This will have a significant impact in overcoming biases that tends to rise in the process of identifying the gifted students. Teachers must also act as a catalyst in the learning of the gifted students.
They can read on the bus on their way to school, which may increase the time they dedicate to the analysis of the learning materials and help them to reflect on the topics of discussions. […]
The thesis statement for this study is: “online learning has positive impact on the learners, teachers and the institution offering these courses” Online learning or E learning is a term used to describe various learning […]
One of the causes of stress among high school students and college students is the difficulty in interacting with a completely new set of students and an even larger social group within the body of […]
This paper will look into some of the behaviors in students, reasons for the behaviors, the appropriate education programs, and interventions that can be applied to deal with the behaviors.
This paper includes a brief comparison of features of good and bad students in terms of achievements, performance, and their participation in extracurricular activities.
Thus, the ability of schoolchildren and students to learn effectively depends on the teacher’s capability to preserve the enthusiasm, which brought learners to their learning environment. Thus, the motivation of students to learn largely depends […]
Lack of adequate skills and knowledge are some of the reasons that lead to the loss of confidence by students. Teachers should evaluate their students in order to determine the most important teaching methods that […]
Indeed as the definition is rightly put, practicing our culture is akin to cultivating our lives, with the help of tools and symbols that the society has bestowed on us. Others are of the opinion […]
Before looking at the various methods of exam assessment, it is important to understand the major role that the assessment plays in the learning of the student.
In the opinion of this scholar, a student’s behavior is driven by the need for belonging, willingness to acquire power or freedom, and the desire to have fun. Another issue that should be discussed is […]
In addition, high school students should be advised that education and their careers are more important as compared to working at fast food restaurants.
Moreover, teachers and parents should ensure that the fear of failure among students is eliminated by helping them find solutions and alternatives to their mistakes so that they do not attribute their failure to the […]
He notes how crucial it is to keep in mind the following factors before commencing to read: the type of the assignment, the writer’s goals and interests, the strategies analyzed in the class, and the […]
One of the reasons for this is that being a student, a person is exposed to a lot of stressors and pressures on a daily basis, including an expectation to show excellent academic results, as […]
According to Martin, “society also advertises the image of individual and social happiness for alcohol and drug users; this misconception results in the societal decrease of achievement, especially, of high school age students”.
Due to stress, college students may experience such adverse outcomes as the decreased levels of cognitive functioning, the impaired ability to study, and, consequently, lower academic performance.
The chosen course proved a positive experience for students due to the achievement of an appropriate study atmosphere and the establishment of beneficial student-teacher relationships.
In its turn, this also implies that, in order for college students to excel in their studies, they must be willing to act in a thoroughly self-disciplined manner.
In Taneka’s case, the absence of directions and support serves as the primary obstacle toward the assessment of her skills and abilities that she will need to enroll in a college.
To have the real picture of the data flow system of the class attendance, it would be appropriate, to begin with, the highest level of the data diagram.
From this statement, I believe that students who are less advantaged compared to their rival students will tend to be jealous of their counterparts, both from the resources they have, to their unique capabilities to […]
The use of abbreviation and manipulation of the phonological sounds of words improves the imagination and creativity of students. One of the benefits of texting is that it improves academic performance by promoting the spelling […]
Thus, it is possible to note that his behavior was quite appropriate, as he did not do any of the inappropriate actions mentioned above. However, it is possible to note that he still revealed quite […]
Thus, basing the research on the theory of phonetic awareness, one can presume that the roots of low literacy rates are going to be found and that the most efficient means of improving literacy rates […]
Cooperative learning is the instructional utilization of group dynamics in the learning process, which enable the learners to work together in the effort of enhancing their own benefits as well as that of other students […]
Consequently, students should be allowed to pick the subjects which they are going to study together with the main one. Thus, students should be allowed to choose the subjects they need in accordance with their […]
The chosen data collection method was the semi-structured interview, as this method enables the researcher to elicit a lot of information and encourage the participants to share their views freely.
This partly arises from the wide range of differences in the types of intellectual disabilities, and differences in the range of impairment even among students suffering from the same type of intellectual disability.
Today, the low level of knowledge on general historical, political, religious, scientific, administrative, and world issues is typical for American college and university students.
