the financial challenges faced by the international students of the University of Tampa
  3. To identify the academic challenges related to language and learning experienced by international students of the University of Tampa

Based on these research objectives, the study will seek to respond to the following research questions:

  1. In what ways does the sociocultural background of international students impact their social functioning?
  2. What are the financial challenges faced by international students?
  3. What are the academic problems faced by international students about language and learning?


The research will use a qualitative methodology with interviews as the primary source of data. The qualitative research design was chosen because it provides additional insight into the participants’ perceptions and attitudes (Cooley 248). The study will recruit 20 to 30 students from the University of Tampa to interview them about their experiences. The responses will be subjected to theme analysis to uncover common ideas and concerns. The study will also draw on secondary research, such as journal articles and books on international students’ cultural adjustment, social interactions, and language learning. The University library, as well as Elsevier and Taylor and Francis databases, would be used to search for academic resources.


Overall, the research proposal identifies a clear need for the study to investigate international students’ experiences at the University of Tampa. The proposed study will seek to inform the strategy used by the university to support international students. Using a qualitative methodology will allow gaining valuable insight into the participants’ experiences and concerns, whereas the secondary resources will be utilized to recommend solutions.

Works Cited

Cooley, Aaron. “Qualitative Research in Education: The Origins, Debates, and Politics of Creating Knowledge.” Educational Studies, vol. 49, no. 3, 2013, pp. 247-262.

Wu, Hsiao-Ping, et al. “International Student’s Challenge and Adjustment to College.” Education Research International, vol. 2015, no. 202753, 2015, pp. 1-9.

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IvyPanda. (2021, July 6). Challenges Faced by International Students at the University of Tampa.

Work Cited

"Challenges Faced by International Students at the University of Tampa." IvyPanda, 6 July 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Challenges Faced by International Students at the University of Tampa'. 6 July.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Challenges Faced by International Students at the University of Tampa." July 6, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Challenges Faced by International Students at the University of Tampa." July 6, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Challenges Faced by International Students at the University of Tampa." July 6, 2021.

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