One of the distinct characteristics of personal responsibility is the consciousness to fulfil personal promises. Students have to learn the art of personal responsibility in order to remain purposeful and focused.
Unfair and discriminatory treatment against Mexican American students has contributed to the increased number of school dropouts. The introduction of flipped classrooms has led to increased struggles and barriers to Mexican American students from low […]
One is that it enables the student to settle the bills and pay school fees. The amount of loans taken by students is reported to have decreased nowadays.
They further argue that the school time devoted to work offers the student less time to articulate the learning concepts and therefore negatively affect the academic performance.
The objective of this paper is to discuss the reasons why students must be required to attend class. Attending class practices is very significant because it gives room for a student to consult from the […]
Recognizing the cause and effect of stress in college students is an important aspect in college management and leadership as it will lead to a better understanding and development of the appropriate methods for intervention.
The issue is that students should be able to voice their opinion because of the freedom of speech. The problem is that the Internet and social media allow such points of view to be seen […]
In particular, it creates an opportunity to practice multiplication and division skills There are many situations in one’s daily life, professional skills, and hobbies where math, particularly multiplication and division, are important.
In order to elucidate the nature of the problem, it is crucial to discuss both sides of the question, including an ethical dimension, and suggest a way to reach a middle option.
The atmosphere in the classroom and particular features of the necessary instructional planning and assessment significantly depend on contextual factors which are aspects of the community and district’s development, features of the concrete school, and […]
The relationship between teacher and student should be one for the welfare of a student. It is also applicable to the students and the first amendment of the US constitution allows all the students to […]
The main research question for the study is how the implementation of technologies in the science course can affect the students’ enthusiasm related to learning the course topics.
Personal responsibility requires a person to acknowledge what one wants to achieve in college, understand the need to manage time effectively and wisely, between the outside and college life.
As a consequence of the termination or severe reduction of social connections and interactions, a person or social group is rejected by other people or social groupings, resulting in social isolation.
The availability and development of handheld devices facilitate mobile learning acceptance as a method to provide personalized, accessible and flexible learning.
At the same time, due to the existing “European standard of beauty”, which dictates that the closer a face is to having European features, the more attractive it seems, some individuals tend to find representatives […]
It is also important to review the context of the research, the literature related to the topic and problem, the area of focus and research questions, the intervention details, and the strategies of the data […]
The findings of the study will be used to assist students to see the importance of controlling their emotions and teachers to realize the need of integrating the components of EI into the curriculum and […]
The purpose of this systematic review is to investigate how stress management research techniques have changed in the PICOS framework and tendencies in stress levels and stress factors in the period of the last ten […]
It is quite remarkable that, according to the survey results, a lot of the students find the Chinese language and culture rather enticing, at the same time acknowledging that they do not like some parts […]
The article “Conflict management through the negotiations canvas: getting participants to understand” by Carrie Blair and David Desplaces explores how the use of the negotiations canvas, a visual tool for structuring and analyzing negotiations, helps […]
Student years are often associated with a great deal of pressure on the learners many of whom tend to experience elevated levels of stress and anxiety related to their academic performance and high demands of […]
For instance, the performance of learners who do not have all the required resources is compared with that of other learners who have the required resources to determine the extent to which availability of resources […]
Financially strapped retirees are also making a comeback into the job market and they could be a further hindrance to the chances of fresh graduates getting a job.
In the event of a need for some practical experience, there was some assembly of some equipment in a separate room such as a laboratory and the teachers together with the students engaged in the […]
It is important to realize that the learning environment is often challenging and may require the application and development of specific skills and competencies in order to experience success.
Yoga’s most major benefits are its capacity to relieve stress and exhaustion, to stimulate and revive, and to be used for anti-aging and calming treatment.
This report presents the findings of a study commissioned by the dean of the College of Business at Bayview University. The objective of the study is to assess the current ethical behavior of business students […]
The argument of the essay is about the effectiveness of education, attitude of students, and differences between the things taught at university and the ones that will be encountered in the real-life after graduation.
The specific problem surrounding the issue of depression among adolescents is the absence of timely diagnosis as the first step to depression management.
Some of the themes that I was able to deduce from the highlighted causes of misbehavior among students include medical issues, the desire to seek attention, seeking power, the need to revenge on a wrong […]
They need to review how they study to ensure they use methods that expose them to different perspectives that uncover more ideas related to subjects they are studying.
Proper support and guidance from my classroom professor will enable me to have enough rest. In the course of my education, various support systems would help me reduce mental anguish and improve my ability to […]
Such factors as discrimination by the other students, having to undertake a new syllabus as well as the general newness of the learning environment and the psychological imbalance that comes with it are greatly attributed […]
The registration process became more efficient due to the reduction in the number of registration staff because they are only tasked with the transfer of the students’ information to their respective departments.
It will provide the description of a scenario, describe assessment tools and procedures that would have been used in the similar case, and hypothesize on the functions of the target behavior based on the findings […]
Current research is aimed at the investigation of the relationship between the GPA and IQ of grade 9 students. The null hypothesis for the research is that there is no significant correlation between GPA and […]
This paper is about teaching for exceptionalities, and it involves the creation of a strong lesson plan for a disabled student as well as a reflective analysis of how the program impacts the educational achievement […]
So, the group of students had to come up with the ideas for the project by sharing their thoughts and encouraging one other. Hence, a teacher’s control and guidance should be clearly presented to the […]
The deductive approach of statistics is different from the inductive approach in that it aims at testing hypotheses instead of formulating theories, like is the case with the indicative strategy.
Of the total area of the land the city comprises about 15. Students’ prior learning experience comprises of the skills and knowledge a student brings to class that is relevant to the content prepared for […]
It is important to point out that the use of external sources can only amount to cheating if the students use external sources without the permission of their instructors.
However, even some of the students who retain a suitable connection to school take part in cheating. The majorities are found in public institutions and are a much diversified set of students.
These include economic conditions, the extent of the students’ success, and the effect of peer programs on International students in terms of their adjustment.
The wording of the SLO implies that during the assessment of achievements there should be a focus on the RN’s scope of practice and its learning principles.
Students who finance their own fees are more responsible than students who do not pay their fees. Students who pay their fees are always time cautious than students who do not pay fees.
The growing popularity of social networking and online communication has raised an issue of the influence of these activities on the daily performance of the individuals.
Popular movies created the attractive image of the college life for young people, but it is important to pay attention to the fact that the main purpose of entering the college for the majority of […]
Instructional issues that are encountered in education are those arising due to the inability of the students to acquire, maintain, and relate the skills that are learned in class to other settings within and outside […]
This is because, the students are able to attain some sense of flexibility and thus, they are able to seek life paths that are very different from their parent’s.
They reveal the learners’ progress in the course, certificate, diploma and degree programs and the level of experience in the places of work after the completion of their programs.
The study by Critcher and Ferguson, on the other hand, is a composition of seven pieces of research that support the concept of implicit and its role in self-control.
The study discovered a significant positive correlation between the quality of new friendships and adjustment to university; this association is more robust for students living in residence than those commuting to university. Friday and Adkins […]
The learner selects the most appealing academic projects and learnings to feature in the e-portfolio to showcase his or her ability to the supervisor and peers.
At the same time, Gage et al.added that the heterogeneity of findings is apparent as a considerable part of such students perform well, which was associated with the degree of restrictiveness that characterized the corresponding […]
These attributes reveal that the success of every learning process will depend on the nature of the environment. The second aspect that will influence the quality and nature of learning is the effectiveness of the […]
For example, these authors determined the links between the grade and physical activity the higher the grade, the greater the abandonment of physical activity.
Goals: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to differentiate between short- and long-vowel sounds in one-syllable words, as well as read such diphthongs as “th” and “ea” properly.
Judging the quality of a student’s practice turns out to be a relevant component of preparing future specialists since the mentor’s evaluation of the practitioner’s progress allows educational establishments to take a more objective approach […]
Teachers’ experiences are also considered by Razzak and Lamb who emphasize the necessity for school authorities to teacher understanding of the necessity to implement changes and their readiness to alter their practices.
However, the findings of researchers are usually incompatible due to the different definitions of parental involvement and, as a result, the use of different metrics for evaluation.
In many states of the United States of America, all students enrolled in high schools do a standardized test and must pass it in order to receive a high school diploma.
In another study conducted by Dick to assess the impact of students’ participation in extracurricular activities on student behavior, achievement, and attendance, the researcher found out that those students who took part in extracurricular activities […]
The network has enabled us to make computer simulations in various projects we are undertaking and which are tested by other learners who act as users of the constructed simulations.
Education enables student athletes to develop appropriate skills that they require to be independent and to succeed in academics. Although athletics forms a vital part of a student athletes’ life, it is vital to understand […]
This study was conducted in the form of a case study. In addition, this study was to address the reasons for enrollment of at-risk students in courses related to technology education.
Each technique has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it should be the function of the researcher to choose the technique that offers maximum benefits in the context that it is used in.
For the purpose of this report, there is also a discussion of some of the changes that have been observed in the past five years regarding the way students receive information and news.
Going by the research findings of the Finnish study, the author of this particular article does well to postulate that girls and boys react to school stress in different ways, but he is economical on […]
Following the existence of cases of racial and ethnic bias across the United States educational system, the government has seen the importance to intervene in improving education in the U.S.
Among the main shortfalls of taking marginal courses is the fact that such courses take a lot of time and thus they may make students fail to master the intricate details of their majors.
It is essential to find a solution to the hunger of the campus students. The policy funding may enhance the campus food distribution system available to students.
To accommodate and improve the ability of the student, I will utilize the use of skip counting, base ten methods, and expanded form technique, to teach the learner how to add two-digit numbers that require […]
The goal of this part is to give a thorough summary of the research on student motivation and its effects on behavioral and academic development in school.
This is due to the fact that the enormous debt of young people does not allow the country to develop economically. Another argument for this initiative is the provision of fair conditions for filing for […]
It is therefore imperative to evaluate how students’ compatibility with healthy eating is impacted by the cost of food and, ultimately, how this association affects their academic performance.
In the regression method, the test is based on the formula that is based on the relationship between the mean of Y against X.for the case of linear regression, the two are related in a […]
As a teacher is the fashioner of the young brains, there must be professional ethics to identify the rights and duties in the course of a dual relationship between teacher and student.
The goal of this study is to investigate the peculiarities of prejudicial and discriminatory treatment among students and explain their correlation with anxiety and depression.
Angelica was a first-generation college student and she was likely to identify with the plight of her immediate family. Angelica lacked the financial resources that could have alleviated most of her college-related problems.
Besides, sports are highly lucrative for colleges, and students whose labor brings the revenues should share the part of them not to lose the interest in such activities.
In the process of conducting the investigation, the prosecutor- and the entire investigative team- must realize that they are yet to prove the crime committed by the suspect.
A budget is one of the methods that a college student can use to save money. In the budget, one should indicate how much to save and the means of saving the money.
For instance, since it is based on contrasting the source language and the foreign language that students are learning, the method fails to recognize the importance of the first language in the process of foreign […]
There is a general tendency among students who work and study at the same time consisting in the fact that students tend to spend more time at work instead of devoting their time to studies.
The distance learners have been perceived to be enjoying a suitable environment of learning as opposed to the traditional classroom learners who experience high levels of stress.
On the one hand, school uniforms have to be mandatory in all LA schools in order to make students concentrate on their educative processes, and on the other hand, students may feel a kind of […]
In my opinion, tests are far from being a perfect way of learners’ evaluation due to their rigidity, the fact that they make cheating easier, and contribute to students’ stress.
The proposal looks at the personal experiences of a small group of international students living and studying in London, utilizing first-hand accounts of how they make sense of their university experiences abroad and integrate them […]
Consequently, to determine the existing examination system, the structure of the FSA exam and information from the Florida Department of Education proved to be essential in the conducted analysis.
In the education and training system of preschool children, an important place is occupied by play – the leading type of activity of the preschool period, creating the most favorable conditions for the mental and […]
Thus, the critical interest in this experiment is to determine the relationship between coffee consumption before exams and students’ own performance on those exams.
It constitutes the essential characteristic of the process since, due to its specificity, it is a deliberate interaction, as a result of which there are mutual changes in the behavior, activities, and relations of the […]
On top of that, a way of assisting in tuition fee is important as this will reduce the burden to the parents, who might choose to pull their children out of school instead.
One of the mounting crises in the educational system in the current world has been the problem behavior exhibited by certain students in the learning process.
It also provides a meta-analysis of the effects of the size of different journal articles, which have provided an analysis of computer use in learning.